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rebuild by trading

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by francobettis, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Okay, let me state my opinions on the D, the players and any potential D trades first, THEN we can talk about another trade option which I think works better.

    First, I do believe the upcoming draft needs to be MOSTLY defensive players. Impact defensive players. We have focused so much lately on the offensive side of the ball since we lacked weapons there, that now we need to upgrade the defense.

    Second, I think the defensive struggles all start at 1 place for this team, the LB position. As much as I have seen complaints about the Dline for this team, look at the stats for sacks, pressure where every good D makes its living.

    11 sacks total
    Hood, Heyward, and McLendon - 1 sack each (IMO, they should be our starters next year)
    Harrison - 1 sack
    Foote and Woodley - 2 sacks each
    Worilds - 3 sacks

    So by the logic I have seen in this thread, our leader in sacks is a bust. What does that mean for Woodley and Timmons? You have 2 reserve Dlinemann in THIS system who have as many sacks as James Harrison? Larry Foote is your best LB?

    Third, I do think we will have some MAJOR turnover on the defense next year. I see Keisel, Hampton, Foote, and Harrison all being let go. DL despite not liking to play young players, will almost have no choice. Yes, he will have younger guys who have been here a few years getting a majority of the snaps, but the depth at those positions will all be very young as well. Heyward will replace Keisel, with Bryant probably staying as the backup. McLendon will replace Hampton with Ta'amu as the backup. Sylvester will replace Foote with a high draft pick as the replacement (maybe a #1 pick). Carter and Worilds will replace Harrison. I am scared to see the results. The reality for me is unless the LB play improves, this D is going to continue to struggle.

    Lastly, a trade I WOULD be willing to make. Mike Wallace. I know many people will say I am crazy, but I see a number a factors here. I would want a high draft pick. A team's first or a very high 2nd. I could see New Orleans liking him with that speed. I could see Oakland loving him...they love fast guys. If I can get a top 40 pick I probably move him. I would need to find someone on the waiver wire or from a practice squad who I thought I could throw onto the team and fill the #4 receiver role. I think you see a player who is afraid to get hurt. No, I don't think he looked like that in the first game or 2, but as he starts to be a little shy about the physical play that is what I see. Lastly, I don't see us signing him to the money he wants. He will walk for nothing at the end of the year. Better to get something for him. I would love to position this team with 4 picks in the draft in the top 80 players.
  2. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    i would cut taylor and keep harrison ,
    needs :
    1 cb to replace taylor that is cut
    1 ss (ready to replace troy if keep injurie)
    1 de to replace hood that is a backup at best or trade option
    1olb ready to replace one between worilds and carter if they keep busting
    1ilb to replace foote ( mc lain free agent or trade with the raiders?) sylvester out spence in the mix
    then one backup nt if we cut taaamu
  3. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I can see your points Freak, but I don't think the FO will see it that way. If Ike can get back to actually playing good fundamental football, he will be fine. Maybe he slides down to the nickle corner and Allen starts, but I honestly don't see cutting him.

    I prefer to think of the roster in terms of positions.

    Defensive Ends: Hood, Heyward, Bryant and Woods - I am okay with that group. As bad as Hood gets blasted around here, you would think he was the worst DE ever, but the reality is....he has a sack while Keisel doesn't and has 7 solo tackles compared to 5 for Keisel. I still think Hood will come around and be more consistent. Of not, HALF of both of these guys tackles came in 1 game. Keisel against the Jets, Hood against the Steelers. Also, Hood is 25 and Keisel is 34. Hmmm which to keep? Basically the same production but 9 years younger.... (draft 1)

    Nose Tackle: Hampton is gone. He will not be resigned. I think that is clear. McLendon and Ta'amu are going to be fine here.

    OLB: Harrison, Woodley, Carter and Worilds. I worry most here about the ROLB position manned by Harrison. Carter isn't ready and may never be ready to be a starter. I would love to see what Robinson can do, but I doubt that happens this year unless we have some more injuries. (Need to draft 1)

    ILB: Foote is in the last year of his contract. Spence may never be the same. Sylvester is not a starter, but can probably be a role player for us and maybe temporary starter. Timmons needs to play week in and week out like he did against Philly. IMO this is our #1 draft pick. As bad as our backup safety position is when Troy is hurt, if you can find a starter in week 1 who can play this defense....it would make us a ton better next year. Getting a "Farrior" type via free agency is also an option.

