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New Backup QB?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Bouben17, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011
    Funny, I recently stopped following one of the better Steelers beat writers because his twitter feed is interspersed with political agendas..... I voiced my opinion and got blocked, so I cancelled my subscription..... Sports and Politics don't mix. :offtopic: Sports is my vacation from daily drama.
  2. SGSteeler

    SGSteeler Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    I don't really see a better option than Jones in the short term. We are still a couple years away from a Ben replacement I'd say, and the chances that a rookie mid-late round pick is better than Jones as a rookie are pretty slim.

    IMO we'd be best served staying pat with LJ if he'd be okay accepting a shorter term deal. We'd draft Ben's replacement the year before we think 7 is going to retire and "red shirt" the rook while LJ plays out his last year of his back up deal. Then in year two, said high draft choice from the year prior takes over and we decide what type of back up we want behind him (ideally a veteran with starting experience but the starter game has kinda passed him by). Very much a Charlie Batch/Jon Kitna/Ryan Fitzpatrick/Matt Shaub type. Whoever fits the bill at that time.

    Again this is something I think we are over thinking. An upgrade at this position is going to be hard to come by and Landry has become a more than adequate back up QB. Draft is a crap shoot in the rounds we'd be selecting and chances of success are very slim (we'd likely regress at the position going this route). A high end FA back up is likely out of our price range when we sign our two studs AB and Bell and address our other roster needs...

    Just ink LJ to a short term deal if we can make the money work
    • Agree Agree x 2

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012

    Wow someone disagreed about my opinion of my country over my football team.....and with no comment, big surprise.
  4. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Fer69 is kind of getting a rep for disagreeing without commentary. But, it's a free country. Kap can kneel during the Anthem and fer69 can disagree without comment, lol.
  5. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    You all seem to be of the impression that LJ has to do a take it or leave it contract here, truth is free agency begins march 7 and there will be teams interested in signing LJ which is going to raise the price on signing him here, yes he will get offers to start for other teams to your shock, he isnt the castaway you all think he is:

    When does NFL free agency begin in 2017?
    March 7-9 is an open window for teams to start contract talks with unrestricted free agents. This time is uniformally known as the "Legal Tampering Period" since teams are allowed to speak with players from other teams:

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I am fine with the free country stuff but I just like to know what people disagree about.....oh well probably best I don't know cause this is a football board and it should stay that way, jmo.
    • Agree Agree x 1

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I am one that really don't want LJ back cause I don't feel he isn't worth that kind of money so I am fine with him looking and getting bigger money elsewhere. I do like the fact he know our system but anything IMO over 1.5 mil is way to much for him. I feel we can get the same results with ZM at 700k as we can with LJ at 2-3 mil. Either way if Ben goes down we aren't going far so why spend the extra money on LJ, give it to Villy or a vet RB, or a FA ILB, S, or CB........jmo.
  8. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    I have to say I haven't seen this kind of hate for a steeler QB since Tommy Maddox was here:

    • Like Like x 1

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Diamond if I am coming off as hateful I am sorry cause I don't mean to I just don't feel LJ is worth 2-3 mil. If you were to tell me right now we can sign LJ for 3 more years at 1.5 mil per I would be all for it. I like the fact that he come a long ways and that he knows the system but I am not confident that if Ben went down that LJ could lead the way. With that said why pay for a guy who I feel can't lead us to the next step, I know the Steelers feel different and that is fine. This is JMO I am not trying to be hateful.....
  10. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I'm happy with LJ as a back up. But that is all he is. For a guy who has been in the league for 4 years he still has a deer in the headlights look and shows no confidence. That isn't starter material.

    That doesn't mean some team like Cleveland might loose all common sense and sign him to starter money.
  11. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    "My mom always said Landry Jones is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest "Steel" Gump

    This is my problem with Landry Jones as our backup. I thought he played very well (for a backup QB) for most of his start against New England earlier in the year. He made some really good throws and had us in the game late. After 3 quarters I was feeling pretty good about him as our backup QB. However I also see times where the game looks too big for him - stepping in for Ben last year vs. Seattle and Cinci in the playoff game. I thought he also looked completely out of it late in the New England game, although he at least didn't turn it over. I don't have confidence that he'll ever be a consistent, calm QB. If he could be the guy that we saw for most of the Pats game, I'd be all in for paying him solid backup QB dollars.

