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Thoughts on Jarvis Jones' Performance?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by HugeSnack, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I didn't read every word of the post-loss meltdown here so I might have missed it, but does anyone have any love for Jarvis after the Patriots game?

    Going into the season, it seemed like there were three trains of thoughts on Jones, of varying optimism:
    • "He's a bust because I said so."
    • "He has no pass rush, no strength, and lost his job to a 100 year old man last year. In preseason, he wasn't getting sacks even though in some of the games he had as many as 4 or 5 pass rush opportunities. Plus I read reports he was losing to tight ends in training camp."
    • "He got better at the end of his rookie season, and looked pretty decent early last year before getting hurt. He was bad after that, but he wasn't healthy. He needs to get stronger and he needs a better pass rush. He trained with Harrison and supposedly gained a bunch of muscle. Hope it works."
    So, did you all see what you needed to see? Did you learn anything at all?

    I thought, his first game in his third season, after having gained significant size in the offseason, was by far the best of Jarvis' career, and he was one of our best defenders on Thursday. In a game where it's hard to beat the offensive line because they almost never run it, and when they pass it they throw the ball faster than the pass rushers can get to the QB even without an OL, Jarvis still beat Solder soundly several times, and displayed power we had never seen from him before.

    Here are some gifs: http://www.steelersdepot.com/2015/0...cy-from-lb-jarvis-jones-against-the-patriots/

    It's just one game, but isn't this an extremely positive sign? Why so quiet on the subject? Y'all sound like you did when Mendenhall scored a touchdown.
  2. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    92 had more snaps, so maybe he hasn't quite convinced the coaches yet.
  3. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Or they're keeping them fresh.

    JJ definitely looks stronger to me. I hope he has a great year. We need it.
  4. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I've been critical of JJ and while I haven't gone back and re-watched the game or reviewed the all 22 or some of the other things my more analytical friends on this board do, he did appear to have a decent game against Solder showing improved strength and quickness. 15 games (and more hopefully) to go but encouraging start.

    One thing's for sure, our young LBs better be putting some pressure on the QB or we're in for a long season. Our secondary can't cover anybody.
  5. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Do you expect the coaches to adjust snap counts from the game plan mid-game? They might have preferred him schematically against the very tall Solder.

    It's one thing to take out a RB that won't stop fumbling. We're talking about much more difficult things to notice on the fly. And by the way, Harrison is no slouch. I think the coaches will have noticed Jarvis' performance after watching the tape (if they didn't live), but - like us - will need to see it happen more than once. And that will impact Jarvis' snaps, either by increasing them or not decreasing them, which very well could have happened if he didn't show improvement. I realize that's convenient for me to say, but it's true.
  6. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011

    Yes snack AGREE with your assessment and have commented the same on other threads
  7. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I though he was consistent and did throw Solder who is a very good LT around a few times. Definitely a promising game for him.
  8. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I think Solder wound up getting benched didn't he? Also Snack this is an honest question and you know I would never be vindictive to you but I am just curious if you pulled for us because I know you were against the Vick signing on principle. Which I respect totally. I've actually just been curious is all.
  9. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    JJ had a good game and picked up right where he left off before getting hurt last season. I expect he will just continue to get better.
  10. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011

    Yes he was taken out of the game BFT but I am not sure if it was because he was getting man handled by JJ or because he was injured.
  11. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I think they felt like he was struggling. That's one thing you can say about Bill is he will bench a guy if he thinks he's not doing good. If he were our coach we'd have like 3 defenders on the field most of the time. LOL. As far as Jarvis there were a couple of plays where he really stood out to me. I still wanna see qb's on their backs though.
  12. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Yeah, I watch games more as a casual fan, than with a coache`s analytical eye, and don`t usually re-watch to evaluate individual players, but, I did notice some good plays by Jarvis during the game.

    When he got up after 1 sack, or co-sack, I remember thinking, #95? Isn`t that Jarvis???

    He was noticeably bigger than last year, and that was why the number threw me off for a second. It might not have been a sack, but, I think it was. If not, It was a tackle in the backfield...

    I`ve never been overly critical of him.

    I`d have liked to have seen more earlier, but he seemed hard-working and earnest, and improving, when he got hurt...

