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We lost because of the D line

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Badboy212, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Badboy212

    Badboy212 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    After watching the playoffs to this point I can see why we are where we are today and what lead to this. The issue had been our D line. Watch the teams left and look at how their D line controls the line and the flow of a game. You need not ask why we only had 15 takeaways when you realize the D line couldn't cause pressure at any point this year. I realize the Texans run a 4-3 but does anyone notice the pressure they generate in a game? They get takeaways and sacks because they get to the QB. It's not the 3-4 we run and a lack of execution but rather the lack of the three lineman even getting close to getting over the line of scrimmage. I've liked Keisel and Hampton but they are nowhere near where starters need to be. Heyward has potential but Ziggy has shown very little and appears to be average at best. My thoughts are we need a new D line ASAP or next season may have a twin
  2. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Very true. The disruption the D Line causes impacts every aspect of the rest of the defense. Consistent pressure helps take the load of the pass d, opens the road for the LB's, and increases the likelihood of picking up a TO. Not to mention, our run D was awful this year.
  3. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Nope. We lost because we were out coached on both sides of the ball. We didn't score enough points on offense and we have plenty of weapons.

    On the defense side we were out coached as well. The QB option was talked about all week and LeBeau even spoke of it. Yet they ran it effectively. LeBeau was so worried about the run he kept 9.10 & 11 in the box all game even after it was clear to every avg fan Ike couldn't cover his man 1-on-1. Adjustments= zero. Come overtime he repeated the poor play calling resulting in a loss.

    Having a banged up DL Hurt and would have been devastating vs. Balt or NE. Tomlin says the standard is the standard. Then maybe he should back-up his words and adjusted the coaching to fit the players taking the field.

  4. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    nope we lost because they scored 29 points and we scored 23
  5. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    they happen to run a 3-4 also. :cool:
  6. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    The steelers draft players for the dline to be two-gap players. What they need to do is draft dlineman that can rush passer.

    Then bring in someone to teach our current dlineman how to rush the passer. If you ever watch them, they have no pass rushing ability at all. They just stand there hand checking with the offensive lineman.

    Why so many teams have designated pass rushers and we don't? Even if we draft a linebacker like Maybin, that comes in just to rush the passer and give Woodley and Harrison a break. If they don't get to the quarterback no one else does.
  7. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    in a 3-4 D the linemen are run stuffers and guys who eat up blocks on passing plays.In a 3-4 your OLBs are your main sack guys! Give me 3 Aaron Smiths on a 3-4 D line.
  8. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Don't the Texans run the 3-4? I'm almost positive they do.
  9. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    As I understand the concept of the 3-4 dlinemen being run stuffers...other 3-4 teams have defensive linemen that rush the passer. Either they are starters or they rotate them in. Give me 3 Bruce Smiths on a 3-4 d line. :-D
  10. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    I believe they do. And their 2 leading sack guys were Barwin and Reed both OLBs.
  11. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Good point Mr. Smith was a VERY good pass rusher in the 3-4!!! Exception to the rule.
  12. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Yes they do.
  13. va.STEEL

    va.STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    hindsight will always be 20-20
  14. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Yes they are primarily run stuffers however when they only blitz four(3 DL and one LB) then they cease being run stuffers and must become pass rushers. They have to get some kind of pressure and collapse the pocket. This is where Hood is weak when he can't beat a one on one block. In the olds days Hampton required the dbl team, Smith or Kiesel can beat one on one blocking meaning you had to DBL team one of them and then that leaves a tackle to handle the blitzing LB or when Lebeau was really creative he blitzed the LB off the same side as Smith and they singled up Smith and he would collapse the pocket and flush the QB out into a sack. Right now the current DL can't collapse the pocket and apply pressure in pass rushing situations and that is why opposing QB's have more time to dissect the coverage.
  15. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    In Smith and Hampton's prime together they would push the packet back so far that they would account for a few sacks or int's a game on their own. We didn't get that form our line all season.
  16. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I have been saying this for years, you must generate a pass rush
    somehow whether it be from your LB or DL. QB are just to accurate now
    and the league has given all the advantages to the offense and this why you see
    Arena ball. ATTACK!
  17. BK99