    I still think the best backup QB possibility is Hoyer. Last year I suggested that, and got some flak because some people judged him entirely on his playoff loss to the Chiefs. Well, all he did last year in Chicago was start 5 games with a 98 QB rating, 67% completion percentage, 6 TDs and zero ints. I think someone will give him $5+ million to be a short term starter while a young guy develops. However, if that does not happen I'd sign him a heartbeat. He played under a 1 year, $2 million contract last year. I would love to have him here for even $3-4 million. Great insurance if Ben misses a string of games.
  12. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Isn't that what a back up is though, Elvis?

    And Hoyer is everything that you said of LJ. Ive seen him look like absolute trash and seen him look pretty good.
  13. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Well with our starting QB getting ready to retire either soon or at the end of the season we actually need a bu who might be full time starter capable in the near future...All our QB'S not named Ben should be purged they will never be good starters so might as well add some new blood to the spot ans stop wasting time.....

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I was looking at some QB's and honestly there are a few out there I would bring in or at least take a chance on. I am pretty sure the Steelers feel different and are going to give Landry Jones the 3 mil he wants and that is fine, I don't like it but I understand.

    Blaine Gabbert, 27 years old, Former first rounder who has starting experience however has not had much success and seams to be getting worse each year. Is it cause the teams he is on or is it cause he sucks, IDK but if the price is right I wouldn't mind seeing him behind Ben

    Matt Barkley 26 years old, Another one here who has been on a bad team but a stat that stuck out to me is of his 4 starts he threw over 300 yards twice. Still young and has shown talent again another one I feel is all about the money.

    Ryan Nassib 27 years old, not a whole lot of pro experience but sat behind Eli and was had to learn a bunch. I watched this kid at Cuse and he played well with below average players. Was coached by Doug Marrone which I like a lot, another guy who I feel could come cheap but has a lot of talent.

    Now these are all unproven players but lets face it we are looking for a back up with talent who may be needed for a little more depending on injury. I looked back on when we got Batch and he came off a very bad season in which he was 0-9 as a starter and threw for 2392 yds with 12td-12int's. He was only 27 years old when he came here and went on to play 8 years for us in what I feel was a pretty good career for us as a back up. Maybe I am trying to catch lightning in a bottle again with one of these guys IDK but these are guys IMO I would be interested in.

    Now people can point out the same for Landry and that's fine that is your right to feel that way but I don't based on two things. #1 the amount of money he will cost us, yes Blast it keeps coming back to that, lol :smiley1: the other thing is the fact that I am not sure he has an upside that can ever be more than a back up, jmo. I know in the end the Steelers will sign him and really does it matter who we have cause in the end without Ben can we win it all??????
  15. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Those guys aren't any better than Landry, Barkley was a turnover machine in Chicago last season.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    Well Blast, I think you've got LJ homer blinders, and I've thought so for a couple of years now. Search any sports/football news outlet that ranks free agents, and you'll see Hoyer ranked well above Jones (you'll rarely see Jones even mentioned at all). Go searching and I guarantee you won't find any rankings that place Jones anywhere close to Hoyer. I've looked. The funniest was Walter Football (admittedly not my favorite) which ranks Hoyer as the #2 free agent QB, and Jones #22 behind guys like Vince Young, Blaine Gabbert, Dan Orlovsky, Josh Johnson, and yes - Johnny Football. That's definitely a bit too harsh for Landry, but the point is that he's not that well regarded outside of some Steelers fans who see the brief glimpses of good and think that's the "real" Landry Jones. I also have doubts about whether the Steelers really see him as a top backup QB. Yeah I know at least one of the beat writer said something to that effect, but I can't see it. I think they see him as a cheap backup QB, and don't want to pay any backup QB what a top backup QB gets paid these days. PFF also ranks Hoyer #2 with a performance score of 81.1, with Jones #12 at 49.9. While they probably didn;t have enough of a sample size to fully grade Landry, their 81.1 score for Hoyer is in the decent starter range - well above backup range.

