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So, your thoughts on the replacement refs so far

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by SteelinOhio, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    The problem Rusk is they aren't supposed to be here. And while the real refs blow calls too I've never seen one so bad as yesterdays) they at least know the rules. Also, there is an issue of integrity, I don't believe for one second that these guys are above making a bogus call in favor of a bet or their fantasy league. Especially when one ref was canned for making a reference to it during a game. If one said it, you know others are thinking it. Actually, I think he was canned for tailgating with the fans but it was the same guy.[/quote:2kkcqytr]

    Very good points. That guy was a Saints fan, right?

    I agree with you regarding the replacement refs appearing to be less sound in terms of integrity. There has been much talk of them being intimidated, on the field, by fans, players and coaches.

    Last night, I believe I heard Steve Young state these refs are from Division III college level. They couldn't get some of the D1 college refs??? NFL and D1 college don't usually play at the same time, do they?
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Very good points. That guy was a Saints fan, right?

    I agree with you regarding the replacement refs appearing to be less sound in terms of integrity. There has been much talk of them being intimidated, on the field, by fans, players and coaches.

    Last night, I believe I heard Steve Young state these refs are from Division III college level. They couldn't get some of the D1 college refs??? NFL and D1 college don't usually play at the same time, do they?[/quote:2sn0gnch]

    Yeah, I believe so, Saints fan. And not sure about the D1 refs, I sure hope it's a scheduling conflict because thats just even more ridiculous, I didn't know that.
  3. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011

    Yes...and the IMMACULATE RECEPTION happened to.

    Detroit had guys trailing the play....which is the right thing to do because usually the ball is tipped backwards...but every DB in football from pop warner to high school, to College, to Arena to NFL or Canada.....you are taught to just bat the HAIL MARY DOWN....because it works 99% of the time.

    You put the ball in the turf....you don't want to hit it that way..then you punch it out of bounds.....you do not try to catch it...because of exactly what happened....Tate got both hands on the ball as they fell. I really don't have a problem with the call. Yes Jennings had it first....but its not about who has it first...its about where it ends up...and the play ended with both guys fighting for the ball on the ground.....Simultaneous Possession....it goes to the offense.

  4. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011
    For those that haven't read the whole thread, Rutan74 had a couple really good posts on page 3.

    I think that the refs are doing about as well as the regular refs were. Yes some of the games are taking longer to finish, longer to review plays, but when the get the calls right that's all that matters. Remember even just last year watching so many games so many replays and still never 100% sure if they were going to rule it a catch or not a catch.

    One thing that everyone seems to forget is that our view from TV or the stands is much much different from the first hand view on the field. Players block views, each ref has a different responsibility. Until they outfit every ref with a head cam and "instant" instant replay, we will have to be subject to judgement from the stripes on the field.

    BURGH43STEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    The refs are doing as good a job as can be expected under the circumstances. It's understandable that those guys don't know every rule from a rule book that contains hundreds of pages. Plus, many of the rules are open to interpretation. Regardless of who refs games, there is a history of bad and questionable calls through the history of the NFL. There is a good chance that the regular refs could had made the same call on the field.
  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    They suck you guys, they really do. The first week I was like, oh, ok, fairly painless, maybe this will be ok. Then the next 2 weeks happened and it's a joke. And I've said somewhere else that I don't think these guys deserved to be harassed but that doesn't change the fact they suck. And absolutely no way that GB game gets blown, I know 2 people can look at the same thing and come away with 2 entirely different perspectives but most everyone believes that was an interception, really wasn't close IMO.
  7. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    The replacements refs are indecive, I'll grant you that. But the REVIEW OFFICALS ARE THE SAME ONES AS LAST YEAR. If someone blew the call last night, it wasn't the replacement refs.

    I would ask that everyone page back through last years posts and show me all the praise for the accuracy and insight of the regular refs in 2011. All I remember was that those guys sucked. These guys suck too. Do they suck more? Maybe. But I think a difference is the regular refs would make a bad call, would strongly stick too their guns and SELL their call.

