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Discussion in 'The Bill Nunn Draft Room' started by gpguy, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011

    I thought I posted this the other day when I was talking about this trade...but I'm not seeing where Denver even owns the #50 or #125 pick...I have those owned by Chicago and Buffalo. This trade is null and void as of now until it is adjusted. Denver has #54 and #121...worth 360 / 52 (which is 412 points) and #38 is worth 520...a difference of 108 points. This difference needs to be made up some also. And then the trade must again be approved by both teams before I can let it be made official. Sorry about this...as I said I thought I already posted it.
  2. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011

    I agree with you voiding this trade because Denver is trading picks they don't have. But I don't believe you can force them to throw in additional picks to close the gap on the trade value. If you do that then you MUST void the Eagles/Vikings trade where there is a 100 point difference.
  3. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    No its not.

    35 was worth 550

    51 (390) + 90 (145) + 191 (15) = 545
  4. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    This should have been done earlier. But from here on out...any trades that are only draft picks (no players involved)...have to be at least within 15 points of their actual trade chart value (see the recent MN/Phil trade here on the MB). Now they CAN be over the value (as an incentive to the team trading down...see the Rams in the real draft)...but they can be no more than 15 under the value.

    If players are involved this does not apply...but it still needs to be a fair trade (not like Ben for a 2nd or something, haha). Some of us value certain players higher than others obviously, but as long as both teams agree to the terms (and its not some crazy out of whack beastly-ish trade)...then thats fine for the rest of this years draft (next year there could be some slight changes when it comes to trades).

    So once again the Jags are still on the clock...and until the 2 team work out a new trade with the correct picks numbers and a closer point value they will remain on the clock. I am stepping out for a bit and hopefully when i get back in a couple hours this will be resolved. Thanks.
  5. SteelMojo

    SteelMojo Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    i didnt mean to trade a pick i didnt have i offered my 2d and 5th who i traded with put the wrong number 50 instead of 53 i didnt check and confirmed and i agree about the daft points no one should be abel to void trades because points dont match just look at the real trade between the Redskins and Rams 3 firsts and a 2 to move back 3 spots! those points dont match! if someone wants to trade a pick they should be abel to!
  6. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    According to the chart, the #2 pick is 2,600 points. The #6 pick is 1,600 points. Assuming the Redskins finish somewhere in the middle of the league (1,000 points for the #16 pick) the next two years, that means they will be paying the Rams 3,600 points, plus another 500 or so for their 2nd rounder this year. That's 1,500 points too many, and it happened in real life. The Patriots traded a pick in the 90s (130 or so points -- Armanti Edwards) to the Panthers for the 33rd overall pick (580 points -- Ras-I Dowling) the following year. These are so ridiculous that they simply should not happen. But they do. It happens when a team HAS to have a certain player. They usually think that this guy is exactly what they need to get them back in business or put them over the top, even if they are the freaking Panthers or Raiders, and they are already terrible before they mortgage their future.

    "Unrealistic" things happen all the time. A certain amount of it makes it realistic. That's how we get stupid picks and amazing steals every single year. Two first rounders for Carson Palmer?? If you think Denver's GM is a moron, that's fine, but maybe we need morons to make it more real. In addition, his trades are debatable, but not overwhelmingly bad. Some people have stuck up for him besides me. This last one is out of whack a little on the points, but what if he simply "has to have" a guy? Don't believe he really does? Think maybe he just wanted to draft again? That's what I think about the Panthers, and they are a real team.

