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Mitch break down (coaches film with images). "Mash report"

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Mashburn, Sep 19, 2022.

  1. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    I used to do breakdowns for the failclowns (I used to be their photographer). anyhow I used to do this kind of stuff. So if y'all like it or want me to analyze something more, I will. I have NFL all 22 access to seeing the view from the game box and then always the camera behind the QB. tomorrow I will be able to do game 2. however I will break down game 1

    first pass was a shuffle and nothing there was there.

    second pass Mitch looks to the left to start and quickly notices nothing will develop. So he rolls right, so he can get a better look at the two receivers on the right. and he sees he can make that connection.

    why did he not trust the pocket? because this is not a designed play. The LT was stopping that DE. so he had no reason to roll.
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    3rd play.... Stays in the pocket. was about to be pressure on the right side. but not where it would affect him unless he held longer than 3 seconds. (#76) should made no attempt to block.

    Trubisky did look middle of the field and then looked left to make the throw.

    only open receiver was on the left. which he connected with

    that all resulted in a point.

    next drive.....
    1. starts with run play with claypool.

    2. run play harris had a hole and took a double step instead of just going. he was like he guessed himself. And that is a no no in my book. due to how a hole closes in a blink of the eye. so if you see something, you take it. this isn't college where they stay open.

    3. this was third down. so he could not make a throw in the middle because it was to short (needed to go past 35 yard line). no one was open, tight coverage all around. so he went with the left (guessing johnson). and over threw him. which to me he made those throws in pre season....... side note, this is something we seen Pickett do several times in pre season.


    resulted in a punt.

    next drive...
    1. flee flicker 3 times. worked great. but he does take a hit a little. harris should have stepped into the tackle better. but instead he waited.
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    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
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  2. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    2. running play. hole made but closes fast. Harris should have lowered head and hit the hole as fast as he could. instead he stuttered, again.

    3. next play had no holes.

    4. Why did he not go claypool? to his left. Claypool is in the front of his CB. but he went with throwing it over 88 head. He did watch harris at first. but never claypool.

    resulted in a FG

    next drive.....
    1. hand off warren. there was a hole and he took it. the hole did not close up fast like others. and he could not have went the other way unless he pulls off a juke move. and generally you always want to go with the sure thing.

    2. hand off claypool to the right. no need to show those.

    3. well designed play by canada. was like a dump kind of. but everyone did their part for a huge gain..... also no one else open.

    4. no hole made. harris had no shot.

    5. he threw behind claypool..... bad throw. resulted in a drop if he would have lead him, it could have been a TD

    6. again claypool open on the left. but decided to make the harder throw to pickens.... bad throw decision.

    7. TD harris.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  3. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021

    2. warren sees nothing but gamboled where a hole would form, which it did as he approached.....great read by warren.

    3. Tru decided to run. but you look at this and see he had bottom right and 88 open. but he runs??? heck that was a very clean pocket. he could have had 4 throws. and easy throws at that. shoot he could have just went with claypool on the dump to go get the first down when he saw the LB had to make the choice between two.

    resulted in a punt

    next drive......
    1. no one blocks 94...... that is on the line.
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    2. harris went right, but you see the hole on the left was made.

    3. good decision. but he could have had 88 for a little more. and it would have not been a harder throw.
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    4. shuffle pass to harris to go right. not worth showing.

    5. could have went two places. I understand the receiver on the line was further. but 88 was almost there at the line. However tru made his decision.... and he shorted the pass to 14..... another horrible throw.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  4. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
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    6. 3 places to go with 1 where he continues to run and it gets tight. which results in a over throw.... why not go for 2 or 3 where they turn and you get the first?.... again 2 errors on tru here.
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    results in a punt....

    next drive.....
    1. decides to run with a clean pocket. why? not only that but 2 options for the deep ball. both receivers even looking back. even after he rolls out, he still could have made a throw to 1, 2 or 3. with #3 being easiest but 1 tells me he doesn't have the arm for that throw.
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    2. short but where he can run to get the ball. however what could have been a couple yards short, is now 7 yards short and asking the receiver to make a juke instead of hitting hard for the first..... something pickett would do with getting the ball out of his hands faster.
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    3. I understand he was flushed out. but dag nam look down the field. that would have been huge.... good job tru deciding to run. however look down the field and also tuck that ball when you are set on running.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  5. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021

    4. shuffle pass. but harris decides to go left to an open player. instead of right. why? he could have brokoe for 5+ yard with ease.

    5. harris tried. made the right decision but it was just not there.

    6. so starts with collapsing pocket. however has a dump pass or a long pass to the right. but decides to hold.... then 88 is wide freaking open. and tru even sees him. but what does he do? he plays michael vick to holding the ball to trying to make him the star.... yes he got the first down. but 88 would have been far better. or even from the start to lower right would have been better. or heck even the dump pass.... but nope tru wants to be michael vick.
    even look at the last image. 88 waves forever and tru is even looking at him. but fails to make a 20 yard throw that would have turned into a huge gain.

