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The Walking Dead (no comics spoilers)

Discussion in 'The Watercooler' started by Ray D, Oct 24, 2011.


    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Someone mentioned that a major character was going to die this week and I finally got to watch the talking dead this morning and they showed the part with Maggie climbing the ladder and it got me thinking with her being pregnant is she going to be the one that goes? I know people have read the spoilers so if I am right please don't say but I knida feel that they bring back Glenn and make us all feel good and bam they might hit us with Maggie dying???? I hope I am way off base on this but what does anyone else think?
  2. steelgirl84

    steelgirl84 Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2014
    I don't think it will be Maggie- with Glenn just coming back I don't think they'll kill her off. Also- with Maggie pregnant, I don't think they'll waste the story.
    I don't know who will die tonight- I just hope it's no one I like. Which is pretty much everyone. I wouldn't mind it being Sasha or Rosita. Or Morgan- he's gonna get someone killed. I worry about Carl since Ron was stalking him last episode.
    I hope the Steelers win- because if they lose & someone I like dies tonight, I'm not gonna be in a good mood.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    I agree on the boo! part. Especially in light of the fact that 2 major scenes that were filmed as a part of this episode have been cut in favor of the second half premiere.

    I know one of the scenes. I've known for a long time. The second? No idea. But it sounds like they originally wanted this to be a 90 minute episode, and backtracked for some reason. I just hope it doesn't mean that tonight's episode isn't even a cliff hanger, but just ends with zero resolution. (Should start the second half at full speed though)
  4. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    One character
    mortally wounded
    , but not dead yet. I'm not going to comment on whether that character is major (1st tier) or lower on the totem poll.

    With 2 scenes cut out, I'm not expecting any real shockers.
  5. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Just FYI: keep watching after the credits tonight. ;)
  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Well that was pretty disappointing.

    Also, both Jessies kids are really annoying.

    The whole Wolves scene was ridiculous.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Deanna went out like a boss. On her own terms and screaming in defiance.

    I know we didn't actually see her die (what my spoiler referred to in a previous post), but we have no need to Glennify her. She's gone.

    The rest of the episode was pretty disappointing. They either could have cut some fat, or included the scenes they're saving for the mid-season premiere. IDK if it would have made the episode better. But ultimately, what really happened this episode outside of Deanna? Not much.

    I'm blaming AMC on this. I have no doubt they were the ones who decided they didn't want a 90 minute half-season finale because their new baby, Into the Badlands (which is admittedly a good show), probably couldn't afford getting its normal start time moved. And then they tease to stay tuned after the credits, only to force people to watch 10 minutes of Into the Badlands to see that last 2 minute sequence. Poor planning, and not a good idea.

    Not that the last 2 minute sequence was even that great. Ooooooooh... someone name dropped Negan. Big whoop. We'll meet him soon enough anyway.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Jessie's sons need to die. I haven't even bothered learning their names. I hate them that much.

    Oldest son is a douche that proves the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Youngest son is too stupid to live. Actually, he's probably going to get a few of them killed. Seriously? Stay quiet and move slow... so he keeps calling, "Mom?" louder and louder? :facepalm:

    (I'd like to keep Jessie... but I have less than honorable male impulse reasons for that. :lolol:)
    • Agree Agree x 2

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    This would have been my post very well said and pretty much sums it all up.......very disappointed in it.

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Thanks but I am not going to read the spoilers I feel it takes away from watching it not knowing. I also don't read the comics and with everyone talking about them I am wondering if that is something I should get into......naw I don't have enough time to spend on here never mind reading, lol!
  11. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    No worries, and you've already seen it anyway. ;) In fact, I had been misled and the nature of what was said to have happened wasn't exactly as it happened.

    But I appreciate that people like to be surprised, so I try to keep spoilers hidden. Even speculation if it's coming from a certain knowledge base.

    The one thing I like most about the show is they can even keep comic fans on their toes, as I've said before. Not everything on the show follows the comics. Even if they keep an event, the characters can change, or the nature of the event itself. Of course, some things just have to stay the same. I don't see how they could have altered the whole Shane thing, for example.

    The character, Negan, who they finally name dropped tonight, cusses like a drunk sailor who stubbed his toe after finding his wife in bed with his brother. It's a defining trait of his. Obviously, there's no way they can get away with it for TV. So how they alter that part of him should be interesting (I hope). Anything else about him I hesitate to discuss because it's a character best experienced with little foreknowledge. So I often discourage people who don't know the comics to avoid any discussion of him at all costs. Don't Google him. Don't click spoilers talking about him, etc. ;)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    what did i miss?
  13. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    To late, i just googled him.. lol
  14. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I liked last night's episode. Michonne is one of my favorite characters, so I really enjoyed the conversations between her and Deanna, as well as watching her continuing to slay walkers.

    Glenn saw Maggie, so YAY! on that!

    I also liked that Rick went "old school" in covering themselves in walker guts in order to proceed to the armory through the horde of walkers.

    Jessie's youngest son, Sam, is going to get himself an education here very shortly. Stupid, sheltered kid needs to tiptoe through the tulips. :lolol:

    Speaking of Jessie's sons, good on Carl for telling Ron that his dad, Porch Dick, was an a-hole. Bwahahaha!

    Eugene reading World History while their lives are in danger. Haha!

    Poor Rosita. :( Worried and inquiring about Abraham and all the while he's got the hots for Sasha.

