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No the Steelers aren't going to sign Andy Dalton

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by steelersrule6, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    No he wont start but dallas has a QB in Dalton who has 133 starts and he could start behind that stout Oline and a top RB, good receivers, and win many games for them if he does have to start, and he gets to come home since he is from katy texas, it's a win win for dallas and dalton....
  2. bigbenhotness

    bigbenhotness Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    How the heck does Dallas have all this money lol
  3. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Their not paying dak 40 mill a year for starters..
    • Like Like x 1
  4. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Not yet anyways
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. SteelersFanIrl

    SteelersFanIrl Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2019
    Surprised to see Andy Dalton land in Dallas I thought the Pats or Jags would take him. He was never a realistic target for the Steelers for cap reasons.

    If Ben goes down its in Masons hands again. I would not be against trading a few future mid to late round picks to Miami for Rosen to see if there is anything there. Let the two of them sit behind Ben for a while and maybe one of them shows enough to take over when the time comes.
  6. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I would trade Duck and Switzer for Rosen :lolol:
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Steel Hog.

    Yeah, I know I saw it last night that dallas got him. I thought I saw seven million on a one-year deal with another four for something else. Let me ask you the following my friend.

    • Were you totally against getting Dalton or any other quality back-up for that matter?
    • Are you content where we are currently at with our QB position?
    if we stay the status quo with our current QB situation, and if Ben goes down for any reason. or any kind of set-back, I personally do not feel comfortable at all with our QB situation. Given that, if that does happen we will have a great defense and what I consider ten very good players on the "O" left but all for not as we will be missing the biggest and most important cog in the machine, the QB.

    More than likely we will se a re-run of last season's movie IMO. I still like Mason , Duck I am not as high on. In either case, I would have felt more comfortable with Landry Jones leading this team. Neither Mason nor Duck are ready, at least not at this point in their careers to lead this team to be very, very competitive; which is what Ben or Dalton would obviously be capable to do.

    As I summed it up before here, with Ben or a comparable QB (such as Dalton) we are in the Super Bowl conversation big time. Without them the dynamics of this team drastically change for the worst. No Ben or quality back-up, and we most likely do not even sniff the playoffs. If that is the case, and this is just me now, I could care less to watch a mediocre product. As far as I care, or careless for, I could care less if there is even a football season next season. I know that may sound a bit selfish. However, I have high expectations every season for this team as I am sure you do and everyone else here.

    Grant it, I do not have a crystal ball and maybe Mason or Duck could lead this team to a Super Bowl victory, which is MY goal each and every season. However, Ben gives us that best chance to reach that Pinnacle of Success. So, if you and others are content with the current QB situation, and the unknown with Ben, then I am on board with you guys (smile). I have no choice. Nonetheless, I am die hard B & G fan; always have been always will be. My philosophy has always been if you wear the Black and Gold than I am 100% behind you. So, I will move on from Dalton, put my best foot forward, accept our current QB situation and say lets Play Ball!

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yeah, either there is bad blood between Dalton and HC Taylor or the Taylor just doesnt want Burrows looking over his shoulder.

    I can only assume Daltons agent reached out to teams in need of a starter and they said no thanks.
  9. bigbenhotness

    bigbenhotness Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2014
    Dalton is better than duck and mason combined imo.
    Still sucks as a starter though lol. Can definitely win games with Dallas offense and line


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Blast Furnance.

    I apologize to all that some of this is repetitive from the earlier post that I put up today. I am just so "p-oed" right now after reading bout the deal that Dalton and his agent accepted for the Cowboys. This is freaking unbelievable. For weeks now, I have been advocating the bringing in of Andy Dalton as an “Insurance Policy” if Ben is not ready to go or has any kind of setback. Some here were saying forget it because of his high 17 million dollar price tag. I agree that was to steep if he was adamant at sticking with that price. However, he and his agent were obvious willing to negotiate and they did, BIG-TIME.

    Well last night I come to find out, as some of you probably know now by now, that Andy signed with the Cowboys; NOW GET THIS, for a one-year Seven Million Dollar deal with only three million guaranteed. Are you freaking kidding me? Look, I am not here to argue with folks. Like all of you I want what is best for the team. I posted all of my positives for bringing in Dalton as a quality back-up QB in case Ben’s situation does not work out.

    Once again folks, this is a serious injury. So serious, that it was season-ending. Yes, I agree with those of you that stated Management has a much better gage on his progress than any of us. And yes, I agree that the previous price tag of 17 Million for Dalton was most likely was out of our ball park.

