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Who is Steeler Nation pulling for.. the ratbirds or the cheatriots?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by cajunyankee, Jan 14, 2013.

Who are you pulling for?

Poll closed Jan 19, 2013.
  1. Ratbirds

  2. Cheatriots

  1. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Choosing between the Pats and Rats is like choosing between a hammer to the thumb or a baseball bat to the shins.

    Don't want the Niners to win number six so...

  2. HinesWardHOF

    HinesWardHOF Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011

    definitely.. i think 99% of us are rooting for the falcons but the questions is this week ravens or pats.. i took the pats as much as i hate them.. but to have an all harbaugh SB... can u imagine ESPN for a week.. unwatchable ..

  3. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I think I must be the 1% on here. Man I hope I don't get bumped in to a higher tax bracket. LOL.
  4. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Where is the ,"None of the above", option????
    Somebody`s gotta win it, and Atlanta is the only team that could win it without making me sick to my stomach,
    Although, even that, requires me to forget that they had a dog killing qb, in recent history.
    The only reason I would pull for them over San Fran, is past history, also...
    They had their run of 4 SB`s...
    Don`t want them to get closer to 6...
    Actually, their defense has been pretty Damn good this year, but...
    It just ain`t right!!!
    There really is no team left that I want to win it all!!!
    Thanks for disapointing me, this year, Stillers!!!
    I`ll be back next year, hoping you can remember how to play football the way that has made me root for you all my life!!!:herewego!::steelflag::herewego:
  5. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    If the 9ers win they won't just get closer to 6 they will actually HAVE 6. I want us to be the greatest with no equals so I just can't pull for them even though I REALLY like the franchise and have since I was a kid. Frank Gore is just an absolute BEAST and I would kill to have him on our team.
  6. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    If the 9ers win do I have to take my "STEELERS have 6....How many Yinz have?" decal off my JEEP?

    I think so! Go Falcons!!!!!!!
  7. antennaman1969

    antennaman1969 Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    Personally, I'm rooting for a meteor shower at Gillette Stadium. A win-win for black-and-gold fans everywhere!
  8. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    I just couldn't click a vote. I just can't...
  9. blitz_burgh


    Nov 15, 2011
    You don't like the way they play football really? They are on their way to their 6th Superbowl in 12 years. The Ravens if they make it to the superbowl will have been their twice in 12 years. I would bet that you would rather the Steelers be in 6 Superbowls over 12 years then 2.
  10. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I don't want Brady to have as many rings as Bradshaw. Iv'e been thinking, Brady and Belicheat might be getting what they deserve...a Superbowl loss to pair with each Superbowl they cheated in. What goes around comes around.
  11. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    The Patriots sort of remind me of the 70s Cowboys: a finesse team. The Patriots (and Belichick) don't play football as a sport, they play it as a game of chess. Their number one objective isn't winning a title; it's actually showing everyone in the world how smart they are. It's the most arrogant football team/organization I have ever seen.
  12. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Not to nitpick, but it would be 6 in 11 years.
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Their #1 goal is winning SB's, football is a game of chess, you need to out think you're opponent and think several moves ahead and they happen to be very good at it. They are one of the smartest organization in the sport and have one of the best coaches and QB to ever play the game. Yeah, I know all about the cheating but unless they have figured out a new way to cheat, they are still winning the division every year and make regular appearances at the SB.
  14. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    But I do understand what 12 is saying. In a nutshell, the Pats are a finess team and the Steelers are a power team. Polar opposites (thats partly why Im more inclined to go for the Ravens).
  15. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I know, I just can't do it, I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't :frustrated:
  16. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011

    Problem is, they have been the most dominant team in football over the past seven seasons and have nothing to show for it. Trying to beat teams like Buffalo and Tennessee 56-7 in October only hurts their chances of beating playoff teams in January. Why? They repeatedly show their hand and leave nothing in the tank for the post-season. Case in point: the Julian Edelman end-around for a TD against Indy, late in the 4th, up by about 20. What was the point of that? Of course they want to win a Super Bowl, but only on their own terms. They lost to the Giants in SB XLII mostly because they refused to adjust (or were incapable of it). It was stubborness unbound. So it goes back to the point: it's not so much about winning that trophy as it is winning that trophy to show everyone how brilliant they are and setting the world on fire in the process.
  17. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I second that notion.
  18. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    GO FALCONS. I can't stand any of the other teams.
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    That makes no sense to me, they should win it on someone else's terms? I wish we had some of that in us, I wish we could kill teams like the Pats do, they put their foot on your neck and don't let up until the gun sounds. They lost to the Giants because the Giants matched up great against them, they have a killer pass rush, they rattled Bradys cage. I think your bias is showing through, you don't like them and that's fine, I don't like them much either but I don't feel any of what you are saying is true, but that's JMO.
  20. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    I like the way the birds play football!!!! I LOVE the Steeler/Raven games as it the way Football should be played. I feel like Mike Ditka (bears HC ) a few years back in a post game interview when he was saying what a great game, people hitting,snot flying, win or lose what a great game... I know I misquoted and wish a talented member would post that video.... needless to say on those games I'm soooo hyped I feel more alive than normal.

    I also really like Rice. There's NOTHING I like about the paties!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised the poll is as close as it is but then again it is a painful poll.

    PS. A Raven Falcon SB would be nice.... I like Ryan and Gonzalez..... Go Falcons...... but then again beating the SB Champ twice next year would be nice too!!

  21. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    We're a power football team and the Pats are a finesse team? Maybe 5 years ago, that sure as hell isn't true anymore. We're just as much about finesse as they are, if not more so. We have tiny WR's who are scared of contact. We had a tiny RB in Rainey who was scared to return the ball after taking a few big hits. We aren't a power team anymore. When it's 3rd and 1, the Pats have no problem lining up and running right at their opposition with Ridley. We haven't been able to do that in a long time.

    Don't kid yourselves, we're not the same physical team we used to be. The Pats are no more finesse than we are, they just do it better.
  22. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I can't believe there are 30 Steeler fans rooting for the Rats :facepalm: I've been a Yankee fan all my life and not once have I ever heard a Yankee fan say..."I'm rooting for the Redsox!" This is no different, rooting for the Ravens is just such a foreign concept to me. Yeah, I respect them too but never in a million years will you ever catch me rooting for them. The thought of them winning a SB is nauseating and every game they win is one step closer to completing that goal. So please, NE, kick the crap out of them!!!
  23. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011

  24. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Couldn't agree more. I think a lot of is jealousy though. People can't stand cheering for the Pats purely out of jealousy. That's just my opinion though. I can't imagine ever cheering for the Ravens, just like I can't imagine ever cheering for the Yankees (I'm a Blue Jays fan, and I hate your stupid Yankees with a passion). As a Leafs fan, I also could never cheer for the Ottawa Senators or Montreal Canadians. I don't understand cheering for your biggest rival. I want the Ravens to remain a competitive team or the rivalry between them and us will die (just like the Browns rivalry isn't even really a rivalry anymore), but I don't ever under any circumstances want them to go further in the playoffs than us.
  25. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    exactly my thinking while i wouldn't mind the rats becoming the browns

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