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Troy out again...

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Scrap, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I am afraid the end is near, HOF I am not sure? We were worrying about
    ILB's, well we better worry about the safety position also. We have 2 old players
    back there and there replacements are not onthe team?
  2. bettissb40

    bettissb40 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Troy is Troy. If you keep going at 100 mph you are going to get hurt. He will not slow down and one of these days he is going to have a career ending injury. He needs to hang it up. He is doing more harm to himself than he realizes and he is not doing the team any good.
  3. Scrap

    Scrap Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    I didn't quite mean we need to grab a star right NOW because I realize it just isn't possible barring a trade, giving up draft picks. (Which i am not opposed to doing for someone proven but i know the Steelers are) We just need to consider it during free agency and the next draft... we have to pretend Troy simply doesn't exist and find a new guy because for all intents and purposes, he really doesn't exist.
  4. Scrap

    Scrap Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Am I crazy to think or say that losing Troy and LeBeau could be the best thing for this defense?... Get a new mind to work this defense and a solid secondary free agent and a draft pick to rejuvenate its backfield? I just can't help but think something has to drastically change with this defense... it just feels... "played out".
  5. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011

    Dick had a good plan against Philly so maybe he is not done yet. I would imagine his successor will be Keith Butler and if that's the case how do we think he will be any different then DL ?

  6. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    well i said this a year or two ago, but the way ike is playing right now, i'd move him to FS next year, and i'd move james harrison inside beside timmons. i still think they could help this team and finish their careers.

    golden needs to get on the field and so does brown so we can at least know what we have and not wait until next year to decide if we need to draft or go after a free agent.

    as far as DLB's defense not working or playing itself out, that's crazy. they had pressure sunday all day. it's the players not the scheme. again we have held onto older players to long without upgrading. foote is a good example. troy is another. they knew what they had in mundy for a couple of years. they knew what they had in will allen for a couple of years. they knew what they have in casey. they chose to do nothing, but let our younger talent sit and watch old vets under preform week after week. don't blame the scheme. there is really no defense this year that is setting the world on fire. the league has given every advantadge they can to the offense and the passing game.
  7. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    First thing if these guys are so much better then don't you think the coaches would play them? Second thing they did see the field in the preseason and must not shown enough to beat out the guys ahead of them. If you want to see Golden so bad then hope Munday gets hurt, cause i have a feeling that's the only way it will happen.
  8. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    The issue with picking up PS squad players is that they have to be brought to the 53 man roster? That may be for a team that you're playing in the next 3 weeks, not sure on that one.
  9. ScottQ

    ScottQ Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    I think I found what's wrong with Troy's calve muscle. Everyone knows you build from the top! :swordsman:


    Would you have it any other way though? I think Troy's playing style has hurt his longevity. Would you rather have a Troy-type player try to take it easy and play about 90% of your potential or play 100% full tilt for as long as you can?

    He's been a warrior for years. HOF awaits.

    Added: Ah, THIS is what's wrong!http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=KfDYdHA2X7o
  10. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011

    nobody said they WERE better, but we won't know until they play, and if they are banking on them being the next guy up next year, they need to see them against competition this year. if they are not good enough to see the field, then we are in serious trouble, and why are they on the roster? brown was a 3rd round pick. they talked golden and mclendon and heyward up in the preseason so then what happened? they should be better by now. do you think all guys will only be as good as their first preseason games? c'mon glenn. :cool:
  11. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Well said Mac, I am on your side completley, with one exception Dick Lebeau, he has to go,
    shows just to much favoritism for me. There are other players that should be seeing the field.
    time to get on with his lifes work.
  12. Scrap

    Scrap Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Well replacing LeBeau doesn't only speak about scheme. Although we were getting pressure I just do not see anything innovative anymore on this defense. Not even that tho, but doesn't LeBeau have a say on who plays and finding upgrades at various positions? I would think so. You see all these other teams finding these guys at LB, DB, and DL and starting them while they are rookies and they immediately set things on fire and become top defensive players in the league. We NEVER have that happen.
  13. mrn6

    mrn6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011

    thank you...for posting this..I couldn't agree with you more
  14. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011

    if we do get rid of DLB, which i'm 100% against, we have i believe promised it to butler who is actually worse at allowing young players to play. at first he said spence wouldn't play and then changed his tune , not completely but some. he was also the guy if you remember back that wasen't even sure about harrison taking over for porter. that worked out pretty sweet for him, but again wrong but made to look good with a highly talented guy. another thing that bothers me is the fact keisel came out and said worilds still doesn't know all the defense yet. what? who is his coach? butler thats who.it's easy to coach highly talented guys. now come the hard part, when they are not there anymore.

    mitchell and butler have top picks to work with and butler even got a vet backup to work with. they need to provide the next tier of starters out of this bunch. i'm not seeing that so far. there is no reason that we have to play larry foote and casey hampton so much without someone else not being ready to at least play half the snaps.

    tomlin has the ultimate decision on who plays. he's the head coach, but i'm starting to question the input he's leaving up to the rest of these coaches. is it tomlin or DLB or butler or mitchell or a combo? wouldn't you as the head coach want to see what you have for the future, mixed in with what you have left of your vets, because they are going fast, and you haven't reloaded. or have you? how would you know if they are not playing?
  15. edog55

    edog55 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    BobbyBiz said it best, Troy is like what Payton Manning was to the Colts last year. When the season was over, they released Manning. Its time for the Steelers to do the same thing with Troy, let him go, move on. Also, after the season is over, Dick Lebeau's time is up, along with Troy, Hampton, Keisel, Foote, and Lewis. Time to move on from the old faithful into a new era with Kevin Butler as the new DC! Lewis has had 3 or 4 years to learn the system and get it right, to date he is a bust!

    Now, I don't know how the Steelers will replace all of that old talent but they need to do it. Last year they got rid of McFadden, Farrior, Ward, Smith, and Hoke retired. That was a lot at one time. Now its time to unload the rest of the old crew. What they must do is fine the next Farrior type player in FA, infact a couple of them. Its time they went outside the box and got some talent that can already play. Then they must get a couple of starters out of next years draft and put them on the field.

    Also as McDaddy stated, its time for them to put Golden and Curtis Brown out their to see what they can do. At this point, anybody would be better then Mundy. As bad as he has played, Golden couldn't do any worst!

    They can free up a lot of money by getting rid of the next old crew at the end of the season, and if they don't resign Wallace, they will have plenty of money to sign a couple of free agent defensive stars who can play. With Butler as the new DC and a couple of free agents who can play, the defense could be right back on top. This stuff about rebuilding with the players that they draft and the standard is the standard, has not worked as the team has deteriated with that approach. If they had drafted well, that approach might have still worked but it has failed because all the drafts since Tomlin's tenre have sucked!
  16. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    For starters Butler was a high draft pick at 36th overall for the seahawks in 78 where he played linebacker for 10 years, so, he knows how inportant a pass rush is, both tomlin and lebeau was secondary coaches which makes me wonder why do we have such a lousey secondary and weak pass rush: I think Butler would design a much better front 7 pressure package and change the schematics on the backend if he had the reins instead of DL......
  17. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    Yeah and Carnell was amazing as a Steeler but has done nothing really for our secondary. They still suck. Like you I am curious as to why we have three secondary coaches in the system but still struggle
  18. 3carsteeler


    Dec 21, 2011
    When Troy is 100 percent healthy he is a game changer. One of the best, but his style of playing has caught up with him over the years. I hope he has a few good years left but it doesn't look good. I believe a lot of pressure was put on him because of our weak secondary over the years. No doubt we get a safety in the draft.

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