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Rooney Rule Possible Changes

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by biggbunch68, May 18, 2020.

  1. groutbrook


    Oct 23, 2016
    You're going back aways there, old timer.;+)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. The Glory Days

    The Glory Days Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2017
    ...and then hire her as HC. What could go wrong? She wouldn't have to speak English because we can't understand the one we've got now. And she couldn't coddle the team more than the one we've got now. She'd probably smell nicer and at least when she wasted our challenges, she would throw the flag with more flair. And aren't women usually better at time management than men? And finally...women are better suited to be cheerleaders!
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  3. Roonatic

    Roonatic Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Where is the outrage for not having interviewed any women? Spotted Eskimos?
  4. The Glory Days

    The Glory Days Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2017
    Maybe that's what AB has been so upset about!! He's been misunderstood this whole time!!



    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey biggbunch68.

    You are correct and this is an old topic not just in sports but in many other facets of life. Whether it is admissions to schools, the bidding on construction contracts or many other similar type situations. Look, I get it. I have seen this issue first hand in education. However, all this usually does in the end is give the final-result a "watered-down" product in most cases. Yes, the best person should get the job. However, the good old boy network has to go as well. There needs to be a very fine balancing act to make this idealism become reality. It is hard to do.

    The Rooney Rule is good in theory but again this is idealism at its best. The reality of such protocols have the best intentions but usually fall way short of their intended objective. And again, what you end up with is typically not the best person for the job but rather the only outcome that it does meet is to have a quota fulfilled. It is a shame because there are a lot of talented individuals across all lines. Just as there are many incompetent individuals across all lines.

    It is just common sense to hire the best candidate. However, common sense does not always prevail as the saying goes. Sometimes protocols like the Rooney Rule are necessary just so those who would not even normally been looked at, at least get "peeked" at. Maybe in turn it does open some eyes and present an opportunity for some other employer through this "artificial" networking process.

    Unfortunately, there is not a so-called one size fits all "competency test" to weed out those who are fit for the job vs. those who are not. IMO the starting point would in all likelihood include taking a look at the individual's historic body of work. That alone will speak volumes on behalf of that person. Given that, there should be a "standard checklist" that the employer should initially start out with and proceed from there to fine tune the matching process as it progresses from the masses to a select few. This is time-consuming but well worth it. Especially for a team like the Steelers, who look to keep their head Coach for the long-term. So, in our situation, the Rooney's better make sure they have done their homework on their candidate of choice and go into this process "color-blind" like all others should. Again, are we looking for the best candidate or one who just fills a quota void? The latter rarely works out well.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
    Last edited: May 31, 2020

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