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No Respect here in cleveland

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by BigBlockSteelers, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. BigBlockSteelers

    BigBlockSteelers Active Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Just so all of you in the Steel City understand the disrepect there is for the Steelers here in cleveland I just heard the host on the local sports talk station 92.5FM "The Fan" say that he never thought that Ben was that good of a QB and actully rates him slightly above average. He went on to say that Colt out played Ben on Thrsday night and if not for the cheap shot by Harrison Colt would of won the game. He continued with Bens numbers are never that good and his pick he threw last night was proof that Ben is not that good because Brady or Manning would never throw a pick in a tight game. O-by-the-way no mention all day that Ben got hurt or was playing on a bad leg!

    Just make sure that you never feel bad for the "clowns" or this stupid city. I hope every year that the "clowns" never win, ever.

    If you get a chance to come to cleveland on Jan 1st please do,,,,tickets on Stubhud are below $39 and will probally drop below $20 closer to the game...heck..the ravens game last week were selling for $5 each and they brag about how supportative they are with a half empty stadium.

    I wish Ben and Pouncey a speedy recovery!
  2. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    There is a reason they call that town "The mistake by the lake!!" :roflmao: :roflmao: :brownssuck:
  3. NecessaryRoughness

    NecessaryRoughness Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    I fondly remember watching Manning throw that pick-6 in SB44.

  4. cory_86

    cory_86 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Manning is almost as good at choking when it counts as Rivers and Romo ...

    Brady I would agree that he usually makes less mistakes than Ben
  5. NecessaryRoughness

    NecessaryRoughness Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    2006 AFCCG -- Colts score to take a 4 point lead. The Patriots are driving to score the winning touchdown, but then Brady throws it to a COLT!!!
  6. Jack LHambert

    Jack LHambert

    Oct 18, 2011
    I was in the bank this evening and some dude asked me how Ben was doing after the butt whooping he got. I said "come on now!, you gotta have mad props for a man like Ben, who makes $100 million and goes back out there like he did." He said "I don't have any respect for rapists! I admire your franchise, but Ben is a rapist and should've been banned from football." :doh:

    He was literally talking like this, out in public, in a fricking bank line!!!!!!! What a bunch of tools here.
  7. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Ben is almost always good for a bad pick. But, those guys have their picks too...
  8. RobertoC#21

    RobertoC#21 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    That is exactly whats wrong in this country today. By calling Ben a rapist, without a charge or a conviction against him, people are still willing to side with media bias. I am not defending Ben's actions, as I was not there nor do I have the entire set of details surrounding the night in question. No one does! This countries judicial system is based on innocent until Proven GUILTY. We have become a soft nation allowing politcal correctness dictate how we behave and what we say or how we feel. We need to get back to what made this country great and stop worrying about how it makes others feel!!
  9. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    I feel the same way about the Chargers. There are those here who also refer to Ben as a rapist.

  10. WWW

    WWW Writing Team

    Oct 24, 2011
    No kidding? So they (Brady & Manning) don't throw picks in close games? Really??

    Well, he forgot, at least, two that I remember pretty well:
    --SB XLIV Manning twrowing the decisive INT to Tracy Porter
    --Earlier this year, Brady thwrowing a late pick to give the Bills a chance to take the lead (and eventually win the game).
    There could be many many more.

    And, about Mccoy being a better QB than Ben, is it still too early to make a call? McCoy still has to have at least a winning season while Big Ben has 3 SB appearances (two rings) and a probowl selection (probably another this year)
    Was thinking we must wait until McCoy has one winning season, division title, playoff appearance or SB championship, but... hey, wait: he'll probably never have one of those. I know McCoy is in his 2nd season but, wait again! By the end of his 2nd season, Big ben had: a 13-1 record on his rookie year and an AFC championship game, and a SB ring from his 2nd season.

    And their QB, McCoy, needed his dad to pull him out his last game in college (BCS Championship vs Bama, which they lost mostly for poor performance by his backup) and now to throw under the bus their Coaching staff by saying he wasn't healthy enough to return to the game last thursday.
    Is that what you expect from your leader?
    I do like McCoy, and think he has the skillset, but all that stuff doesn't help him a bit.

    Well, at least they are a balanced franchise: their commentators and relatives hurt their team as much as their players and coaching staff.
  11. BigBlockSteelers

    BigBlockSteelers Active Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    All day the local media here in cleveland is calling for all its fans to contact the NFL office via text, internet, faxing ect....to have Harrison kick-out of the league...what a joke....they want the fans to tie up the NFL office and force them to do this just like they did when the clowns move to Balt.

    I am not ever sure if what Harriosn did was wrong? Per the NFL rules I thought when a QB left the pocket and advanced the ball to the line of scrimmage he gave up his protection rights. If that would have been a running back then no flag would have been thrown.

    Right now I am more concerned abut our mounting injuries this late into the season.
  12. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    McCoy is good, no mistake. He's tougher than a lot of other qbs, and he can throw on the run well.

    The fact is, his development just can't be compared to Ben's. Ben came in and was a winner from day one. Yes, the team was good, but there was a noticeable change in the attitude and play when Ben came in.

    As WWW says, it's ridiculous to compare McCoy to a winning qb until he actually becomes a winning qb.
  13. WWW

    WWW Writing Team

    Oct 24, 2011
    Well, I guess they have a point here, at least that's what I would be feeling if I were a Clowns fan.