    I think we'll probably end up with Jones, but not at the $3+ million that a strong backup QB gets. More like $1.5-2, and that's why I think the Steelers are interested in keeping him on. We'll see how it plays out.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    No homer glasses, I just see BU's for what they are, back ups. He's .500 as a starter. Odd that you would dismiss how the Steelers feel about him unless you think the writer was lying about the 80% quote.

    I dont really care what those rankings say, LJ has very little body of work to compare to, apples to oranges. I saw Hoyer play worse football than I ever have seen LJ play in a Houston playoff game, talk about deer in the headlight look.

    Too many fans want little to no drop off when the starting QB goes down, nice fantasy. Id be all for an upgrade but you guys are grasping at straws, too spoiled by the Charlie Batch days.

    I thought when they signed Met, that he could over take LJ but apparently he hasn't impressed very much.

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I am not saying they are better and I am not saying they are worse, what I am saying is they are still young and maybe put behind Ben and on a good team they could turn into what he had with Batch. What I am saying is these guy have shown talent and are still young enough to be turned into a good backup at a lower price then we are looking at giving LJ. 3 mil for LJ and most people know that if Ben goes down we are screwed so why pay 3 mil to lose? JMO

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Blast this is why I am so against paying 3 mil for LJ, I know there is a drop off so why pay 3 mil for a drop off when we already have that with ZM at 700k? Also I thought ZM was brought in to take over for when LJ left but I guess that is not the case. Also why in my other post I mentioned the other 3 guys cause I don't want to pay 3 mil for a backup.
  20. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    ZM was brought in because we didn't have a number 3, and he seemed a good call.

    It hasnt paid dividends to date, but maybe he can do more with a full training camp and preseason.

    Agree that 3m is high for Jones, but the market for back ups is thin. I wouldn't be against bringing Barkley in for a look.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  21. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Why bring him in for a look, his 4 year career stats tells it all, he has played in 11 games not all starts and he has 8 TDs and 18 interceptions.........

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012

    I can't disagree with the stats but with that thinking Batch would have never been brought in here. I am a big believer that system and environment is big in a players development, will Barkley be a Ben no but could he end up being a Batch? I feel he has as much chance as LJ and if he is a lot cheaper I am all for it. jmo
  23. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Screwed how? Screwed as in if Ben goes down for the year? Then yes, your season is almost certainly over no matter who's behind Ben but not screwed if he misses a few games. You want a guy that can keep your head above water until Ben gets back, I think LJ can deliver that.

    You have a guy in LJ that knows the playbook backwards and forwards and has shown continued improvement overall. What are you really going to save bringing in someone else? A million? Million and a half? Peanuts and dont forget, you get what you pay for.

    Find me a Charlie Batch, Id be all for it but the names I am hearing for the most part are not any better. Moore is about the only one off the top of my head that Id be for bringing in but I dont think he's available.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    If Arians cut him after 1 season I dont see any upside for him, and he was pretty bad in his 6 starts with the bears, in week 16 he threw 5 picks with 2 TDs against the skins I think he won 1 game out of 6, and I was a fan of matts at USC....
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Screwed both ways but more if Ben goes down long term. Can LJ work for 1-2 game maybe but so can a number of other people, imo. I feel with the talent on this team the the experience of this coaching staff you and I should be able to step in and get us a win or two.....well maybe not you and I but you get where I am coming from.

    1-2 mil is not peanuts, this is the 1st year I can remember us not having cap issues but still every dollar is gotta count if we are in a win now mode for the next 2-3 years, jmo.

    How do you know of these names there isn't a Batch there and yes how do I know these is. I will say this without Ben it really don't matter long term so we are talking a small sample of games. These are NFL caliber players if we can't get a win out of Gabbert, Barkley, ZM or Nassib with the talent he have on this team we are screwed. All of which shouldn't cost us 3 mil. jmo.

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