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Way in Troy P. input of late.

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by bmocare4, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. bmocare4

    bmocare4 Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    Q. Has Troy's play of late being a non factor or has D coach changed the way he is being used...Way in please!!!
  2. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Troy is not the same player. Not saying the way he is being used hasnt changed but that is strictly because he is a fraction of the player he used to be. I am the biggest Troy fan out there but he is a non factor and other teams are starting to catch on to that as well unfortunately.
  3. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    We are so spoiled with Troy. Just waiting for him to make a play. As I was watching the game yesterday I was thinking Troy this is your time to make a play. He did absolutely nothing. It might be the way Lebeau is using him to protect him until we/if we make the playoffs. But he is out there as a shell of his former self.
  4. lovembig

    lovembig Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    that would imply that their coaches actually are capable of making changes. they are the worst game adjustment coaches the Steelers have had in a long time.

    Troy is a non factor because what made him great was his instincts and speed. neither one of those are present right now. if he does not regain either he will be a non factor for this team and they need to find his replacement this off season.
  5. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I hate to say this, but if Troy can't make a splash play, we are almost better off with Will Allen back there. You can predict where he is going to be, you can't do that with Troy. That used to help us, but this year...I haven't seen the benefit.

    If DL is saving him for the playoffs....time to take the gloves off. We need the wins to MAKE the playoffs. 2 games at home to end the year....awesome.
  6. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
  7. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    I love Troy. You can't hate the guy. I hate the injuries that he gets. But, it's sad to say, but I think we need to move on. He is tying up a lot of cap room.
  8. VA_Black&Gold

    VA_Black&Gold Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
  9. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
  10. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    there are several guys that make alot and are not getting it done. woodley is another. non factor for nearly a year now, going into last year. larry foote gets pushed 9-10 yards downfield before he finally makes the play. not once but twice in the dallas game. same problem he's always had. one good play 5 bad plays. there are several guys that fall under this catagory.:cool:
  11. FeedTheMachineFTM

    FeedTheMachineFTM Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    Troy was great!! All great players time comes to an end ,,insert Troys name now..
    Anybody scratch their head when they seen him literally jump over the guy instead off making the tackle ???
  12. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
  13. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Troy is done....we need the next troy.....if there is one out there
  14. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    I wouldn't be surprised to see Troy gone after this season. We're paying him waaaaaaaaaaaay too much money to dress up like Duce Staley for half the season and give next to nothing in terms of production for the other half. I'm not even sure what that attempted decapitation of a Dallas receiver near our own five-yard-line was yesterday. He didn't try to drive through the player's knees like Troy generally does. He tried to leap over the receiver and grabbed at his head? Is he worried about injurying himself again?

    With that said, I'd give Troy 2013 to step up or step out.

    Same for James Harrison. These past two years, pretty much the same could be said for JH.
  15. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    He did miss the one tackle where he inexplicably jumped over the ball carrier. I kind of think that he was going for a strip. Other than that play Troy and Timmons were the only players wrapping up on tackles. There were ALOT of missed tackles by our defenders. He can still make plays and adjust to his diminishing skill-set. Dumping on Troy after this loss is unfair IMO.
  16. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I was just going to point that out! What was that??? He just leaped over him for no reason. This team is killing me, they all do the stupidest crap.
  17. truckin9999

    truckin9999 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Troy missed over half of the season. There isn't one player that wouldn't need a few games to get into football shape. Practice doesnt simulate the game enough, for this to happen. That's one of reasons for pre-season. Because of the time missed, Troy is back at square one. Troy will never be what he once was. But he is better then most.
  18. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    it's about more than just this game. are these guys paydays really worth the few games or few plays they are making anymore? do we lose guys like lewis that are making plays this year because we have old players that still make a play once every 6-7 games because we can't afford to keep him with the overpaid salaries and what someone did in the past?:cool:
  19. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    It might be a little of both. I saw Troy as the lone safety deep in the center a couple times last night. When he had to react his speed just wasn't there though...
  20. FeedTheMachineFTM

    FeedTheMachineFTM Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    I agree,it is unfair ,,but you have to admit he just not the same guy that we remember ,,flying around everywhere and jumping up to the line only to back into coverage and make a big play..I can still see that leaping one handed int. at the goal line against the Titans ,,he's not that guy anymore..
    You are right though,he definitely deserves our gratitude
  21. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I wasn't talking value or paydays when I was defending Troy.. If you want him to walk because of his salary, fine.. I'm just saying that he can still play.. I just hope he doesn't go to a rival because he'll Woodson us for a year or two If he can stay healthy.. I know BIG if.. just my two cents.
  22. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Way in? Am I missing something?
  23. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i just don't think troy will ever be THAT player again. woodson also made his second living in a different position. troys out of those. he's not going to now play corner. the salary has to come into play in all this. i just think we may lose some up and coming guys because we hang on to long. we have shown we can play well without him. the trouble is our whole safety unit is old. allen included. this needed addressing a couple of years ago. the starters make so much that we can't keep any good young talent on the team when these starters are out for periods of time.:cool:
  24. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    troy will cost 7,7 milion base salary + 2,6 milion sb . no way will be kept if not take a big pay cut
    harrison 6,5 + 2 sb , another year can be done
  25. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yeah I agree that the age of the Safeties is a concern. It's part of the reason why I was pimping moving back a few spots and taking Rahim Moore in the 2011 draft. The other reason being, he's a good football player. Move Clark to SS for the remainder of his career and we're set. Back to Troy, I think we could slash payroll at positions of greater depth.

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