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Sticky- Most memorable STEELER game..

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Myronwemissyinz, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Cool story blue every kid deserves a memory like that!!
    Heres to DAD :drinks:
  2. BurgherBoy7

    BurgherBoy7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    I was there as well! One of my most memorable games ever! I have a few!
  3. tarheelsteel

    tarheelsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    I haven't been fortunate enough to make it to more than 3 Steelers games in my life cause I lived most of my life in NC. However, last year I went to the game at Tennessee in week 2. It wasn't particularly memorable except that before the game I turned to my buddy who was with me and said, "the only way we win this game is if we force something like 7 turnovers." 7 turnovers later we won 19-11. It wasn't a particularly pretty game, but it was also the game where Harrison crushed Vince Young, and Troy leaped over the line right at the snap count to sack Collins. It was a fun time. Now I'm finally living in Erie, so I'm excited to be getting to some games!
  4. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Awesome, for you. Glad you will be able to see some games at Heinz!
    I remember watching Harrison(along with two other defenders) pick Young up and slam him to the ground, and thinking almost simultaneously...
    That`s the most awesome sack I have ever seen!!!! :yahoo:
    Damn, they`re gonna get flagged for that one! :(
    But they didn`t!
    Not even fined(back then) :clapping:
    Then Troy jumped over the center later in the game, and I saw the SECOND most AWESOME sack in my life!!
    Can`t imagine seeing that live. Good for you! :D
  5. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    My most memorable was when I took my dad to his first NFL game ever. We live in North Dakota so the only chance to see a game is when they play the Vikings and that is every 8 years or so. It was the during the '05 season and was the first of the remaining games the Steelers had to win to get into the playoffs. My dad and I drove six hours to Minneapolis with more and more Steelers fans joining us along the way. This was the game that Vikings coach Mike Tice said that Steeler Nation had taken over the Metrodome. My dad wore my Bettis jersey I wore my Lambert and even though we were in the nose bleed section we cheered and hollered, chanted 'here we go Steelers here we Go!' It was probably the best day of my life not including the birth of my son this year. They won the game and Dad and I had a blast even the Vikings fans were good humored about losing and how many Steelers fans had come to the game. From there they went on a roll and got the one for the thumb and I was happy to be part of it.

    Close second would have to be watching a Monday night game versus the Bills and watching LLyod and the boys knock something like seven Bills out of the game. That was a fun game to watch.
  6. Pierogiman

    Pierogiman Active Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Mine was at Three Rivers in 78 or 79 maybe? We were playing the LA Rams i think, and it was snowing. I was about 7 or 8 years old at the time and I always sat indian style, with my legs crossed. The seat next to me had been empty through the 1st quarter but then a very large man arrived and sat down, because I was sitting like I was my knee was under his seat when he flipped it down and sat on it, putting all of his 400lbs(He probably wasn't 400lbs but I was a little kid so at the time he seemed like a giant)onto my knee. I screamed he jumped up, I cried for a bit, manned up, and watched the game. I ended up having cartilage damage in my left knee, it still bothers me to this day, and it is still one of the most painful moments of my life. But every time I feel that knee giving me problems it reminds me of Three Rivers in the snow, watching the Steelers, with my Dad, wouldn't trade it for anything.

    In a close second is the AFC Championship game against the Rat Birds in 08, I flew all the way from Hawaii and froze my ass off! I got drunk, flicked a ton of relish into the hair of this raven's fan who sat in from of me, completely lost my family in the mass exodus from the stadium signing "Pittsburghs going to the Super Bowl" only to find I had no ideas where I was when I got outside. I found my family after about an hour of walking around the parking lot, then we went to Pramanti Bros...goodtimes!
  7. dkblue

    dkblue Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    SB Xlll in Miami was a great game to watch. There were so many changes in the second half it was bewildering. The highlight for me was Franco bursting through the line like it was butter for a score. Cliff Harris says to this day he was blocked out by the Umpire.