    Harrisson has knocked out 3 of their playmakers in about a year:
    Cribbs, Masaquoi and McCoy


    And, among many other reasons, that's why:
  14. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    I honestly thought that Harrison had killed Cribbs for a second when I watched that play live.
  15. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Pittsburgh isn't getting respect? Shocker!
  16. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    It's just one of the things that makes it brutal living in Cleveland. The media - radio especially - and fans - always have to find a way to make their team - look better than ours. Bringing up a nearly 2 year allegation against our quarterback as evidence that their team is superior is just one example. Our team proves their superiority on the field - and our fans prove our superiority by focusing on the performance of our team against theirs. I took all kinds of crap yesterday from both students and colleagues - and my one answer to them all was, "My team beat your team with a one-legged quarterback!" If they continued, I focused on the reality and said, "The bottom line is that your offense could not score a touchdown and your defense could not stop my quarterback who was hopping on one leg the whole second half."

    They can disrespect me and my team all they want. But they don't have an answer for their own pathetic city and their own pathetic team. Trust me, if I could move out of this dirty, stinking, classless town, I would - and I will someday. Until then, I have the joy of watching my Steelers remind them twice a year just how far away they are from having anything resembling an NFL franchise.
  17. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I think its kind of funny that there is all of this post game focus on the Steelers by Browns fans and on the flip side, we could really give 2 craps about them.

    Does anyone in Pittsburgh take the Browns even remotely serious anymore? The Bengals are more of a formidable opponent than they are. And its been that way for the better part of a decade now. Cleveland really is nothing to get excited about, NFL wise. And its to the point where I actually feel sorry for their fans. They deserve better than that joke of a franchise the NFL gave them when the real Browns bolted for Baltimore.
  18. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I don't feel sorry for them one bit. These are classless, ignorant, smelly, dirty punks! I have my Steeler stuff on my car and - WITH my kids in the car, people have flipped me off, yelled "f**k you!" and other profanities at me. They base their whole season on whether or not their sorry excuse for a team can cover the stupid spread against my team. There is a reason this stupid area (all of NE Ohio) is one of the most depressing places to live in the country. They can say what they want about Steeler Nation, but I've lived in both towns and don't see the classless, gutless crap from our fans to theirs. It is always them.

    Just as with any statement like this, though, I do know some classy Browns fans who give our team its due. They are fun to bet with and talk smack to during the season and before/after Steelers/Clowns games. But the vast majority of Stains-backers are a real reflection of this smelly, dirty, poor excuse for a city.
  19. BigBlockSteelers

    BigBlockSteelers Active Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    I have lived in the cleveland area for last 24 years and what most do not understand is that there has been an entire generation here in cleveland that is being taught by the locals, local media and the clows orgainzation that if you do not win the Super Bowl you are equal to the worst team in the league. Last year when we lost to the Packers all I heard on the radio and from clowns fans was that Pittsburgh was no better than the clowns, this is the mind set that can not be reasoned with. They are also saying that the clowns have 8 NFL championship and Pittsburgh only 6 so they are once agaon the better team ect.....what most of the generation do not understand is that the clowns have (4) NFL and (4) AFCC championships and are no equal to todays Super Bowls. I tried to tell a clowns fan that back before the Super Bowls there were no playoffs, (2) leagues, approx (8) teams trying to win a one of the championships and the NFL league is not equal to the NFL today...of course I was told that I was a lying Steelers fan.

    I have had my car keyed for a Steelers plate, which I removed. I have been spit on at games...I took my son to the Christmas eve game here in cleveland a few years ago and a guy threw a beer and hit him (he was 12)..I contacted a security guard and he said "thats what you too get for wearing those stuped colors in our stadium".

    Things could not be happier here in cleveland, they are taking credit for Bens injury and hoping it keeps us from a Super Bowl so they can say that we are equal once again and they are responsible for us not winning #7.
  20. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    You could also remind them the team that did win those NFL Championships are now called The Ravens
  21. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    This is absolutely true.

    You can BS me all you want with the whole "the colors, records, and history stay in Cleveland" crap, but its just that, BS.
  22. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
  23. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    We here in the Steel City do not respect the Browns, you have to win a few games
    before there is a rivalry. This rivalry has been over since Modell took his team to Baltimore.
    Ravens and the Pats are the Steelers biggest rivalry's now. You have to wonder how those
    poor people up in NE Ohio put up with the mismanagement of a franchise?
    Thats what the people should be asking? Why can't we be in the same league as the PGH Steelers Baltimore Ravens?
  24. ballhair

    ballhair Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    What were Bens actions, trying to get a piece of ass? He just did what most guys in their twenties would do but being a celebrity he wasn't discreet about. No arrest let alone no conviction means case close. If that hick DA down in Georgia had the slightest bit of dirt on Ben he would of prosecuted him in a heart beat. Re-election coming up, busting a celebrity trying to take advantage of our southern belle. You get the picture. I wonder if the fact that the southern belle was drunk, following Ben from bar to bar and had a button on that said DTF had anything to do with local authorities backing away from it? Its just a shame that Ben wasn't more discreet so as not to give all the jealous opposing team losers some fodder.
  25. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    :this!: Believe it or not - some in the NE Ohio media are starting to get it. As much as I hate Mike Trivisonno, he has stopped the BS when it comes to the rivalry and started to challenge the Browns and their organization to model that of the Steelers.

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