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TOMLIN Coach of the Year

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Jujubean, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Man, some people's memories are shorter than their weeners.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  2. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    I’m a Steelers fan and Tomlin is a Steeler. I’ll support him and it’s been easy this season with the job he’s doing.
    Go Steelers!!!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    I never was a Tomlin hater but watching how he let the natives run wild I started losing respect for him but IMO he has instilled something into this Steeler team. I still stand by 8-8 being a great season with all that has happened but now it will be disappointing since they have given us hope.
  4. Jujubean

    Jujubean Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
    They should lose tomorrow but could beat the Jets. Ravens game really depends on what Baltimore does in terms of personal if they have clinched. Although even half of Baltimore sitting will still be a difficult road game.

    9-7 probable
    • Dislike Dislike x 1


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Glenn.

    You and I kind of think alike. In the sense that if someone "dons" the Black and Gold then I am down with them. Yes, I admit I am not a big Tomlin fan. Given that, I even created a thread awhile ago to give him some love. So, since he is at the helm of our ship, then I am down with him. Just a I will be with his successor. The same for the Players, to the Vendors working in the stands, to Management, well you get the point. We have to stay united for the common cause of the Black and Gold.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
    • Agree Agree x 1

    BURGH43STEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Tomlin will be more of a Steeler than any fan. Tomlin is a good a coach that helps the team win and he has a proven consistent track record. He's not perfect but he is this team's man.

    So why are you not a fan of Tomlin?


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey BURGH43STEL.

    Well to clarify I am not a total 100% Non-Tomlin fan. I do like some of his attributes. Things I am sure you have seen on this board before and other media outlets before. First I do want to mention some of the positives:
    • I think he is a great motivator. Definitely a quality of a good leader.
    • He knows which buttons to push to get the most out of the majority of his players; at most times.
    • He seems to have the players' backings as rarely do I hear any real or fake news complaining about him on that front.
    • He seems to have an eye for talent, except DBs. However, because that is one position (his specialty however) I will keep it here.
    • He communicates exceptionally well. And as a teacher, that carries a lot of weight for me. Very well spoken and educated.

    Now the negatives (once again things you have probably already heard):
    • This is more of a "one time deal" but still gnaws at me to today. Most recently, the meltdown from last year with a 2.5 game lead in the division going into the second half of the year and just blowing it. One more win and the division is ours. No, instead the lead is blown and we miss the playoffs. Totally unacceptable.
    Back to more overarching reasons:
    • I do not think that he is a tactician. A good "X" and "O" coach.
    • He has not surrounded himself with good enough supporting coaches to compensate for his Tactician deficiencies. Although in fairness, I am not sure how much input he has on these decisions but he must have some.
    • Alright, the "Big Elephant" in the room. I initially was a huge Tomlin fan his first five years as our HC. However, it became more and more apparent, to me, that as Cowher's players left and the trademark of this is now "Tomlin's Team" was growing, his success became less and less. Not so much from a W-L regular season record but in regards to his post season record.
    • Overall, I know every Head Coach needs a starting point in their careers. I get that 100%. I just think he needed more seasoning before being thrust into a HC position. His resume was very, very light. Specifically, I believe he was a Defensive Back Coach ("His Specialty Area") for four years I believe. And after that, just one-year as a Defensive Coordinator. Then onto becoming our HC. Once again, a very, very light resume.
    • Back to the DB coach issue. As I stated above, this is his supposed area of expertise yet it has been our team's weakest area of draft/development under his tenure. How many DB's have we drafted under him that have succeeded. Basically none. Maybe with the exception of Keenan Lewis who was good, not great but good. And he left to go home to New Orleans. Other than that he has nothing to show for this issue, except failure.
    • His performances against sub-500 teams, which has been well documented, as the worst in the NFL over the past years. This kind of contradicts one of my positives as I stated that he knows how to get the most out of the majority of his players.
    • His W-L record during the regular season of most playoff years cost us either a #1 or a #2 seeding which in turn forced us to play in the Wild Card round (which I really do not consider playoffs). Instead, we could have been sitting at home by the fireplace. Not exposing our team to the unnecessary wear and tear of an extra game (i.e. Antonio Brown getting a concussion in the Bengals' WC game a few years ago. Where if we had the week off that event would never had occurred.
    I could probably mentioned more but I will leave it at that. You may ask, like others, then if not Tomlin as our HC then who? For that my friend I do not have an answer right now. I will leave this post on a more positive note. If we make the playoffs this season AND win the Super Bowl then I would probably change some of my negatives. Take care.

    AKA The East Side Kid

    BURGH43STEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I am a fan of the Steelers and Tomlin is our guy. He will never be a perfect coach.

    - Players stated the Tomlin is a good X's and O's coach. They stated he doesn't get enough credit for the X's and O's. He could't be a good and quality HC without knowing the X's and O's part of coaching. People make way to much of X's and O's anyway. Ultimately what matters the most are the fundamentals and execution.