    BK99 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Is it a coincidence that Ziggy Hood is now a starter and the run defense was the worst it has been in a long time? I really liked him but now I see him as an acceptable back up, as he never gets any push, he doesn't close his gap and he can't take on his man enough to get extra attention and help the LBer get free. The line is supposed to eat blocks and let the LBers come free to the QB, Smith, Hampton and Keisel were able to do a great job at maintaining their gaps yet still get push and keep the QB from being able to step up and instead he would have to move outside the pocket and that is were the LBs were so dangerous. Watch some game tape, at the snap of the ball Ziggy is locked on his man and goes nowhere, like a big stand off on the line of scrimmage, so he either better spend some more time in the weight room or spend more time learning technique because rght now it isn't good, especially with the CBs this team has, they need to generate pressure and stop the run, the CBs need the safety help and if you don't believe this is what is happening then take a look who the leading tackler is...Ryan Clark, a safety and the season before when the team gave up an average of 69 rush yards a game the leading tackler was Timmons, that alone speaks volumes.
  18. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I can't blame Ziggy for all this just yet when the guy on both side of him weren't playing to their normal levels all year. Hampton is washed up and Woodley was injured all year.

    Heyward needs to start. 1st rounders need to play and have an impact on your team.

    I would love for Ziggy to be our NT, put Heyward on the left and Keep Keisel on the right.
  19. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Give me 4 mean joes on a 4-3 and we never lose.

  20. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    I would love for us to sign FA Paul Soliai from Miami, He's our NT, Hampton is gone. This move alone would greatly increase the play of Ziggy and Keisel and Heyward and solidify our DL. He's 28 with 5 yrs exp.

  21. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Bruce was just a freak. Though he spent most of his career as a 3-4 DE his last years in DC was as an 4-3 DE. He was the kind of player who could play no matter what the scheme was. Put him on the line as just say GO!!!!!!

  22. Badboy212

    Badboy212 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I put the wrong info down. The twxans do run a 3-4 BUT the other day I noticed they were suing a 4-3 on some downs. JJ watt is an absolute beast, and their D line is in on every play. IF we even had anything at all the d would have been better than it was. Im sorry but I dont look at all the stats that show as the #1 D in the league as those are numbers only and at times dont equate to actually play. If we had a D line Denver would have been different. The Pats came after Tebow b/c they could get close to him. Next year there will be wholesale changes on this team and I am betting Hampton and Kiesel are part of that.
  23. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I'm not familiar with the Texans, but I don't think they have a true NT on their defense?
  24. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    They run a hybrid 3-4 that utilizes the talent they do have. They had Mario Williams at OLB but he could easily switch to end and put his hand on the ground. They were really trying to get them most out of every player and position and it was an impressive turn around for them defensively.
  25. Steverycher

    Steverycher Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Anyone who disagrees with the initial post of this thread is in serious denial. The inability to generate pressure from the point of attack is the single most reason we struggled all season to generate takeaways. The Denver game was an extreme (an maybe unfair) example of this since we lost both Keisel and Hampton. But if you watched the majority of our games, you have to admit, our pass rush this year was not that great. Our 3-4 defensive philosophy is built on stopping the run first and foremost and we draft lineman who fit that scheme. If they also bring to the table an ability to pressure well up the middle, it's a bonus. We saw a combination of aging veterans, a green rookie and a guy who has really not hit his stride yet.

    The state of our defensive line is my single biggest concern heading into 2012. I know we had statistically, the #1 defense this season, but do you really think this was the best defense? Yards allowed is not the only important stat as this season has shown. Takeaways are just as important. We were not opportunistic at all. This defense could not generate turnovers because the opposing QB's were too often sitting back in the pocket comfortable. Did you see the Texans? 49ers? The Giants this weekend? All of those teams generated initial pressure from their D-line and it created five turnovers from the Saints, took down the Packers and damn near took down the Rats.

    I watched all of the games this weekend closely and came to a realization that we have a serious deficiency in our defensive line. I also noticed that most other teams manage the clock quite a bit better than we do, but that's for another thread. :hehehe:

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