    The prices were amazing too. I got my tickets from Dave Ailes who was down to cover the game for the Tribune Review. He was an old friend. The tickets were $70 each, face value, on the 40 yard line 20 rows up.
  8. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    A lot of cool memories in this thread!

    I only have one to choose from, since I've only been fortunate enough to make it to one game in my life: 1991 vs Green Bay at Lambeau. We lost 17-3 or something like that, but it wa smy first NFL game, and when I entered that stadium and laid my esyes on the greenest field of grass that I ever saw, it was magical. Even though we lost, it was a great moment seeing the Steelers for the first and only time. I remember Rod Woodson muffing a punt and getting completetly turned around in the endzone for a TD, but I also remember Barry Foster's 69-yard run to set up our only points.
  9. Edson Cardona

    Edson Cardona Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    My first (and only) NFL game: Pittsburgh 30 at Miami 24, week 17 2009.
    SPANISH: Espero que la próxima vez sea un juego en Pittsburgh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. dkblue

    dkblue Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    The Immaculate reception game is never fully described in my view. People forget that the Steelers had held the high powered Oakland offense scoreless for 58 minutes. The score was 6-0 when Stabler got away from Joe Greene and on fourth and long, ran it into the endzone. It was crushing.

    The Stadium was wild when the Steelers got the ball but there was little hope.

    My Ex who was a neat freak missed the whole thing. People were all standing and she was bending down picking up the program and cushions and getting organized to leave. The place went crazy when Franco scored and then there was a wait and no one knew what was going on. When they finally signalled touchdown the place went crazy.

    The next week was unique too. The AFCCG was in Pittsburgh on New Years Eve. The weird thing was the weather as it was about 65 degrees. Bradshaw got hurt in the first quarter. Larry Seiple the Miami punter ran around left end for 37 yards on fourth down to really turn the game around. It was close with lots of drama but the Dolphins survived.

    It was a great Steeler year. Franco Harris was a rookie and he rushed for 100 yards in his first seven games or something like that. He had played behnd Lydell Mitchell at Penn State and the word was he was second string because Paterno did not like the way he practiced.
  11. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    2004 season when we beat the unbeaten Pats and Eagles two weeks in a row with a rookie quarterback. I was not at the game. I lived in DC and watched the games at a Steeler's bar in Alexandria, VA. It was not a big place and it was so packed that you had to get there by about 11:00 just to get in for a 1:00 game. The fire marshal stood outside ready to shut the place down if it got too crowded. It was great to be in DC and feel like I was in a bar at home.
  12. remote steeler

    remote steeler Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Superbowl X!

    This is obviously a tough choice because there have been so many memorable games....including the last minute of Superbowl XL111.....the immaculate reception etc. but I have to go with Superbowl X.

    The then current Dallas team was in its prime and it was a slug fest. The Dallas D was having it's way with us....shutting down the running game (Franco and Rocky).....and they were moving the ball against us.

    Them comes #58 slamming Cliff Harris (I think) to the ground after he taunted our kicker (Roy Gerilla) after a missed field goal attempt. The emotion of that moment changed the entire momentum of the game. It was still pretty much a fight to the finish.....but it put the Steelers stamp on that game.
  13. TheWanderer

    TheWanderer Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    i apologize in advance for the length of my memory but, as always, nobody is forced to read it.

    mine would have to be the most memorable game i DIDN'T go to . . .

    i was hellbent on going to super bowl XL. i booked my airline tickets for detroit and then thought, "now what?" the problem with super bowls: you don't know if your team is going to be in it. coming in as the sixth seed . . . who knew? no chance of getting a hotel room, i didn't know a soul in detroit, no ticket to the game, i had to get creative . . .

    i reached out to a girl i used to date who worked for an events company that worked several high-profile sporting events (super bowls, the masters, etc) . . . okay, the company was called playboy. at any rate, she worked the playboy parties. the upside was that i would get a ticket to the playboy party. the downside was that i couldn't stay with her because she had a roomate for the weekend and male guests were strictly forbidden. so, i had a ticket to the playboy party, now i needed a ticket to the game and a place to stay. time to get more creative . . .

