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what's your favorite game day tradition/superstition??

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by deebs11, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. deebs11

    deebs11 Active Member

    Nov 26, 2011
    For me, always have the black troy p jersey on, terrible towel resting on my left shoulder(when not waving it),and 3 other terrible towels placed in the same spot strategically throughout the room
  2. mogadiba

    mogadiba Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Aside from the outfit (Superbowl XL Troy jersey, towel, shoes), every season I come up with a new game-day breakfast item. Most of the games are on at 10 am out here, so it's wake up, cook breakfast, head to the bar. So you can see why a good breakfast is important, followed immediately by a bunch of beer. Couple years ago,it was those canned biscuits. Next season I moved up to homemade biscuits. This past season it was bacon. That didn't work out too well, so I gotta come up with something new next year.
  3. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    hang the steelers flag for everyone to see outside and then eat and drink all we want to
  4. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    It's odd. If we're on offense, I need to hold onto a ball. If on defense, I'm clutching the TT with both hands. Most of the rest are so common I won't bother listing them.
  5. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I have to forgo any pre game food like buffalo wings or whatever really. Anytime I get food to sit down and watch the game, they lose :frustrated:
  6. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Pace, Pace, Pace....
    Is it time for the damn game yet?!?!
    Drink, yell, watch game...
    Commence waiting for next game...
    Pace, Pace, Pace...
    (Lotta pacing to go, before August/Sept....)LOL
  7. SteelYourPoints

    SteelYourPoints Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Clutching my TT on away games and not even holding it at home games. When I do that they lose. I think my Towel is bipolar (No offense intended)
  8. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    I'm on the west coast too so:
    1) put out the flag! (can only fly it on game days.)
    2) drink coffee out of Steelers cup. (once the schedule comes out, I have to use a steelers cup on every day we have a game, Mon., Thurs.........)
    3) put on Ben jersey, but only just before kickoff, Steelers hat and TT over my left shoulder. Once the game starts, the towel has to be in my hand at all times.
    4) Put my hands on the dogs' heads (Rocky is the defensive dog, Casey is the offensive dog) and say GOOOOOOOOO STEELERS do the same with my wife 'cause she's the special teams *****! (Her words, not mine.)
    Other than that, I'm completely normal. :tease:
  9. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    The one thing that we do is during the game, my twin sister and I stand. I have no idea why buy it doesnt seem to matter where everyone else is sitting as long as we are standing. On a side note, I have the giant 10 foot inflatable guy and he was out for the Super Bowl we lost against the Pack. I decided, stupidly, to put him out for opening day against the Ravens. When it became clear we were going to get blown out, I went outside and unplugged it, kicked it in the head multiple times (ask my daughter who was sitting in the driveway), and threw it at the bottom of the stairs where the thing stayed until about two weeks ago. It is now in the attic and will never see the light of day again. :)
  10. TheWanderer

    TheWanderer Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    i'm like you.

    i have to stand. too much nervous energy. whatever sports bar i'm at, it's all about standing near the bar and having one corona per quarter and if anything bad ever goes wrong, whatever i'm wearing/doing/eating/etc will be removed forever.

    the worst thing i've ever done in relation to my superstitious ways? i broke up with a girl that i REALLY liked a couple years ago. she was stunning, successful, eleven years younger, head over heels for me . . . it was a slam dunk. but i dated her during that brutal stretch in '09. losses to kc and the raiders (at home!). we watched our first game together that year and it was a brutal loss to one of those teams. we watched each week and it kept getting worse and worse. i told her about it too. i was like, "yeah, you can't watch any games with me." the more we lost i just considered her to be kim basinger in The Natural and, naturally, i had to cut ties and ended it with her but i thought i'd give it one more shot so i flew her all the way from the west coast to attend a steelers game and fix the problem. the night before the game we went to a charity dinner at heinz where i bid on, and won, field passes for the bengals' game. we lost that game in one of the most boring games i've ever suffered through. i think it was like 13-9 or something. broke up with her after we returned home. the next week, mike wallace caught the game-winner against the pack validating my decision.

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