    Hopefully, this a sign of good things to come.:thumbs_up:

    (Along with DuPree, who had either a sack, or tackle in the backfield as well)
    And I thought "Sweet, a rookie on the field making an impact on defense!!!":thumbs up:

  13. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Jones was drafted to get sacks, that's what he needs to start doing.
  14. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    fairly sure he was drafted to play OLB for the Steelers, sacks come with that but playing the position is more important.
  15. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I scared my wife with how loud I yelled when we didn't recover that fumble on the goal line. And when Antwon Blake decided he didn't feel like stopping touchdowns was his job, and when Todd Haley and Mike Tomlin decided touchdowns weren't really our style at the end of the first half. I was pulling for us. That said, I wasn't half as bummed out after we lost compared to how much I normally am. Screw these guys. It sure is strange, feeling conflicted.

    And if Vick ever sees the field, things will really change. I'll be rooting against him, which means rooting against our offense. I'll still root for the defense and the rest of the players. But yeah, my ideal scenario would be for him to throw about 10 interceptions and then get paralyzed from the neck down or killed. The sooner he gets injured or dies, the sooner I can go back to trying to respect this team, even though they wouldn't deserve it any more than they do now. But hey, if football fans were logical about their ethics, they wouldn't be football fans.
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  16. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    No no, steel is right. Either he gets sacks or he failed. Simple as that (for some people).
  17. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Didn't that seem surreal? At that time in the league and Ben doesn't think hey I have three time outs I completed a pass over the middle maybe I should use as TO? There were so many gaffs in this game it is just crazy to think a professional team is that shell shocked to make those mistakes.
  18. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Not shell-shocked. Par for the course. Like anything else, the first step is admitting you have a problem. They actually think they do a good job managing the clock. Ben has openly regretted using timeouts in what we know are wise ways, saying stuff like, "I wish I hadn't burned that timeout."

    It's as if they believe you can cash them in at the end of the season for extra points or draft picks or something.
  19. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Well it's good to hear you got some enjoyment out of it. For me, the disappointment this year has been more in the fact that we just don't seem to grasp the fact that our secondary is abysmal and we've had to have known this was coming. That's why I don't feel "AS" let down by the loss because I basically expected it. I still was screaming hard at the tv though. We're just incredibly emotionally invested in our team. A guy I work with told me that I shouldn't get so wrapped up in it and that I should just quit liking only one team and I thought that was one of the most idiotic and moronic and stupid and asinine and ridiculous and dumb statements I had ever heard. I've liked the Steelers for 20yrs and no amount of scrubs on defense or questionable personnel decisions is gonna change that. He only plays fantasy and has no clue about what it means to be an actual "fan" of something. Guys like him are actually why I hate fantasy. They have no concept of reality. I was really ticked when someone told me they were glad Ben and AB scored because they "had them in fantasy". I said "Dude I don't care about garbage fantasy stats! My team lost and if you wanna talk real football I will but otherwise just leave me alone with that stuff!" They were all laughing at me. Oh well. LOL.
  20. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I'm gonna be honest. There have been times that we've not looked like a professional team at all. I really mean that. When we are good we are good but when we are bad we are PAINFULLY bad and sometimes just flat out stupid.
  21. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I've seen some boneheaded plays in football but never so many in one game, I know people were making jokes about it starting to be like WWE as far as being scripted and such but I think it is more like WCW near the end where they weren't even trying to make it look real. Guy gets hit with a chair and 30 secs goes by and then they fall down. It was just some of the stupidest stuff one after another. I mean it was just comical, my wife kept asking me how it was going and I'd say we are losing but we're still in it, I think?
  22. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Back on point I called Jarvis out in the start of the game day thread and said I wanted him to prove he deserved the #95 and I think he did it justice in this game. He showed speed, quickness, strength, vision and made plays. I am hoping he continues to grow and that Butler and Peezy find a way to get all of these guys on the field to play havoc
  23. TheSteelHurtin2188

    TheSteelHurtin2188 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    It's hard to get to the qb when most of his throws were under 10 yards and the ball was out before the they could really even engage the Oline. 10 yard cushion don't help either. If you don't want to play at the line fine but don't drop them deeper then 5 yards.
  24. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I told my son that I got madder about that goal line fumble that Gronkowski recovered more than anything else in that game. That could have been a turning point but it was pretty much over when Buttkowski recovered it.
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  25. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Oh dude I was LIVID on that play. I can not STAND to see a ball on the carpet and a STEELER not able to find it! HUGE pet peeve for me!
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