    My absolutely favoritest, bestest part of the episode, however, was when Morgan body slammed Carol. Oh man, you don't even know... I clapped and yelled, "HELL YEAH!":roflmao: I was so disappointed when, previously, he waited for her and helped her when she fell. I woulda left her there. Just sayin'. [​IMG] I know it wasn't the best move for Morgan, but we don't really care about Dr. Denise, do we?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2015
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    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012

    Nicely done.........
    • Like Like x 1
  17. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    I think I liked the episode more than most of you did from what I've read here, but I did think it was fairly anti-climactic. I was expecting there to be more of a cliff hanger rather than just a somewhat tense situation fading to black.
  18. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    The anti climatic thing definitely bothered me.

    I think the fight between Ron and Carl was stupid, I just don't believe with the town over run with Walkers that Ron would try to do that then.

    Carol gung-ho on killing the Wolf guy to the point that she gets into a physical confrontation with Morgan, she deserved to get her ass kick but while we are on that topic, the fact that Morgan struggled even that much with her was a bit unrealistic but I guess you can say he just didn't want to hurt her.

    The Wolf guy knocking out Morgan and then Rosita, Tara and Eugene give up their weapons to a guy who was there to kill everyone in the town and then he leaves without killing any of them. I don't know, thought that whole scene was stupid.

    Sam calling out to his mother, repeatedly, louder and louder, come on, we get it, the kid is scared but enough already. Somebody should have thought to duck tape him.
  19. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    And that was the one thing in the episode that really bugged me. The guy basically previously told Morgan he would kill him when he got free. He didn't show any sign of having changed regardless of the speech about "you weren't always like this". Then to just knock some folks out, take a gun, and leave everyone alive after still talking about "freeing" everyone just didn't make sense.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. pjgruden


    Oct 16, 2011
    I don't know why Tara or Rosita didn't just put a bullet in the Wolf's head, or at least shoot the arm with the knife in it. Everyone on this show seems to be a crack shot.
    As for Carl and Porch Dick Jr, I don't get it. I still prefer season 3 Carl who just shot that kid outside the prison fences. That's the cold blooded Carl I want to see.
    I kind of expect Maggie to die. I think the platform she's on will collapse, and Glenn will have to watch her die.
    As for Sasha, Daryl and Abraham, I'm still trying to figure out that situation. You would think those three would be smart enough to realize when they saw Negan's posse that they should just throw the truck in reverse and find another route. And if they gave chase, they have a damn rocket launcher.
    And I love Eugene. "Lock picking is one of the skills I possess". :roflmao:

    Finally, Sam is going to get some of them attacked. Probably Himself, Gabriel, and maybe PD Jr.
  21. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    Thanks for the heads-up on this. As one who nearly always catches the show via DVR and doesn't really watch TD I would have missed it. Though I was hoping more for Negan to actually make his first appearance (well, aside from the Terminus flashback).

    I agree with comments above on the rather blah impression this left as a midseason finale. In terms of pace it's more along what I wish a normal episode would be, with a few separate plot strings containing at least some amount of urgency trying to weave themselves back into the central thread. But most come to expect a little added intrigue before the break, especially with the slow grind that was done getting here after the Morgan episode.

    I really hope the show can do something to recapture the ominous feeing that anyone could be offed at anytime. But since it's been awhile since any of central characters have died (Idk that Deanna or Tyronne really count) and with The Glenn Effect still freshly in the air, that has been seriously dampened for me. Rewinding the clock back to when Carol was excommunicated from the prison and gulaged by Rick in a subdivision, I had genuine doubts whether she'd ever be back.

    Back to the here and now, I felt no fear for Maggie scrambling her way up the ladder, nor for when Rick and Co made their way into the horde of walkers at the end. Even with PD Jr crying out I figure the worst that will happen is Gabriel will get offed trying to save him - and his has been a long time coming anyway, imo.

    Maybe they're saving up to off a couple when Negan is introduced as a way to put him over as the true menace he is in the comics. Hard to say, but I do hope they do justice to the character; he's definitely one of the better comic book villians out there.
  22. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Really, How many times do we need to see people trying to run from zombies falling on their faces? And how the hell did they all fall down that far from the tower?

    After getting ambushed earlier in the season, you just roll to a stop for some pricks in the middle of the road on motorcycles?

    Let's not forget how you just give up after going through what happened in Terminus? Screw that I'm punching it and going out blazing!

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Very good point, let's see a bunch of guys in the middle of the road on bikes and you have a tanker truck........yeah I am pedal down!!!!! Like you point out it is not like they haven't been trapped before, with all the things they have been thru one would know only bad things could come from stopping........
  24. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    Same here. If Ron had gotten to an 'F-it, we're all gonna die' stage and wanted to be the one to off Carl (and presumably himself), why not just whip out the gun and shoot him? The whole foreshadowing "we're all dead" while slowly walkiing to the door and turning the lock bit was dumb.

    Perhaps a minor quibble, but I didn't get Maggie firing about 4 shots (all to the head of course) into the walker horde on the ground before running out of ammo and having to scramble up the ladder. I can buy that the AR may have actually been out of all available ammo (clip and armory), but then why not have a backup weapon? Four shots while manning a post overlooking a zombiie horde isn't going to get you very far if things go south.
  25. pjgruden


    Oct 16, 2011
    Speaking of the herd thaw was outside of the walls, I kind of wondered why they didn't try to thin it just by making crude harpoons and just chucking them at walkers heads and then pulling them back. Or hell, they're pretty soft at this point, an Air rifle could probably kill them.

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