    - If you don't know then why do you make assumptions?

    - The success hasn't been less and less. The team remained a consistent winner with the opportunity to compete for the Superbowl. I consider making the playoffs competing for the Superbowl.

    - You talking about seasoning after 13 years? I find that very strange to even have that part of any discussion after 13 seasons.

    - DB is what people assume is his area of expertise. I don't know why but that's what people believe for some reason. His area of expertise at this point is HC. DB failure is an organizational drafting failure. Ownership, scouts, GM, coaches, everybody. Sometimes luck plays a part.

    - Show me your data on performances against .500 teams. One site wrote, "Entering 2018, the Steelers are 74-28 under Mike Tomlin against teams who finished the season at .500 or below."

    Head coach is the least of this team's problems.
  9. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Coach of the year is not some prestigious award, most people cant even remember who coach of the year was last year, Bruce Arians was coach of the year twice in just a 2 year span, with the colts in 2012 and then the cards in 2014 but he couldnt win the big one, so whats the big deal about it???
    • Agree Agree x 2


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Diamond.

    I have been saying the same thing here for over a week now. It really means much of nothing IMO. My stance is that Tomlin is just doing what he supposed to do. His mantra is: "The standard is the Standard" and "The next man up". Right? Well, this applies to coaches as well as the players. Yes, he is doing a good job up to this point of the season. And I get it about the injuries, departures, and other factors. However, this is what he gets paid millions of dollars each year to do. You better have a contingency plans in place. Every employee at their jobs run into "snags". You find a way to work with them. End of story.

    As a computer teacher, I know I do. My lab has 30 computers. For a week about half of them were not working properly. I trouble-shot, improvised and did not miss a beat. In other words: I did my best with the "Cards that I was dealt". I did my job. No special recognition from my Principal or any other Administrator. And I was not looking for any. He just stated, do the best that you can with what you got. And I did.

    AKA The East Side Kid
    • Agree Agree x 1


    Sep 12, 2019
    No, I disagree again. He is part of the problem. Not the most but not the least either.

    Once again, Good Stuff my friend. Switching gears as I end here, we need that "W" tonight. Go Steelers! Take care.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2019
  12. Jujubean

    Jujubean Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
    hello Glennn like I said
  13. Jujubean

    Jujubean Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
    8-8 more likely this team on offense is ****ing trash
  14. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    This team was not ready for this game. It was driving embarrassing. Defense included.:cool:
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. Benny Lava

    Benny Lava Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2019
    Do you have to have a winning record to be eligible for COTY?
  16. Steeler dane

    Steeler dane Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    And you are a total idiot the defense played great Duck just is not good enough and no coach wins with him its a miracle the Steelers are 8-6 with this rubbish at QB
  17. bigbenhotness

    bigbenhotness Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Huh? Defense allowed 269 yards and Allen had a 65 rating. They scored 10 off short fields too
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Roonatic

    Roonatic Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    J. Brown is quitely having a great season.
  19. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    F you pal.:cool:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. Jujubean

    Jujubean Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
    Wait to you see these boards once we go 8-8. TOMLIN apologists will be singing his praises and building bronze statues.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  21. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    I'm sure a few will, but of course they shouldn't. This team is in position to make the playoffs. Losing the final three would be unacceptable, even without a decent quarterback.

    Tomlin and his staff deserve a lot of credit for getting this team to 8-6, but they did not do a good job last night. They refused to use the same all-out blitzes that other teams have used with great success against Allen and it cost them on defense. Overall, the defense was great last night, but you can't let a team score a touchdown when you have them third-and-18.

    Fichtner was horrible last night and some of the stink of that belongs on Tomlin, too. If Conner was going to play, let him play. He looked fresh and ready and they only let him run eight times. They abandoned the run entirely once the game was tied. They didn't protect their rookie quarterback and it cost them a game. The interception to White that turned the game is on the coaches. They should have stuck to the run and short passes as long as they had the lead and they certainly should have instructed Hodges to stay the hell away from White.
    • Agree Agree x 2


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey steeler Dane.

    Now, what do we do? We are pretty much at the same cross-road with Duck as with Mason after his performance in the Brown's game.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  23. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    As good as the defense played we still didn't finish and get off the field when we needed to. Just bizarre groupings at times last night. No reason dupree should be split out covering a wr. :cool:
    • Agree Agree x 1


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Jujubean.

    The COTY award is pretty much “Bogus”. Why would he even be considered? He consistently has a non-losing season. That is great! It should be given to a coach that has really turned a historically bad team around to now being a contender. So, given the so-called success that the team has achieved so far this season I would expect nothing less. It is his mantra: “The standard is the standard” and “The Next man up” that is in effect in here as I see it. Yeah, I get the injuries and departures. Again, so what? Now, I could see Tomlin getting it if we win the Super Bowl.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  25. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Moving away from the run game was insane. Especially as we have 5 decent runners, compared to our extremely thin receiving corps.

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