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Your favorite Steelers season without a Super Bowl?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Steelersfan43, May 8, 2024.

  1. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    I guess you haven’t been watching the franchise the last 14 years then because that’s exactly what we have become. The drive for .500!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    The thing you are not grasping is many times it’s a process. Of course the goal is to win it all but progress usually gets you there. The Steelers have not progressed for a decade they either barely miss the playoffs or get ***** slapped in the WC round. Winning a playoff game or two sets the stage for a few years to make a run. It also gives players a taste of what winning big games feels like and requires. Something a guy like TJ Watt has not a clue about.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    2020 was great until Thanksgiving

    2017 was great until they said Jesse didn’t catch that ball…he did

    2010 was great until Pouncey and Troy P were hurt.

    2004 was great.

    2001 promising

    1992 - Cowher’s first year. I wasn’t expecting playoffs or a good team, pleasant surprise.
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  4. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    why wouldn't I watch? We were above 500 last year. Doesn't make it successful. So you keep trying. We could be the browns. :cool:
  5. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016
    Not winning a playoff game for 7 years is a major problem...Big difference between that and be in the AFC title game 6 times in 15 years like Cowher.I mean the steelers are like one of the 10 teams in the NFL to not win a single playoffs game since 2017...I prefer to be in the AFC title game in some occasion that be one of the 10 teams to not win a playoffs game in the last 7 season,not even close...The ultimate goal is always the super bowl and this is what I want but I also understand that only one team per year wins the super bowl and it's so hard....But you can accomplish great thing in a year even when you don't win the super bowl...Like 2004 is always going to be a successful season for me, it was so fun to watch...I can say the same thing for 2010.If you are not happy about that,this is your problem,not me
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  6. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    No, only three. Kapp was the QB in 1969.
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  7. JAD

    JAD Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012

    Agree, not only best Steeler team of the decade, but I think Steeler best team they ever had. What was crazy about that season, I believe they lost their 1st four games, then went on a terror, with with 9 straight wins and 5 shutouts. Also saw one game where Lambert made 9 straight tackles in a row during one of their shutouts. They were amazing until the injuries set in.
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  8. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    Started 1-4 and the talking heads were all about the Super Bowl hangover.
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  9. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    I said Make it to the SB. That's why I still give props to Cam Newton(for that one year), Elway (for all those losses), same with Kelly, and so on. Just funny a guy that repeatedly says it's not all about SBs....then complains about winning one freaking playoff game.
  10. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    You mean like all the playoff wins KC had before they got Mahomes?? Playoffs are not a stepping stone. Otherwise Buffalo would have won a SB already instead of going backwards.....We would have won a SB after our last AFC loss, and so on. Only fans say....Man if We could only win a playoff game. Again....You win enough regular season games to make the playoffs, and then win to make the SB.......two things. There is no....We win one playoff game....then Two then and then three, and then SB. LoL
    Thats a fan thing....not a real football thing
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016
    My point,this is a great great accomplishment to make the AFC title game, so often, as it was the case for Cowher or other coach....Big difference between that and being one of the 10 teams without a playoff win since 2017 and having less of playoff wins than the Texans since 2011
  12. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    1976. The train unfortunately got derailed with injuries.

    1994: Although bitter sweet with a crushing loss to the Chargers.
  13. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Yes, but winning in the playoffs can give a team a measuring stick for what they have to work for to get it done the next year.

    At this point, the Lions can either rest on their laurels or dig in and try to get to the next level. The difference between this year and last is, they have confidence and knowledge of what more they must do.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016
    And nothing is guarenteed but at least,it gave you a chance!...This is what I want at this point,a chance to be a true contender.It did not happen for the steelers since the 2017 season

