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NB's Positional Rankings and Top 32 Overall

Discussion in 'The Bill Nunn Draft Room' started by SteelCity_NB, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    IMO. I don't think it matters. I don't see him playing for a long time.
  2. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016


    DeShaun and Dak are two entirely different QBs based on performance. One QB needs just about every advantage to break his way while the other has done far more with less.
  3. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    The way you talk about Dak, you’d think he was Bubby Brister :lolol:

    As you know, I a strongly disagree with your evaluation of him. I wish we had such a scrub.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

    The 2019 Season showcased to me all I needed to see from Dak personally. Ironically enough, after the first three games, I wanted to see him get even better. Sadly, that did not happen.

    My biggest issue with Dak has not been his ability to play at a very high level. My issue with Dak stems from his inability to do so in critical situations. As I stated before, 2019 alone is a major aspect as to why I personally do not understand where all the Dak Prescott praise is coming from. An 8-8 record garners Top 10 discussion by a Quarterbacks Standards?! Never mind the record, as stated before, if one looks closely at the "close games" Dallas had in 2019, those games were only so close due to the fact that the opposition was playing prevent defense for either much of the Fourth Quarter to the entire second half. The best example actually is from the Sunday Night Game against the Jets; 22-24 being the final. Looks impressive correct?! It is.... except for one major issue. New York was up 21-6 heading into the second half; only scoring three points in the third. Even when that game should have been won as their were multiple chances, Dak did not seal the win for the Cowboys. What about against New Orleans were Dallas was driving down the field?! Dak had plenty of chances then in the games final minute with the score being 10-12. Instead, a pick is thrown; ending the comeback. The Thanksgiving Game against Buffalo that season was another head scratcher for me, scoring on the first drive but doing nothing until the fourth quarter. Yes, that Buffalo Defense in 2019 was exceptional.. no doubt. That said, if one is able to score so quickly, shouldn't that mean they should continue their capability to do so?! Dak's maddening inconsistency is what intrigues me as seldom have a heard such praise garnered for such inconsistent play; doubly so given how much Offensive Talent Dak has had to work with since joining the Cowboys in 2016

    DeShaun Watson on the other hand, has been dealt a hand that should be next to impossible to deal with. I believe me and you can both agree that, without DeShaun Watson, the Houston Texans are likely looking at 2-14 at best in back to back seasons from 2019 to 2020; 0-16 for certain in 2020 at least. For that matter, the Texans have done only so well as they have thanks in part to Watson alone and not despite or in spite of him. Realistically speaking, if Bill O Brien had simply punted the ball in that 2019 AFC Divisional Game, the Super Bowl is likely looking a lot different IMO as Watson would have been consistent all throughout that game. For that matter, that is one of the major aspects that separates Dak Prescot and DeShaun Watson; consistency. DeShaun Watson will continue to produce with or without a lead while Dak tends to stall out at the most inopportune times. 2020 for some could be an outlier for Dak as he had a historically bad defense but DeShaun Watson had a far worse supporting cast overall; Watson being the only "defense" the Texans had in 2020 when it was all said and done.

    In short?! Dak needs others to be great while DeShaun makes others around him great. As you have been on record multiple times yourself Blast, DeShaun is Top Five at worst.
  5. Maddog78

    Maddog78 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020
    Who did Deshaun make great last year?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    kind of like Ben.
  7. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

    Fair point. That said, hard to do much of anything when the entire organization is literally a circus. Even so, as I said, that Texans team should have gone 0-16 but they did not. Four wins is definitely not something to be proud of but given the circumstances, I came away far more impressed with how Watson actually managed to pull off those four wins to begin with.

    Disagree here given the fact we do not know how either Dak or DeShaun have played their fifth year yet (or fully in Dak's case). By Big Ben's fifth season, he was a Two Time Super Bowl Champion. Unless Dak can get the Cowboys to a Super Bowl, he does not compare to Big Ben for me.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016
    I do believe though we are getting off topic a bit about two QBs not entering the draft. I do agree with @SteelCity_NB@SteelCity_NB about Justin Fields if starting him immediately. I do believe Fields would benefit from sitting but something tells me he will be thrown into the fire come Week One. If that is the case, I seriously hope a team has a plan for him.
  9. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    I'm wondering why OSU QBs don't seem to do well in the pros?
  10. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Can you imagine Tevin Jenkins playing next to Dotson ... that would be filthy!!! They would send guys out on stretchers.
  11. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    I agree with all about Dak.
    One side of my family are Dallas fans and they agree.
    Also you forgot 2 mention while he was playing he was tied with most turnovers in the league, and was leading if you count the ones the team(Dallas)got back .
  12. Maddog78

    Maddog78 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2020

    I wonder why Clemson QBs don't seem to do well in the pros?

    I wonder why Texas Tech QBs don't seem to do well in the pros?
  13. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011

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