    I think 15 points is far too narrow a limit, if there should be a limit at all. It takes away the decisiveness of what we're doing. Even perfectly fair deals are often off by more than that. In '09 when we traded our 2nd and 4th to Denver for their two thirds, we actually came away with the better deal statistically (I believe by more than 15), but most of our fans still didn't like it because we'd have rather drafted someone at #64. So some Bronco fans were probably happy to be on the "losing end" of the value chart, because they got the guy they wanted. I think the chart should be a tool to help guide us, not the boss of what we can do. Like real life.
  7. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I agree with Snack on this one. I realize that this maybe my first year doing this but so far the first round has left me debating whether or not to continue or if this sandbox is a little too small.
  8. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    This is the part of doing this thats a pain in the ass. I get people coming to me via PM/etc...complaining (or at least pointing out things)...and then I make a change to try to keep things fair overall...and then others disagree with that. Its a loose loose situation for me.

    I'm to the point where I'm about ready to say I dont care...do whatever you guys want to.

    As a comment on a couple certain trades you guys pointed out. Yes there are one sided trades! But like i said in my message for a team who is the one trading down...a lot of times they do win...thats why its a lot of times great being the team trading down...because you can ask for (and usually get) something extra like an incentive the move down. I cited the Rams/Skins trade as a perfect example...the team trading DOWN made out more...which is how it should be in a lot of cases....when a team really wants a player they better be willing to give up more than the norm to get that pick or player. I'm agreeing with that.

    But the issue here that I've mentioned and others have came to me about is in this particular trade the team doing the trading DOWN is LOOSING out, not winning (they're give up the equivalent of a high 4th or 2 lower rounders even)...its the opposite of the Ram/Skins/etc. I could almost guarantee you that no team in the NFL would accept a trade to move DOWN and loose out, when they could easily stay there and pick the player than planned on picking to begin with. No team would give up the chance to be able to get 1-2 more picks in a deal to select them some more players that they could be eyeing later in the draft.

    Two first for Palmer...Oak GAVE up more to get the guy they wanted...thats fine. Denver moving up and Pittsburgh getting their 2 3rds...Denver was moving up and gave up more. As far as the Pats/Panthers...the Panthers were moving up and gave up more. All of these are perfectly fine and are the opposite of what I talked about.

    But again...seems like I cant make anyone happy in this situation this year...so I give up.
  9. noitall0605

    noitall0605 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011

    Dont give up. The captain sets the rules.
    There are rules in everything that is worth something. Example. Want to go out to eat with shorts on and no shirt? Go ahead, not impossible, find a place. But dont make every nice place accommodate you by loosing it up a bit to allow the wild and crazy guys having a good old time. Put a clamp on it. Thats why there are guards and wardens- and there are prisoners. There is supervisors and managers- and your common employee. They dont like you calling them out for being lame--- F em, let them start their own wild and crazy draft. Dont give up. You had the right idea, you try to run your squad and want others to run their squads as a real team would. Only difference is some of these guys cant get into character- have no idea what value is and arent giving it any effort.

    Hell, I got an idea, in this game someone should sacrifice the future (pretty much whats happening) , trade all your players and get 50 picks in this draft. Then after words you can be a star for drafting 6 future pro bowlers and strut around your living room like the cock of the walk...... pretty lame. You guys that think this is a good idea should stick to the things you know..... pump gas, drive truck or make donuts......
  10. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Hahaha...while I'm not going to go that far and say F'em or whatever. As there is only one MB draft around here...I enjoy running this thing...as I have for a the last few years...and I try to make it fair...equal...and keep everyone as happy as I can...but sometimes ya just cant. I should just say screw it in the manner of hey if a GM wants to accept a dumb trade where they loose out for trading down...let em...(while it doesnt keep things as realistic) if they cant realize they're getting the "crap end of the stick" then oh well. I just try to keep the integrity of this thing at a higher level and if people complain/point out things...i try to fix them to keep that even playing field. I think though I could have a few adjustments on things next year though...not super drastic stuff...but some stuff I'll ponder nonetheless.
  11. noitall0605

    noitall0605 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Yes, Ok, I will trade Jay cutler for next 2nd round pick. I will trade Julius Peppers, Matt Forte who I franchised, I will trade briggs Erlacher, Peanut and Hester and every other starter for every pick I can. That way I can say when 4 of my 14 second round picks are hits I will feel pretty smart! Damn, brilliant! I should have started this way earlier in this draft thing!