    The problem for the Bills were the chiefs....3 of the last 4 seasons in fact
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    See You keep saying that....yet how many SBs have the Texans won....Browns have more playoff wins....how many SBs....I could do this all day. Just because You win a playoff game doesn't mean You will win more the next year. It doesn't work this way.
    I can give thousands of examples if I wanted to type them all out.
    Again...for Regular season = you win enough to make the playoffs (then that is a good regular season.
    Playoff = You win enough to make the SB(if not ...it's a bad playoff run). There is no participation trophy for winning 1 playoff game, or 2 playoff games. Again only fans say this stuff.
  16. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    If You make the playoffs....You have as much chance as someone that wins one playoff game, or even two playoff games. Why is this hard to get. Once you make the playoffs.....you either make the SB , or not.....again.....I can give thousands of examples of teams making it deep in the playoffs, and never making a SB....that year....the next year....the year after.., and some never. Having won one playoff game has no bearing on whether You make the SB the following year, or not. If there was a stepping stone in the playoffs from year to year....the SB match up would be way different throughout history.
    Again this is not a shot at You....I just Don't understand it ....because I won't be happy with one win in the playoffs, or just two....once we make the playoffs the only way I'm happy is if we make the SB.
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
  17. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    Well you must be one unhappy guy then
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    While I was reading the headline and contemplating before clicking and reading the first post I was struggling with an answer.

    Was it 2016 when we lost to Denver because AB got knocked the F out? Or when things finally looked very possible again with the killer B’s but our defense and game scheme shat the bed against the Jags and let Blake Bortals put up 45 effing points in us? Or maybe it was the year where I actually believe we were the best team in the NFL even with Kordell Stewart playing really damn good as our QB; only to lose in a mysteriously embarrassing way just after the tuck rule to Brady.

    No, of course not. It was 2014 when our new rookie QB was thrust into action and started winning from the get go. I was excited to see new blood even if Alan Fanaca wasn’t.

    I’m convinced that we were spy gated in that Kordell game AND Ben’s rookie season in the playoffs and only Bill Belicheat could ever prove it. Or the camera man. I am NOT normally one of these CONNEDsperacy kooks, but in this instance I just feel it in my bones. I know those dirty bastards did it. I’m SOUR!
  19. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    I read this as Steeler not Steelers seasons.

    Was going to go with Kirkland! :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
  20. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016
    You think the 2021 steelers had a chance?
  21. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    Ahh yes, I remember the 1058 Steelers season. Was that when Plato and Socrates were the wide receiver double threat?
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 3
  22. BigBensBigBong

    BigBensBigBong Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2014
    Ok, here is my serious reply.

    I think the question should have been: What was your favorite (non super bowl win) season until we got knocked out of the playoffs?

    My answer: 1995 until the moment O`Dummy threw the second pick that essentially ended the game.

    I liked the attitude of Kevin Greene and crew. Sort of a happy-go-lucky type of feeling. We really had no business reaching the Super Bowl. We were just the AFC survivors.

    In the pre-game moments we saw Greene greet his wife and she pounded his shoulder pads to pump him and the team up. It was fun.

    I was strangely relaxed, probably because I had the same feeling as described above. We were pretty good, but this was a freebie and we were the underdog. No expectation to win, but at the same time realizing we had a chance because we were solid.

    Very enjoyable year until....
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
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  23. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    As much as anyone in the playoffs not named KC.
    Once you make tge playoffs You have a chance. Look at 2005.....nobody.....I mean nobody gave us a chance to go into Cincinnati, and win, Indy, and win, and then Denver, and win. If we weren't ever making the playoffs I could see the point, but we are. We made the playoffs with KFP, Trubisky, and Mason as our Qbs, a completely depleted safety position, a completely depleted LB position, went 5-1 in a division that many said we would be last in, and all I hear is how bad the coaching is. LoL You , and I dang well know if it was another team....with all that happening.....they would praise the coaching for making the playoffs.....yet many of our fans say the coaching sucks. LoL
  24. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
  25. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016

    some playoffs team are much better that the others....I mean in 2005,they were the 6th seed but they were much much better that a 6th seed,they were even the favorite against the bengals....They were 11-5 that year and they had a very strong december....The 2021 steelers are likely the worst playoffs team in steelers history

    For last year,look,yes the QB play were bad for much of the year and yet they finish at 10-7,good for a playoffs spot,but they were lucky like crazy....9-2 in one score game,outgained in every game in yards in the first 10 games,OC fired after 10 games(1 year too late)...It was not a good team....They also face 4 backup QB in divisionnal games in the second half of the season,face the ravens backup on the road in the final week in a must win game,etc...It was not a good team and I hope they will be much better in 2024 on both side of the ball
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