    CB: Ike, Allen, Lewis, Brown and Van Dyke I am fine with as a group. Ike needs to go back to the fundamentals and Allen needs to push him to start if he can. Van Dyke developing with his speed would help as well. (draft 1)

    S: Troy and Clark are great together. When 1 is out...this group sucks. I would love to see Golden in the defense a little bit. (draft 2)
  4. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I am not sure of his ,but I know mine....I will start by saying DL is a great Coach maybe one of the best,with that said his Zone Blitz scheme has to many holes in it ....We have to many holes as far as player talent when you combine those 2 it's a recipe for dissaster...

    We have to switth to a 4 or even a 5 man front,we must get pressure with the front 4 and give the guys on the back end more help...New England showed how to beat the Zone blitz a few years back....Simply get the ball out and that is exactly why our D doesn't get turnovers the way we used to....

    We can't cover tight,we can't run fit at a high level,and we can't get pressure...It's time for a change,,,it's past time...
  5. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    Just one exception Hack. I think Worilds is going to be fine.

  6. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I think there is a lot of truth to this. If you get the ball out fast, you can beat our blitz. It does not mean that DL doesn't know how to coach or call plays only that the game is/has changed and maybe it needs to be adapted. The scheme we used against NE last year worked great, but it leaves this team without the true ability to stop the run. IMO, the scheme needs to let the Dlineman get after the QB more. No more of this, stand him up and look, then rush which is what is taught. Heyward and Hood both have struggled with it. Beat the guy, even if it means you don't get to the right place. It becomes high risk, high reward for the Dline, but so be it. I think it has removed their aggressiveness which i want back.

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I get what you're saying. My intentions were to make sure people were seeing that on one hand a lot of people on here are blaming DL and saying he's past his prime and needs replaced asap. On the other hand and sometimes in the same breath they are saying our players on defense aren't doing their job (or suck if you put it blatantly) and aren't executing properly. There MAY be an issue with both the players and DL's schemes but it's always easier for some to throw the blame around without considering both sides. Is it scheme or lack of execution. Although it can be both, it's usually going to lean more one way than the other. ;)
  8. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    we will see , taylor contarct next year say 6 milion :confused:
  9. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    The reason many of us are not happy with Worilds and his team leading 3 sacks is the fact that he has 5 games played this season....compared to Harrisons 2...and Woodleys 3.5.....He has played more snaps than either Woodley or Harrison....I would expect to see him with a few more stats....

    2 of Worilds sacks were gifts....and I am not bashing him for making the play in front of him, but I also can not say he did anything that any player in the same position would have not have done. He came untouched on an overload blitz....even I might have made that sack...the other Keisel did all the heavy lifting and Worilds did clean up.

    I don't think Worilds is a bust....but I also don't think he is anything special and could and should be upgraded. He is an average NFL LB...nothing special...but he might have a 10 year career being that guy...not to shabby.

  10. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I don't look at Worilds as a starter though. He is a backup to Woodley, who needs to start doing what he gets paid to do...sack the QB. There is no reason to replace him for that backup role. He is capable of making the correct play, although maybe not the splash play. That is about all you can ask of your depth.

    On the other side, I worry about our lack of anyone. Carter isn't making the correct play yet, and may be able to at some point, but he isn't I want to see Robinson let go attack the QB. I am tired of saying he is a "1 trick pony". Well, that one trick is what this team is currently needing. Let me say it this way, Robinson could just as easily followed the TE for a catch the other night as Harrison did. See my point. Yeah, he may have one trick but it isn't like the vet did it any better.
  11. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    You realize that the 34 year old Harrison's cap hit will be OVER 13 million.... We can save about 8 million by cutting him. Basically he almost himself getting cut would be enough cap space to keep Mike Wallace....
  12. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    i know but harrison if healthy is the best (with troy) player on this defense , taylor no , every cb you put in there can equally or better the taylor production ,while i don't see another james harrison , but i agree age could be a factor too .

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