    i poured through craigslists ads looking for a place to stay. it was insane. the best option looked like someone allowing like thirty people to sleep on their living room floor for like a hundred bucks a night. might not be a bad idea. i decided another route, i'd create a match.com profile and start flirting with local women (don't judge!! we hadn't been to the big game in a quarter-century!). i started getting some nice feedback and decided on a woman who told me i could stay with her over the weekend and wanted to go to the playboy party with me. no problem. now i needed a ticket to the game . . .

    my playboy party connection called me and told me she had a ticket to the game for me if i wanted to pay face value for it (like $650). i was in heaven! before she got off the phone she said she had better run it by her boss to make sure he didn't want it. he did. i was in hell. i figured i'd deal with all of that when i got to detroit. i already had airfare, a place to stay, and a ticket to the playboy party, now i only needed a ticket to the game . . .

    when i got to detroit, the woman that i was supposed to spend the weekend with wasn't there. i took a long cab ride into the city center and didn't know what to do. i tried calling and calling but she didn't pick up. hours went by. i was holding a large suitcase and standing in a hotel lobby and the weather was disgusting. i had no place to put my stuff, nowhere to go, i was starting to think this wasn't the best idea. finally, the woman called me up and apologized but she'd been fighting with her "boyfriend" (uh . . . i thought you were on match.com) and they decided to get back together. apparently, she called him up, explained what she was doing for super bowl weekend, showed the guy pictures of me, and used me as leverage to get him back into her life. she told me i could still stay at her place but he'd be there and i could hang out with them and blahblahblah . . . whatever. i had a place to stay and a ticket to the playboy party. that's all i cared about. she picked me up and we continued to drive towards her house. and drive . . . and drive . . . and drive . . . i was like, "WTF are we going?! where do you live, chicago?" her place was at least forty-five minutes from ford field. after twenty minutes or so of going away from downtown detroit i asked if she could turn the car around and take me back to downtown and i'd figure it out from there. she did. now i was without a place . . .

    the detroit weather was disgusting. i was surveying the crowd, the city, my total environment and thought, "F this town! time to move on to plan b!" 'plan b' was watching the game in the burgh. i cabbed it to a rental car place and they just laughed at me and managed to squeeze out a, "you think we have cars available this weekend?!" through the laughter. i decided to grab a greyhound to the burgh. i started thinking about who i knew in the area. i had hooked up with a flight attendant recently from cleveland so i decided to give her a call. she was home, excited i was passing through, and volunteered to pick me up from the bus station and put me up for the night (saturday night) at her place outside of cleveland and then drive me to pittsburgh the next day and we'd watch the game together. things were picking up . . .

    we headed on our way and we passed a high school she said she went to. manuta, i think. i glanced over and saw the scoreboard on the football field and it read 'Jack Lambert Stadium.' i was like, "WTF?! stop the car now!!" she was laughing and was like, "oh yeah, that dude went to my high school. i guess i should have told you that." we got out, i found an open door to the school, and made my way into the hall, found a trophy case, and found some old trophies and pictures of jack. it was pretty cool. back on our way . . .

    we pulled into the burgh around 1pm and headed to the stadium to see if anything was going on. empty. desolate. the entire city was like a ghosttown. it was surreal. i assumed everyone was home with their families either hosting or attending super bowl parties. i got out of the car and walked over to the art rooney statue. he had terrible towels laid across his lap, a huge el presidente cigar next to him, rosary beads, whiskey . . . it was quite a site. i took my picture, promised the chief a win, and we proceeded on . . .

    our first stop was hi-tops just east of pnc park but it looked pretty empty. i suggested we head for the strip district, we did, and it was the right move. the sport rock cafe was slammed. we parked, went inside, and the entire place was jammed with hundreds of steelers fans. i'm pretty sure every single one of them was wearing a steelers jersey. i felt like joe jackson/ray liotta coming out of the cornfields and asking ray/kevin costner, "is this heaven?" the dj was spinning steelers songs and the place looked like it had just struck midnight on new year's eve . . . for about four hours straight. one poor soul sauntered in in a seahawks jersey and the entire place erupted in a taunting, "aaaaaaaaashoooooooole!" chant. a guy helped his buddy onto his shoulders to tear a seahawks banner down (the place apparently had all of the teams' banners hanging from the ceiling). security watched. bar staff watched. nobody stopped him. nobody cared. just a blank, "you can burn it for all i care" look on the faces of all that were burdened with the responsibility of protecting the bar's property.