    However, now at this price, and for the Steelers’ Brass not to jump all over it, is completely mind-boggling! Look, I love Ben. I hope he returns to pre-injury form. He is our best chance to be competitive. Mason and Duck are gigantic, light-year drop-offs from him talent wise. We have a great defense. A very, very good Offense. We are primed and ready to make a run folks! If Ben is not ready to go, or has any long-term set back, we are in all likelihood going to see a repeat of last year’s movie folks. I did not wait a whole year for that. This will be another season of a roster that is stacked talent wise minus the key cog, the QB.

    I do not know about any of you but my goal is Super Bowl victory every year. Realistic probably not, idealistic, yes! IMO that is where every true Steeler’s fan head should be at each season. Otherwise, why are we even competing?

    Ben is damaged goods folks. He is at the end of his career. This is probably going to be his last contract with us. Dalton would have been a seamless fit IMO. A very smart choice. And now looking at the deal that he received from the Cowboys makes us look incompetent IMO.

    I really hope the Rooney’s have a crystal ball and see something more than what we do. As I admitted, they have the best gage on Ben’s recovery. Given that, I will tell you as an athlete and former coach that there are no guarantees when returning from an injury especially one of Ben’s nature. And I do not care how much insight the Steelers’ Front Office has. That is just factual about injuries. Especially the more serious an injury which is definitely Ben's case.

    WE COULD HAVE EASILY ACQUIRED DALTON FOR THAT PRICE. Only Three Million guaranteed! What the “F” was Management thinking about? Management, IMO, 100% dropped the ball on this if they think Mason and Duck are their contingency plans. Extremely poor planning and foresight on their parts. Just Disgusting!

    So for all of you who are content with our current QB situation going into this season, I respect each and every one of you but I can not get on board with your sense of confidence. For I am nowhere near as confident. Once again, we could have easily matched the Cowboy's offer. EASILY! In the infamous words of Charlie Brown: “Good grief”!

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  11. Steel4Blood

    Steel4Blood Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2017
    The Steelers Offered him more, not the Steelers fault. He wanted to play near Texas, his home.
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
  12. SteelersFanIrl

    SteelersFanIrl Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2019
  13. turtle


    Jan 14, 2015
    You guys realize our "QB" coach last year was some guy just watching film? Because RF himself said he didn't have time. We have a new and for real QB Coach in Canada. I want to see what he does with MR. Ohhhh did I mention we have a starter in Ben..I'm just floored by the back up QB fascination this offseason. First Cam, then Jameis, now Dalton... I'm good with MR as #2, I want to see his progression with a coach working him day to day.
    At the outside, I would bring in a low level FA like Trevor Siemian to battle with Lynch and Duck and let the cream rise.


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Steel4Blood.

    Great update! Did not know that. Thank you for sharing that with me. At least in that regards, it does make me feel better that at least we made an attempt. Unfortunately, we are still in the same "worrisome boat". If we have to rely on Mason and Duck as our contingency plans if Ben does not work out, quite frankly, we are in big trouble IMO.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  15. 86WardsWay

    86WardsWay Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2012

    I'm very surprised he went to the Cowboys with how many other starting opportunities he would have had. I guess this puts Dak on a short leash though.


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Turtle.

    In all do respect, at least with me, it is not a "fascination" with Dalton. It is about having a realistic and solid "Contingency Plan" in place
    in case Ben does not work out. I have studied Dalton for a while. I have laid out my reasons for bringing him in. They are in other posts so I will not go through them. Once again, it is is about "The Now". If Ben does not work out I do not have enough confidence in Mason right now to lead this team to be "Significant".

    Sure, I agree the QB coach is a definite step in the right direction as well as the experience that Mason and Duck got last year. However, given that, I just feel it will not be enough for "The Now". We only have a window of time to make it happen. We currently have A GREAT DEFENSE and A VERY, VERY GOOD OFFENSE.

    By the way I am not shouting at you with capitals and bold just emphasizing my points (smile).

    We have all these solid pieces in place minus a definite, healthy and winning-proven QB ready to go. Again, as I have mentioned, Ben's injury was/is very, very serious. It was season-ending! Let us not downplay this. It put him out for a whole year. As I stated in another post, I have had injuries as a competitor. I have coached hundreds of athletes over my forty plus years with injuries. Some injuries are minor some are major. Ben's was major.

    My guess, is that Ben's elbow has probably been compromised to a degree. How much I admit I do not know. However, I am not comfortable with this thought. I do not know the outcome in the end. None of us do. Sure Management has a better gage on it than any of us here. Nonetheless, this much I do know. Again, the return from any injury brings uncertainty and again the more significant the injury the more uncertainty; which should lead to a greater sense of urgency from Management for a solid contingency plan. I feel Mason and Duck just are not those plans. At least not yet and again we do not have time on our side. I know I am going in circles a bit here but I am trying to drive home my point.

