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My Crazy Egg Theory, conspiracy theory.

Discussion in 'The Watercooler' started by Brice, Mar 1, 2025 at 6:43 PM.

  1. Brice


    Jul 18, 2018

    Do you remember when you could walk into a Walmart and buy a 4 pack of light bulbs for 98 cents? Now that same 4-pack will cost you around $10. What happened? Was there a light bulb shortage because the factories burnt down? No, not at all. Somebody upstairs passed a law and forced the country to change to Led Bulbs. LED bulbs were available, they were always just more expensive.

    Here in Colorado our egg shortage began this January 1st 2025. December 31st there were the old standard Value Eggs available everywhere. Then on January 1st they were gone. Did the egg factory burn down, some new form of Bird flu attack all the Chickens? Nope, it was a Colorado law than banned all non-cage free Eggs. After January 1st you could not use, buy, or sale an egg that came from a chicken in a cage.

    What happened to all those eggs, or more importantly what happened to all those caged chickens. Some kind of Bird Flu? When the government started giving out money to all farmers and ranchers that had lost chickens due to the bird flu, how many of those dead chickens came from cages? "Yes Sir, that chicken died of the bird flu-thingy, yes I know the chicken is messing it's head, but it was definitely the bird flu; can I have my government money now?"

    Why isn't anyone talking about Cage Free Eggs being the reason why egg prices are increasing?

    California and Massachusetts started their ban on caged chickens in 2022; the price of eggs in 2021 was $1.63 per dozen.[​IMG]
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  2. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    We just got home from breakfast and I had a 3 egg omelet. The bill had 1.50 surcharge. Each egg is .50 additional.

    I just assumed the price went up because that what prices do. Thankfully the Amish hook us up for 4 bucks a dozen.

    And the light bulb thing is no problem for me. I have not replaced a light bulb in many years. I for one love the new lights.
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