    the game started . . .

    back and forth, excrutiating, nervous . . . then willie was gone. the place went insane. it was ready to go batshlt crazy until ben through a pick on the seattle goalline. it was a game again. until randle-el threw a bomb to hines. as hines skipped into the end zone, the place went ape****. everybody was hugging everybody. i just kind of dropped to a squatted position, teared up, and thought, "we just won the super bowl."

    as the final seconds ticked away the place was mass hysteria. we all poured out into the streets and what was a ghosttown earlier was now a carnivale. every who in whoville was driving, or running, through town waving a terrible towel. car horns were blaring, people were screaming, hugging, yelling, smiling, laughing . . . it was awesome. my flight attendant piloted me over to heinz where i congratulated the chief and did some snow angels in the nearby snow-covered lawn.

    i don't think i slept that night. just absolute bliss. i thought of the part in Vacation where clark/chevy chase loses it and talks about having "so much fun we're gonna need plastic surgery to remove the smiles from our gawdamn faces!" it was like that. my girl had to get back to cleveland for a flight so we got up, hit a giant eagle, i picked up the morning papers, and headed out of town happy as hell that i couldn't score a ticket to super bowl XL.
  14. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Gotta tell ya LOVE THE AV!!!!!! :good:
  15. Edson Cardona

    Edson Cardona Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    From Chief to TerribleTowelFlying, they are the reason we are here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. NJSteelerFan

    NJSteelerFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    1989 Wildcard game against the Oilers. Steelers win with an end of game field goal by Gary Anderson by a score of 10 - 7. We were big time underdogs and had no business winning, but a gritty D performance, some clutch runs by Hoge, and they pulled out the upset. I was on the edge of my seat glued to the TV the entire game!
  17. SteelerJJ

    SteelerJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    There are so many. The 70's playoff games when I was a kid stand out most because Bradshaw was like a Super Hero to me. I guess I'll go with the 1978 Super Bowl with the Cowboys because it was so back and forth and Bradshaw had a great game. Seeing Thomas Henderson's face after the game was priceless.
  18. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    The most memorable game that broke my heart.
    1-15-95 AFCCG vs Chargers

    STEELERS blow a 10 point half time lead. Two 40+ TD passes for Bolts. STEELERS down 4 with 2 min to play. Drive down to the 3. 4th and goal with about 30 sec left.O'Donnells pass to Foster is knocked away by someone named Dennis Gibson.Diving from behind Foster to knock it away.I was SOOO sure we would score.Still cant get over that play!! :shock:
  19. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    1/7/79 - AFC Championship game against the Houston Oilers. I was a senior at Pitt, dad was a season ticket holder. He had an apendacitis just days after the divisional playoff game against Denver. He was fine, but it meant that the tickets went to me!! :D My first playoff game. Took a buddy of mine from school. It rained. No, it RAINED!! Freezing rain all day. Our seats were in the first level at 3 Rivers and I was soaked to the bone, but what a great time. The thing I remember the most was the piece of steele I ran over somewhere between Pitt and my home in Robinson. Got about 2 miles from home and realized something just wasn't right. I thought it was the ice on the road, but when I got home there was nothing left of my left front tire. What a day, but it was so awsome.
  20. SoFlaSteelNation

    SoFlaSteelNation Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    I just wanted to start off by saying that while this is my first post I have been an avid follower of the previous MB. I absolutely loved some of the discussions and while I never joined in, I felt just as much a member and am sad to see that boards predictable unraveling. That being said, I figured this board represented the perfect opportunity for me to finally dive in head first and discuss the team I love so very much. Thanks guys and I look forward to some heated debates and eventual love fests on the way to our 7th Super Bowl.