    If you feel comfortable with Ben's prognosis and with Mason and Duck then that is fine. For me, I cannot give the same vote of confidence. Not for Ben's healthy return until I see the "pudding proof" and Mason and Duck as our back-up plans until they show me something different other than last year's performances. With Dalton, we would have had a more "upside certainty" going into the season even if Ben returned as the starter. Let's hope it all works out in the end.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I’m far from good with it but what choice do we have. Steelers were never going to bring a big name QB in here to play backup but guys like Mike Glennon and Matt Moore are still out there.

    If things stand the way they are, just have to hope Rudolph takes a big step if he’s called upon this season. A year under his belt could go a long way. Aside from mechanics, which a QB coach can help him with, my biggest concern with him was not facing any kind of defense in college. Last year, you could tell he had no idea what he was looking at out there.
  18. turtle


    Jan 14, 2015
    I will believe Ben's word's when he says he's ready. If he is ready....that takes about half of this conversation off the table as he's our starter and if history holds true, he will miss, what 4 games a year? Maybe not that or maybe more? IDK, but I am planning on Ben starting 12 games. If Ben's arm is a noodle or he misses 10 games or more and we go with MR, Lynch and Duck? All the better quite honestly. We get a clearer picture on what we have and that presses the FO to address the QB situation accordingly. They traded up 10 spots for an undersized ILB....Do I need to repeat that...ILB. One of the most least sought after first round targets you can think of. I would hope they afford the same consideration for a QB in the 2021 draft. Ben will either force the QB situation with his bad health/injury woes or as we all hope push it into the future with his return to manageable form.
    Do I want to go into the playoffs with an "out for the year" Ben and backup Winston or Dalton leading the team into the playoffs. It's tough as I think Dalton would do reasonably well but I don't know if he has the juice to win the big one. Stick me in the all or nothing group. Big Ben and playoff run or backup and no playoff appearances. Dalton may beat out MR, that's a fact...but Ben is our only chance at beating Mahomes and that is what it will take to get #7 imo.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I don’t believe he has to be a upgrade but he does bring more speed and explosiveness compared to Ingram. Hill brings speed but I’m not sure they are comfortable with him getting too many carries. Dobbins can run between the tackles like Ingram so you don’t have to change much if anything on offense. They don’t really use a run the wheels off philosophy so I see Dobbins getting quite a few carries. It also gives them leverage with Ingram next year. I believe he has 2 years left and likely can be cut after the season or brought back on a reduced salary.....jmo.
  20. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Just a comment about trading up. IMO, they didn’t have to give up much to get Bush but if you pay a price that costs you a couple first rounders plus a 2nd rd pick, you better hit on your guy because that kind of loss in draft capital can kill your franchise.
  21. turtle


    Jan 14, 2015
    I agree, we will see if the price on Bush was worth it...The positive I take from it is that they went up to take their guy...And I would hope if all goes sour for Ben and the QBs, they will do the same in 2021
  22. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Well I don't know why you were expecting the Steelers to make a move like signing Dalton, even if it was for just 3 million, after the season Colbert and Tomlin both said Mason was their #2 QB.
  23. dobbler-33

    dobbler-33 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    • Like Like x 1
  24. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

    Compare this deal to what the Texans had to do to acquire Laremy Tunsil.

    2020 1st Round Pick

    2021 1st Round Pick

    Johnson Bademosi

    Julian Davenport

    Now, compare this to Devin Bush

    Noah Fant

    Drew Lock

    Lloyd Cushenberry

    Granted, both should iron each other out. However, that said, having two high "lottery tickets" is not something to scoff at; doubly so if both pan out. We will see what becomes of Noah Igbinoghene first and foremost.

    The only reason the Steelers/Broncos trade is tipping in Denver's favor is how well Drew Lock has developed in his first season. The natural inclination is to provide him not only more weapons but also protection as well. Time to see if Drew Lock really is the guy.
  25. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

    I really believe that the signing of Andy Dalton is more about than just a mere homecoming as well. This strategy is two fold. The first is if Dak simply is not doing enough. Dak gets yanked and Dalton can take over. The second is if Dak prices himself out of Dallas. Dallas will likely end up signing Dalton to at least two to three years for the vet minimum but also take a QB High in 2021 as there are many good signal callers coming from that draft; Trevor Lawrence being the top prize of course. Now I doubt Jerry wants to invest a QB for next season but if he does, it is likely coming from then 2021 Class.
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