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Kevin Greene Is Stepping Away From Coaching

Former Steelers Linebacker Kevin Greene has announced that he is stepping away from coaching. Greene has been the outside linebackers coach for the Green Bay Packers since 2009. During that time, the Packers linebackers were 4th in the league for total sacks.

Regarding his decision to step down, Greene said, “I am stepping away from the NFL at this time in order to spend more time with my wife, Tara, and our children, Gavin and Gabrielle. I will miss coaching and will try to return after our kids move on to college if a team will have me.”

Greene was a linebacker for the Steelers from 1993-1995. During that time, he amassed 35.5 sacks. The former outside linebacker is currently a finalist for the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The third straight year he’s been voted a finalist.

About Steve Alan

Steve, known by most as TTF, is owner of TheSteelersFans and administrator of the best Steelers message board on the net. Big fan of strong coffee and hardcore Steelers fan from womb to tomb.