    The difference now is that many teams, more than in Week 1 are in the face of the new refs trying to intimidate them. They are probably succeeding. But I ask you, when the Regular Refs come back, why will this change?
  8. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    They suck, for no other reason than the games take longer to play. Which is why I was watching the stinking Saints v Cheifs and Jets v Dolphins instead of the 1st quarter of the Steelers game.

    But I can't stand Rogers, so I'm glad GB lost.
  9. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Thank you for those kind comments. As far as I know, I am the only sports official that participates in here and although I do not do football, I have worn the stripes for 25 years and I do know a little about the mentality of officials in general.

    Overall, they are doing about as well as one can expect given the circumstances. This is not about integrity or player safety either. It is about a better contract for the officials, period. Can you say MONEY? Anyone that thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.

  10. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Unfortunately, your opinion does not count or matter. It is just that, an opinion. Until the owners get hurt in the pocket, nothing will change and right now, instead of hurting them, it is causing many more to tune in just to see the car wrecks. You know, just like NASCAR. It is a no win situation for these replacements. The fans and the media, who do not understand officiating in the least are the loudest voices and are stiring up the masses like a lynch mob.

    FWIW, since I am an official, they do not suck IMO. You see, I have an opinion of my own, and my opinion comes from actually wearing the stripes for over 25 years. So tell me how many games you have worked as a game official? I will also be the first to say that they have missed a bunch of calls. So what. As I said before, do some research and find where the league sent letters to the Steelers week after week about blown calls. It happens way more than you think or are told.

    Remember, this is not the fault of the replacements. What did you expect anyway? If these guys were NFL calibur then they would be working in the NFL. They are not NFL calibur so this is what you get.

    Now instead of crying about he officiating like an uninformed parent that sits in the stands and complains when little Johnny does not get a call, ask yourself why don't the real refs agree to come back to work and then work out the contract at season end? Integrity? Where is their integrity for the game? If it is such an issue, then they should say to hell with the contract for now and get back to work. Instead, they sit around and are just waiting for their big payday.

    All to often we chide players for holding out for the millions, yet here we have PART TIME workers that demand (more) insurance, a (better) retirement plan, and refuse to allow tougher grading on game performance to weed out the underperforming. Now, really, integrity? It goes both ways. How many part time jobs do you know of that have these benifits and perks? It is pure union extortion.

    It is also interesting to listen to the ex-NFL refs rail against the bad calls yet they do not lend a hand in the matter. Many of these seasoned ex-NFL guys could lend a hand and work some of these games. At least put one on each crew to help, but you haven't seen any of them offer their services have you? None of these guys wants to put a wet blanket on the union that they once were or still are part of. Now, who are the sucky refs?

    Look, I think they have every right to demand more money. The NFL also has the right to say, no, you are paid enough in our opinion.

  11. 4EvrH8O'donnel

    4EvrH8O'donnel Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I agree with you about Union Extortion. Now if the league decides that it can get away with staying with the replacements the game and its integrity will suffer and sooner rather than later the revenue will drop.

    Countless fans may still follow on tv, the season ticket holders will still go but anybody who would otherwise just go to a game or two will say forget it. I know I'm at that point right now and there are alot of us.

