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Why no love for Coach T???

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by slickster10, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I think some wonder how someone can dislike the man so much? He's a good coach, a stand up guy, and is pretty funny to listen to. Not saying this is the reason but I've known a few people that didn't like him because of his skin color which is really stupid. I actually stopped talking to a friend of mine because he wouldn't stop talking about that.
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  2. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    this is just one reason I don't care for the man

    this was poor judgement and a classless act
  3. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015

    I don't care what color he is
  4. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Like I said I wasn't saying that is why
  5. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015

    I was just pointing out I don't care about his color
  6. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015

    I just can not condone this kind of conduct,,,I know a lot of people thought it was funny,,but a HEAD COACH SHOULD NEVER PULL A STUNT LIKE THIS
  7. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I agree with you there but I still found it pretty funny. I may have been more outraged had it not been the Ravens.
  8. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    if it had been the other way around and their coach had pulled this on the Steelers,,,,, HOW WOULD YOU HAVE FELT THEN
  9. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Oh I would not have found it as funny but as long as the Steelers still scored I would have gotten over it.
  10. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Now if Hairball stepped out and Brown dropkicked him I would have been on the floor from laughing.

    Edit: I'm kinda hoping that happens now.
  11. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    I guess my problem is I hold the player coaches and owner to a very high standard,, and some one messes up oh they may stay with the team but I hold their transgressions against them and they fall of their little pedestal
  12. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I used to be like that but then I realized at the end of the day I realized they were just people and people screw up.
  13. grayghost668

    grayghost668 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015

    I'm 59,,,it is a little late to start changing the way I look at tings
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  14. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Fans always say Cowher's players it's not like he picked these players on his own, he had two good GMs and a good scouting department to help him.
  15. BigSteel

    BigSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    We will see in a few days
  16. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    The organization needed somebody who was pragmatic, enthusiastic and someone who could manage a game and win more then they lose. I think we have accomplished that with Tomlin. Pretty sure there are more benefits or accolades to support Tomlin but that is a start.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. BowlsOfSteel

    BowlsOfSteel Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    Thanks for that! I think there is a reason he nearly doubled the wins to his losses. And don't tell me about Cowher's team or Ben.
    There are Coaches that have a franchise QB or inherited a good team and don't have his stats.
    I remember Hines saying: "every season not winning it all, is a lost season". I think it's the right approach, but there are 31 other teams trying to win it as well. Do you really know how much the Patsies would have won, without any cheating, in case there is one?
  18. MadtownDruankard

    MadtownDruankard Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2015

    You are reaching back to Dan Marino do defend MT's lack of playoff wins with a HOF QB a the helm? Seriously? First of all the game was a lot different back in he 80's/90's. The Dolphin's were one dimensional and if you watched Shulla's teams you'd agree with me that Shulla's best years were not the 80's and 90's. Back then it was possible for teams to stack talent. In today's league...in which the rules are stacked in favor of the QB - most if not all teams are the same talent wise with the exception of a few play makers - #1 obviously being the QB. Just look at the best QB's around the league. They usually win... and if they don't the coach gets fired.

    Good coaches win playoff games when they have great QB's. Maybe a fluke off year once in while but in today's NFL anything less should not be acceptable. Unless you are ok with an average at best coach? I think it's a fair expectation .... If you are a good coach you will win playoff games.. If you are a good coach with a great QB then there's just no excuse for you to NOT win playoff games. If you don't live up to that standard then you are NOT a good coach. I don't care who you are talking about. Take the emotion out of it and I think you will have a hard time saying Mike Tomlin has been remotely good over the last 5 seasons. I'm not bashing I'm just making a fair assessment based on the QB we have and the win/loss record since we lost to the Packers in the SB. Why so many are ok with the fact we have not won a playoff game in 5 years is beyond me. We don't have injuries to blame this on. Oh and BTW Ben has not been the only good player on our team the last 5 years.
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Not remotely good for the last 5 years? No, I don't agree. He had back to back 8-8 seasons sandwiched between two 12-4 seasons and a 11-5 season. And its been four years, 5 years ago they were in the SB.

    I also didn't realize there was a stature of limitations on elite QB's/coaches to use as an example. I dont agree with your reasoning about that either. I used Marino as an example because he is one of the best to ever play the game and Shula is a HOF coach. So you think Shula just became a bad coach in the 90's or maybe because his 80's teams were a lot more stacked? I know which answer Im choosing. Same deal with Tomlin, the team clearly got old and talent level dropped way down. He brought them back to 11-5 last year and I'll be shocked if they don't win a playoff game this year probably would have gone deeper into the playoffs last year had Bell not been hurt. Tomlin is in the midst of putting together a very good team. Playoff wins will follow and hopefully some more SB's.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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