    Like I said, lame
  12. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I wouldnt say its gone anywhere near that far. It was close to that last year with beastly...but while I didnt like a couple of the player trades personally this yr so far...as I valued some guys lower/higher than their own GMs...I can live with that...those were just my opinions (but also made me keep a watchful eye on things so it DIDNT turn into last year). This is just about trading picks for picks is all.
  13. noitall0605

    noitall0605 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    You know, 31 guys dont give a crap about their teams (were all Steelers fans)- sell all their existing stars- get all the picks you want, after all we are only tied to this for about another week. When you look at the rosters of guys and see the distruction that these trades brought for the crap shoot of the draft you will see some funny chit
  14. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Ok enough please! You're going way overboard on this.
  15. noitall0605

    noitall0605 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011
    Just state your case and move on is all you can do. Your doing a good job and everything you mentioned has truth ( I havent been bombarding your PM's but i would like to be reading the ones you have recieved!). by the way, thank you gpguy for doing this... bunch of extra work - hard to do unless you have time.
  16. noitall0605

    noitall0605 Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2011

    LOL, just pushin buttons! :swordsman:
  17. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Thank you. I try to do the best I can with what I've got to work with so to speak. As far as the PMs...thats the thing about PMs they're private messages...anyone who contacts me via PM I do not share they're names or what they said (well unless its their draft picks their PMing me).,..if they wanted what they said public they would have posted it here or something. Anyways moving on...
  18. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    gpguy you do a good job at this draft thingy..... I can't imagine having to put up with all us dummies that dont know what in the hel we are doing....It was my fault probably just a typo about the draft selections I went ahead and picked just so everyone would hopefully calm down
  19. centralpa007

    centralpa007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    GP. I just wanted to let you know that I also appreciate you doing this. It's a great way to get up to speed on all the prospects.
  20. SteelCity_NB

    SteelCity_NB Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 23, 2011
    Having run this draft for several years myself, I know all too well of the cons in doing so. However, I always thought the fact of getting 20+ people together and actually being able to carry out something like this outweighed any cons. I know it takes ALOT of time to run, to the point I could no longer keep up with it. I have no problem with the commish squashing any potentially lopsided trade, but I think it has to be lopsided beyond a reasonable doubt. The trade value chart is great and all but I do know you can't always make the points matchup, and sometimes getting 2 or 3 picks for 1 trumps any point value chart.

    Keep up the good work gp!
  21. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Thanks for the kind words NB and others.
  22. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Yeah it could have been a typo...but who knows...I know if I thought I was getting certain picks but in the end I'm getting others...I'd want to know before the trade commenced/etc. I always generally try to make sure people are trading picks they have and such so nothing like this happens. And as I said I thought I posted it in one of my messages about the picks not matching up...but I made a mistake and didnt. I'm glad you were OK with it and that you were fine with just making a selection (one that was a much needed one too in a WR).
  23. SteelMojo

    SteelMojo Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    so which one of my trades were so outlandish? because everyone know Denver NEVER trades star players in there prime (Portis Cutler Hillis Marshall Tebrow on the block) rolls eyes everyone of my trades were realistic!( got two players that Denvers coach dafted to fill needs the team has! traded a star DE but got a rising star back and a 1st round pick to fill needs) besides isnt this a FANTASY daft so if your going to call me out at least know what the hell your talking about before you get in others biz and am i missing something what NFL team you work for? LMAO SMDH
  24. SteelMojo

    SteelMojo Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    this is my first daft also and im starting to feel the same way!
  25. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Relax Mojo. No one is saying you made bad trades. The number of trades is a bit mind boggling but it's your team so more power to you. I think all the commish is doing is trying to keep everything fair. This is, afterall, something fun to do to get us through the off season.

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