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Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Blast Furnace, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. uncblue012

    uncblue012 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
    The Steelers blow out the Ravens without the unforced drops and win by 10-15 against Washington. Obviously, that's not how football works, but acting like the Steelers are trash because of it is a bit silly.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    You knew this was coming, first loss and the world would be ending.

    When you look at it objectively, the drops, injuries, even the horrendous call to allow Washington to kick that FG, Steelers would have easily won this game.

    But, that’s not how this one broke for them. They got the L and it’s on to Buffalo.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. groutbrook


    Oct 23, 2016
    At this point all the Steelers receivers seem to be interchangeable with one another. They're all performing about the same, except maybe JW.
  4. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016
    Why the Receiving Corps is so intent on making the big play as opposed to the catch is unreal. Thankfully, Tomlin had made it abundantly clear in today's Press Conference. His order was simple and clear;

    Catch the ball or get benched. No exceptions.
  5. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

  6. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    The Steelers lead the league with 34 drops :facepalm:
  7. dobbler-33

    dobbler-33 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    This L was coming and it's not the end all be all AT all! They keep up the same prescription drops or not and it will be a short lived exit the rest of the way and more so when it matters after getting into the dance. Even with injuries in tow this team has the talent to do some damage... They just don't seem to have the necessary foremen needed to put production into overdrive.
    • Like Like x 1

    STEELWARRIOR Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Drip,Drip. Drippity. Drop Drop!!!:hmm:
  9. pjgruden


    Oct 16, 2011
    I honestly don't understand how players can drop passes if they're within their range. Has anyone ever tried on a pair of gloves WRs use these days? I have no athletic ability, and I can become Jerry Rice with a pair of those gloves.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. mcam

    mcam Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
    We're on the same page. I basically was going to post exactly what you've been saying.

    DROPS is why the Steelers didn't win this game. I'm watching a recorded version now and it's obvious the number of key plays that were dropped.

    I said it during the match. Get James Washington more involved.

    Reward the guy that hasn't disappointed with drops. He's pretty good also and imo deserves more playing time.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
  12. uncblue012

    uncblue012 Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
    Absolutely, my friend. The Steelers have plenty to clean up but they're not all of a sudden a bad team. They're 11-1 and a rebound against a hot Bills team quickly changes the hater's narratives. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  13. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
  14. H-Bomb

    H-Bomb Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2012
    When a fish gets dropsy, trouble a brewing.
  15. Hawaii 5-0

    Hawaii 5-0 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2019
  16. SteelAU

    SteelAU Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2016
    DJ is their best 'get open' WR and Ben knows he needs him. He also can turn a short pass into a long gain bc of his quickness.

    But he does have the tendency to get his hands up late which makes it hard on these short passes to be consistent catching them.

    This offense also creates some of this problem, as we have seen the last 2 weeks, Ben has relied on these short passes to replace our lack of running for 3-6 yards to get us into favorable down and distances for Ben. But teams are figuring this out and simply (especially the Ends and Tackles) follow Bens short drop and get in his passing lane and bat them down.

    Its up to the OC and Ben to make this adjustment. As the announcer said in the Washington game, doesn't Ben need to maybe throw to the left more, as the end batted at least 3-4 balls on the right side as well as cause the ill fated INT killing our change to tie or win at the end.
  17. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    The Claypool and Washington drops weren't the easiest catches to make. DJ's were mostly easy. Ebron's were kindergarten level passes to catch.

    Washington is our most reliable and underrated receiver right now. He needs snaps.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. mytake

    mytake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2016
    Too many of the receivers are body catchers instead of hand catchers.
  19. mytake

    mytake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2016
    Ben needs to put the fake 2 step drop in, pump fake, drop a few more steps, and throw the ball intermediate or deep.
  20. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Judging on the last game, Claypool playing time has come at the expense of Washington getting on the field more.

    See if that continues but I don’t much like that. We’ve seen Claypool take games over.
  21. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    A lot of those drops are in big hitting areas with multiple defenders around ...I think the fear of the big hit keeps them from reaching out and it leads to them taking their eyes of the ball .. Ben carries some blame as well some of his throws are to hot some are to high and some are to low .. Ben is adding to the fear the WR'S have Coach T should have mentioned ball placement as well IMO ...

    I think guys will start catching it more ,but sadly someone will prbably get hurt if Ben hangs them out to dry ..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    I’d rather it come at the expense of Ebron, and DJ to a lesser extent. I know Ebron is technically a TE, but with his lack of blocking I don’t think any opponent views Ebron any differently than a WR when determining their defensive personnel on the field.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  23. Frost33

    Frost33 Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    I honestly think there is a certain level of complacency and laziness with this team when they were undefeated. Younger players easily fall into this when things are clicking. I preach to my team all the time "You play how you practice" and I guarantee there has been some messing around at practice and buying into their own hype at being undefeated. There was likely talk of winning the Super Bowl undefeated. They managed to beat the Ravens despite a poor performance only to fall to the WFT. Getting smacked in the mouth is a great wakeup call. Losing happens, it's how you respond to those losses that matters. Sunday night is going to tell us a TON about this team, especially the receivers. I believe this team has greatness in it and winning 11 games in a row wasn't a fluke. I expect them to respond in a big way on Sunday.
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