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Stop whining Ike!

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by JD99, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. JD99

    JD99 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
  2. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I hear ya, JD. This video made me cringe.

  3. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Boo hoo. Play better and the finger-pointing will stop.
  4. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Ike you drew 3 fouls in the last game, yards allowed means squat, points allowed is the only stat that counts on the scoreboard, so shut your pie hole Ike and be glad they still let you start, if I was the DC you would be on the bench for this game....
  5. Steeltradition83

    Steeltradition83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Why does it seem like most player who get called out by the media sort of brush it off and say let me prove you wrong. Ike on the other hand complains, throws out stats, and wishes they would stop. Put on your big boy pants Ike and shut AJ down Sunday.

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    At least Woodley gets it. Ike......not so much
  7. JD99

    JD99 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    I seen this last night on KDKA, this was what got me started and then I seen the PPG article today, what a moron he is.
  8. 4EvrH8O'donnel

    4EvrH8O'donnel Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011

    I am very very skeptical about Ike being able to cover AJ Green Sunday Night. Andy Dalton will be picking on him from the get go.
  9. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    That video is painful.
  10. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Earth to Ike, Earth to Ike....I cant believe how out of touch he is. If this is his mentality on game day, we are screwed. :frustrated:
  11. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I stopped watching halfway through it.... :facepalm:
  12. Steeltradition83

    Steeltradition83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Yeah I may even be a little bit more than skeptical. I'm just hoping Ike can use this to motivate him, but that remains to be seen.
  13. JD99

    JD99 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Extremely painful, his grammar and language skills are even more painful. Not only does he need to start playing better but he sounds like he needs to go back to 1st grade English class as well.
  14. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    I have always liked Ike and thought he was treated unfairly in the past by fans. But here lately he just needs to keep his mouth shut, and play a whole lot better. I could not even finish the video that was posted, because of his attitude :godell:

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    If the refs decide not to call defensive holding or PI that game Ike may be ok. But with the way he's been playing as of late he's bound to get a couple PI calls on him.
  16. FeartheBeard

    FeartheBeard Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011

  17. DDinAZsteel1

    DDinAZsteel1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    He's a punk and has always been a punk.
  18. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Sounds like he's settling very specific scores there.

    Mind you, when he was reeling off "the facts", he seemed to overlook the most important fact. Which is "2 and 3".
  19. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
  20. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
  21. IlliniSteel

    IlliniSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I know that coach T has no control over what players do off the field but come on we are taking about the greatest smash mouth team in the NFL. Coach please tell these guys to shut up and act like STEELERS. The Ten. game when I saw all the sideline goofing around and hugging sent me on a rampage....My wife thought I was having a breakdown.
  22. Stiller3

    Stiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    This is driving me off the deep end.

    Ike is a veteran like most of the other starters yet him, Mendenhall, and Harrison can't help themselves when it comes to these things.
    Talking about us, the local media, the national media, ect.

    Saying they expect better out of us. Saying they expect more support.
    And as of this writing I've not seen a trace of Tomlin's influence anywhere.

    Does anyone on this team know what a Steeler is supposed to be?
    Does TOMLIN know what a Steeler is supposed to be?
    The closest person I can think of is Ben, and even he has issues but at least he's willing to kill himself on the field to get a win.

    Ike is the best corner on this team (arguably) and this is what he does for us. Primarily because his play on field hasn't represented well enough.

    But this is the issue he has with us, we don't look at the stats apparently!
    Here's the thing though Ike:

    No body gives two Ratbird asses what the stats are for this team on either side of the ball versus the rest of the league.
    What we care about and what YOU should care about ABOVE EVERYTHING ELSE is the RECORD of the team.
    When you drop two games to arguably THE WORST TEAMS IN THE LEAGUE, you expect us to NOT be pissed at that?

    You're one of the leaders? One of the top dogs on this team?
    Mendenhall, Harrison, and whoever else has been spouting off recently are just as guilty here.
    Somebody representing the higher-ups need to take control of this team because there apparently isn't any control right now.
    God help us all.
  23. BurgherBoy7

    BurgherBoy7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I don't know if his play from last year got into his head, cuz he did play well last year, up until the last play of our season...But this is just sickening to watch. Why can't he just step up like a man and put some of the blame on him and this defense. Its obvious he isnt playing well at all, but why throw stats into the media and the fans faces? I know one huge stat and that is WE ARE 2-3 Ike!!! 2-3! I dont care if the defense gave up one yard and we only lost by 1 point each game! We are still 2-3! And Ike I dont care if the Ravens are 28th in pass defense or whatever, and the Texans are 10th....The fact about that is, they are both sitting at 5-1!! Ahead of us and everyone else in the AFC!
  24. Stiller3

    Stiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I like the things Woodely was saying though. He was owning up to how bad they've been playing it looks like.

    I've always thought Clark was a pretty smart guy, hopefully he's looking at this better than Ike apparently is.

    Cowher was justified in calling Ike out. Tomlin even mentioned him.

    I'm looking for him to get benched here before too long.
  25. Jack LHambert

    Jack LHambert

    Oct 18, 2011
    2-3 W/L record is the real stat and a "fact" Mr. Taylor!! and the "fact" that he's drawing a crap load of PI calls his way and costing this team some valuable field position. Ike to me has always been hit or miss. He plays lights out at times, shutting down some of the best receivers in the league and then plays like total garbage to inferior WR's at times along with stupid penalties. Another "fact", Ike can't intercept a ball to save his life! Chew on that Mr. Taylor!!!

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