    They start seeing half empty stadiums from midsize markets and it will be a big Black eye to Gooddells garbage Pop Warner football league.
  12. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I can say this about part time workers. I work at UPS and have for 11 and a half years. In Knoxville Tn where I live our hub is the WORST in the country for going full time. I have other part time people ahead of me and they have over 16 years! In 1997 the UPS struck because they wouldn't give full time free benefits to the part time workers. Now we do get the benefits. It's actually the reason a LOT of people work there. But MOST of the time I think the Union does things to benefit the TOP guys and not the bottom. The reason UPS gave us the benefits ultimately was because the union relinquished Christmas bonuses. It was give and take. If the refs are dead set on what they want they will be in this deadlock for a LONG time. If the league refuses to compromise it will also be deadlocked for a LONG time. Ultimately someone is gonna have to blink and it sucks for us as fans to sit and watch this staring contest. But that being said I think the refs should be compensated justly. Maybe instead of just being part time the league should just make them full time and maybe that would solve the whole thing.
  13. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    What I didn't realize is that the refs already make $150,000 a year! Man that's pretty sweet for 20 weekends a year! I think they are trying to get up to $161,000 a year and have a 401k plan. Is that basically their demands?
  14. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    lol, man it's awful important to you whether I think the replacements suck or not, and you are right, it's my opinion and I believe they suck. They were thrown into an impossible situation, I get that, doesn't change the fact they are making a mockery of the game and I don't need to be a ref to see that. What about all the ex players and coaches chiming in on this that also agree the replacements are doing a horrible job? They have a little more NFL experience then some hobbyist ref like yourself no? And why should the real refs cave because the integrity of the game is in question? It's not their product, you've said that a couple times and it's completely idiotic. It's a billion dollar league, these guys are asking for a smidgen of a raise and you're blaming them? You side with billionaire greedy owners? Why do you hate the real refs so much? Are they not your brethren too? Or do you only have sympathy for hack officials? I think the replacements are doing a bad job, get over it.
  15. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    I heard on one of the radio shows that the NFL came out saying that the refs made the right call. They just keep digging that loss of credibility hole deeper and deeper. Sad sorry day for the NFL.
  16. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Not quite. They have a pension already. The NFL wants them to give that up and take a 401K instead.

    Seeing how many 401Ks were blown up in recent years, would you make that concession?
  17. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    And from the NFLs perspective look at how many state budgets are stressed because of sweet heart pension deals that they gave into years ago.

    There's nothing wrong with shifting the responsibility of retirement funding to the employee. It's been going on for decades now.
  18. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Never said it was. Just showing where the hold up is. Both sides have valid motives.
  19. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Never said it was. Just showing where the hold up is. Both sides have valid motives.[/quote:1lo6vcsq]

    Well said, Ray - it's an obvious point, but one that gets a little lost sometimes. And I'm wary of casting a judgement on who is right and who is wrong because it's effectively a trade dispute that I have little knowledge of the inner workings/politics/effects of. That's not to say, "don't know, don't care", cos that kind of attitude annoys me. It's more that I like to watch football, and that's about the limit of my expertise regarding the officiating.

    For what it's worth, I found the refs calls the last two seasons frustrating - I put it down to an excess of complex rules. The replacement refs are working with the same materials, so it doesn't surprise me if I find their calls frustrating as well. I'm not sure the GB game wouldn't have happened with the regular officials.
  20. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Well said, Ray - it's an obvious point, but one that gets a little lost sometimes. And I'm wary of casting a judgement on who is right and who is wrong because it's effectively a trade dispute that I have little knowledge of the inner workings/politics/effects of. That's not to say, "don't know, don't care", cos that kind of attitude annoys me. It's more that I like to watch football, and that's about the limit of my expertise regarding the officiating.

    For what it's worth, I found the refs calls the last two seasons frustrating - I put it down to an excess of complex rules. The replacement refs are working with the same materials, so it doesn't surprise me if I find their calls frustrating as well. I'm not sure the GB game wouldn't have happened with the regular officials.[/quote:41oavy2q]

  21. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    Man, after having seen how bad the replacement refs were, it's very noticeable how much confidence and control the real refs have here in the Browns/Ravens game, especially the HL.
  22. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Seriously. Besides some very bad calls, they were really disrupting the flow of the game.
  23. FeedTheMachineFTM

    FeedTheMachineFTM Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    Definitely a much better flow to the game,,it may actually be over on time,,or even early...The browns are hanging around too :praying:
  24. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Let me ask you this Bobby......If you bargained your retirement fund into a pension fund years ago..(lets say 30) would you feel secure transfering it to a 401 k???????

    Im going through this now and I do not want my pension transfered into a 401k!!!!!
  25. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011

    Ah yeah there is.....A employee gives 35 or more years of his or her life to a company. When they retire the company just says"Thanks good luck. Hope the market is good to you."

    The top 10 in this company who may have been there 15 years combined are collecting millions.....The people who have built this company are relying on the stock market to pay their bills after retierment.....NOT RIGHT!!!!!!

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