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Wallace to be tendered

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by victimofchanges, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. victimofchanges

    victimofchanges Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
  2. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
  3. steelersrock151

    steelersrock151 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Play nice
  4. beastlyqb7

    beastlyqb7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Exactly the kind of stuff I was talking about....
  5. victimofchanges

    victimofchanges Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    WTF Can't we post something on this board without somebody replying with a sarcastic, condescending comment??? Seriously There is way too much of this crap on this board and it is completely childish.

    Yes we all knew that Wallace would probably be tendered but I posted this here for discussion. Isn't that what this board is for...Discussion?
  6. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Agreed. The "crap" comment wasn't called for. There's plenty of crap to go around but your original post didn't contribute to it.
  7. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Hahaha....sarcasm is a part of every day life get over it...if you think me saying "no crap" (instead of me typing the same thing I've said in the other ton of Wallace/etc threads over and over again) and basically agreeing with what you were saying was bad...then wow you've got another thing coming with how people a lot of times reply on an MB. If you're not ready for that then either put on your big boy pants and not take everything personally and have a little fun or dont post on MBs if you can take sarcasm/etc.
  8. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Or you could just not intentionally come across as rude. A friendly site is far better than one filled with posts like yours. I'm sarcastic too, but it doesn't translate to message boards. Sarcasm is meant for face to face conversations. When it's written, it comes across as rude.
  9. victimofchanges

    victimofchanges Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    No! Wrong! It is really simple if you don't like the post or the topic then don't post in it. Just move on. This is a message board and it is for discussion if you don't like that then don't post on MBs. I can handle sarcasm just fine but it seems like there is a rash of 12 year olds on this board that feels the need to be rude or blast someone because they do like the post or the topic. Spin it however you like but your comment was totally uncalled for.
  10. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Ok, so my stupid question, that everyone can blast me for, is...
    Is that "first round tender offer", our "franchise tag"?
    I`m not all that saavy about how the contractual things work, but I thought that if we "franchised" him, we payed him a combined salary of the top 5 wr`s in the league, and no one else could take him next year.
    As far as I understand, the "tender offer", just guarantees us a first round pick, from the team that takes him, unless we match their offer...
    What I am wondering right now, is with Ward gone, Cotchery undetermined, and Colbert saying we definitely want to have Wallace here long term, why didn`t we franchise him?
    Who else are we planning on using the tag on?
    (unless the "tender offer" is the "tag", which I don`t think is the case)...
    Maybe we are in discussions to sign him to a long term deal, like the front office says they want to do?
    Then why the "tender offer"?
    I understand there are a lot of "smoke screens" being run, this close to the draft, but I am confused.
    If we really do want to keep him(which I would think we would, after releasing Ward), why not just "franchise" him?
    Have we already used that on someone else, that I didn`t hear about?(or planning to?)
    Why take a chance on losing him to a higher bidder, in return for the draft pick(s)?
    Any insight/speculation, would be appreciated, `cause right now, I just don`t get this strategy, given who we may or may not have at reciever next season.
  11. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    No a tender and the franchise tag are differential things. I dont know who the would use that on they dont have to use it. I dont think they want to pay Wallace 9 mil and he isn't worth anywhere near that.
  12. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    You pretty much got it right in the first half of your post.
    We put a 1st round tender on him, meaning if a team comes and offers him more money than we did, they have to give us their 1st round pick, unless we match their offer. We have the right to match or beat any offer that Wallaces receives. So basically, the ball is in our court. We decide whether we want to keep him or let him go to another team in exchange for a 1st round pick. No matter the offer, we can match it if we choose to do so.

    The reason for doing it that way and not using the franchise tag is because the franchise tag is over $9 million and simply put, Wallace isn't worth that much. If they use the franchise, they have to pay him $9 million next year. If they go the route of the tender like they did, they may get away with paying him a little over $2 million if no other team makes him an offer, or they may have to go up a few more million, but it's unlikely any team will offer him anywhere close to $9 million.
  13. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    But I wonder if he IS worth 9mil to US, right now?
    Without him, the D is gonna focus on Brown, for the deep routes, and what else do we have?
    Cotchery? Maybe... Not a "burner", tho...
    Sanders.Possibly a good reciever, still rather unproven, because of injuries, and not a "burner", even if healthy.
    So, who are our recievers next year?
    Would really hate to see us lose Wallace to the Pats, or Niners, who he has expressed interest in playing for...
    As far as I can think of, we have Antonio Brown, and Emanuel(sp?) Sanders, for sure, Cotchery, maybe.... and, who?
    Maybe bringing Sweed back to camp to compete for a spot isn`t as bad of an idea as I first thought it was...(assuming someone out-bids us for Wallace)
    Who am I forgetting?
    (Not counting tight ends/ runningbacks).
    Typed this before I saw Shaner`s response...
    Yeah, I can see us matching another team`s offer of under 9 mil, and you`re right, I doubt another team would pay that much for him, unless maybe they just want to see if we break the bank, or leave ourselves thin at reciever.
    It makes more sense, now that I think about the fact that we would probably match an offer less than 9, and he probably wouldn`t get a higher offer.
    Still wonder if they are thinking about franchising anyone.
    True, we don`t HAVE to, but I think it`s rare that a team doesn`t.
    Can`t think of who would be worth it at this point, either, tho.
  14. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    It's only been lately. What's going on? Has everyone become too familiar or what. I don't get it. I can understand a slow build up in a heated discussion, but recently everyones ass comes out at the drop of a hat. Like they enjoy it. :bs:

    The politics thing too. Look, I pay attention to politics like it's a sport, but I don't bring that stuff in here. I'll leave it at that to remain consistent. But I will say, I have read enough political untruths and disregard for facts in a few of those posts that they aren't even worth reading anymore. :bscow: Just remember, a person is far more than their political leanings. I know many quality people on both sides of the issues.

    Why do people have to be jerks when they don't agree. Arguments are boring, discussions are interesting.
  15. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Remember, we can match any offer he receives, so even if a team offers him $7 million, we can match it. That's why he's not worth $9 million to us, because no other team in the league will offer him $9 million, meaning we can get him for less.
  16. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Gotchya, Shaner... yer right... Edited my previous post, to reflect that. I hadn`t seen your post, when I posted mine. ;)
    Think I`m gonna start a new topic, to see who we think we SHOULD franchise, if anyone!

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