    I have been very fortunate to attend quite a few of the Steelers playoff games. In fact, I have only seen them lose once in person (2007 Wild Card Jags). I attended last years Ravens playoff game and the stadium was absolutely nuts in the second half. However, the 2004 AFC divisional playoff game against the Jets, where Doug Brien missed two field goals at the end of the 4th quarter and we won in OT has to be way up there. I remember the electricity in the stadium was so unbelievable that the seats were shaking. Everyone wearing black and gold was screaming as loud as I have ever heard in my entire life. Even when the second attempt was a make-able 43 yarder, no one seemed like they had any doubt the game was still ours.

    Jeff Reed (think we took him for granted while he was here) nailed the OT field goal in the open end of the stadium to give us the win 20-17. Absolutely wild!

  21. pjgruden


    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    This one is kind of a toss up for me. My first Steelers game was in 2005 (I believe) when I went to see them at the Ravens. It was awesome to experience a Steelers game live, and to see the fans take over an entire stadium. It was quite amusing since the Ravens fans were getting pissed that there were more Steelers fans then them in attendance.
    The second is my first home game in 2009. They were playing the Favre led Vikings. This was the game that Gay got run over by Peterson. Renegade played and the crowd went wild, and then shortly therafter Fox intercepted a pass and returned it for a TD I believe. That was a great game.
  22. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Bro... Without getting corny, that story is awesome.
  23. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    My most memorable non-attending game, for me, is the EPIC AFC post season divisional win against the Colts in 2005. My girl and I were driving in a massive snow storm back from a cabin vacation on a lake in NH. I would have stayed to watch it, but the storm forced us to get the move on or be stranded. So we listened to it leaning forward on crackly A.M. radio driving 30MPH. The storm, the pace of the drive, the weight of the game and the goliath opponent made that game so tense!!! We had to visualize everything. I was so psyched after Porter sacked Manning two times in a row after Troy non-interception interception. We had the ball and I KNEW Bettis would pound it in and shut the game down, so I got out to clear ice off the wiper blades only to see the expression on my girls face through the windshield!!! I couldn't imagine what she was going on about... I could wax forever about the rest, but you guys know the story. I'll just say, after the win, the rest of the drive was like sun filled day. Thank god for DVR.

    Most memorable attended game was the beginning of the season two years later. It was the start of our next epic SB winning season. It was the 3rd game on Monday night against the ravens and the weather was as perfect as possible. The game Mendy got his collar bone broken. It was actually kind of a dud of a game until Meweldy Moore made himself a valuable member of this squad in the second half. This was my first game in Pittsburgh against our current (and then) most hated division rival in perfect weather on monday night and we win in overtime. Some dude in front of us with a world class mullet **** his pants during overtime. What a game! The traffic and parking at Heinz field sucks.

    My first ever Attending game was the season between those mentioned above, up here in NY against the Jets. The jets sucked that year, but destroyed us that game. The jets fans were major assholes too. Fights everywhere, throwing food at women wearing black and gold, the whole nine... Walking out of a tunnel to the car after the game, some guys were having fun at my expense and chanted "Let's go Steelers". The Jets tunnel fans loved it. Their enjoyment lasted long enough for me come up with only one reply. Once the laughing calmed down and I chanted in the same melody, Fooouurr aanndd TeeeEn. 4 & 10 was their record up to that point (we had close to the opposite record I think). I even heard some of them chuckle at that...

    Then, what could be better than The Best Super Bowl EVER! XLIII with Harrison's amazing pick six and Ben's perfect dart to Holmes' best SB catch ever. (((One for the thumb!)))
  24. Kel_In_PA

    Kel_In_PA Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    This is also one of my favorites. I was 35 weeks pregnant with my first son. I was screaming so loudly at the TV that my husband threatened to turn it off if I didn't calm down. He was afraid that I would go into labor right in our living room.
  25. LA_STEEL

    LA_STEEL Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Re: Most memorable STEELER game..

    Has to be my first steelers Game at 3rivers stadium Playoff Game Browns vs Steelers.

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