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    7. 4 options. but he went with the easiest of a dump pass on a THIRD down??? I get it, it is easy clean and you hope the player makes the move. but good grief first downs were all over the field in options.

    resulted in a punt.

    next drive.....
    1. harris designed to the right, the hole was there. but instead of running to the right to line. he decided to cut up middle..... I am confused.

    2. eyes stayed set on the right. could quick throw.

    3. good quick throw to the right.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  6. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    4. why not the throw to the right for harris? why not the left for the long? nope nope he decides to go option 2 for 88 and throws late where it is blocked.

    5. collapse pocket. rolls right but instead of taking the throw, he waits and watches it become tighter. where it is a no catch.
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    6. ball was hiked high. but instead of claypool he goes with a long throw over his body.... that is a hard throw and resulted in being over thrown..... bad decisions.

    resulted in FG

    next drive.....
    1. run with harris on right good run

    2. claypool run .... again

    3. he just threw it late. and had the receiver run to it. which makes it go from a a close first down to 7 yards short.

    4. nothing there. but he just throws it out of bonds and could have thrown it over the top for the receiver on the line to make a run for it.

    results in a punt.....

    next drive we just had to burn the clock out....
    1. they knew harris was running.

    2. lots of options. and it is up to who you like to secure the catch better.... however this one was blocked.

    3. did the claypool run..... again.

    resulted in a punt..... now I want to know why we did not run it for a touch back? you take more time off the clock and the punter is kicking from a better place, as well not having people in his face.

    next drive is Over time.
    1. warren had no hole, went left and made something happen.

    2. had two options. not sure which is better.

    3. tight coverage and he made the call I would have with going over the top. it was close but it was dropped. very hard throw and catch.

    resulted in punt.
    1. tight coverage and tried throwing in hard situation. resulted in no catch.

    2. flea flicker to claypool. good run.

    3. no block. tight coverage. and got hit as he threw..... again someone could make the case for pickett to get this out of his hands faster. but I do not know if pickett could hit him in tight coverage.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  7. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021

    4. good read and roll out. made right decision to go to his left.

    5. should have went right. but he didn't even look that way..... it is like as the game started he had where he looked around to fool the safeties. but as it developed he got locked in.

    result FG miss.

    last drive....
    1. tight coverage on 88 and man underneath. yet throws it. why? why not put it over? or better yet go to the outside.

    2. good call only one open.

    3. free play due DE jumped..... not worth showing scrambling that worked out for us though.

    4. didn't let play develop so who knows. but he went for a quick short pass. but threw high for a no catch.

    5. it worked but claypool was a cleaner and more yard catch.

    6. dead set on that direction from the start. but he was pressed on clock time.

    any how this resulted in a FG for the win.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  8. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    So since I broke this down. I think I can say my peace. LOL......
    mitch is below average.
    - he has better throws, he fails to go.
    - over and under thrown several times
    - rather do the easiest throw (like what an average QB does)
    - he had a throw into the second quarter. but decided to run with 10 seconds on clock. that is bad judgement/game management.
    - several bad decisions.

    Canada is not as bad as I was thinking. it is not my style, but it is not awful like I thought. there is plays for down the field. and a lot of them.

    Harris needs to hit holes faster. maybe the foot is messing with him. but seems he is double stepping on decisions..... while warren just goes with what is to happen.

    If it was up to me. I let Trubisky have one final shot Thursday night. and then see what pickett can do. because if he can do just an edge better, then that helps our defense out to winning the game more..... also I do not want to ride mitch any longer. we have a dang good defense. and in all honesty it improved (but I get it, people only see the end results.... and sorry I am not going to break down every play of defense of this game vs patriots. but I suggest watching the game and not the end results.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    by the way just a small about me. I started watching steelers. went to detroit to see the Bus get his ring and retire. however I did not like big ben with what he was doing in my hometown. so I foolishly left. and I became a legit photographer and did work for several sports places. Atlanta Steam, failclowns, titans, MMA, cheerleading comps, etc etc.... a few years ago there was a lot that happened inside the failclowns organization. I cannot stand them. in fact it is why I feel there is players who demanded for trades Ryan and Julio. why others hated them and just quit, Ridley. and then you have players who signed and retired. Luckily for me I got out of there 3 years ago and torched all my failclown stuff. and then I came crawling back to y'all..... I will add that I personally know the officer in Big Ben case, and he swears to me Big Ben was innocent and the media lied on a lot fo things. like saying there was no tapes. as well as the girl changing her story several times when giving her story, about to the point where she needed a new paper to write down what happened.

    also I will not talk about it here what happened with the failclowns. just ecause it is drama and political. and that is not something I want to engage with any longer.
  10. Steelers304

    Steelers304 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2015
    Mitch is bad and Najee Harris has poor vision.
  11. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Mitch is below average. does not mean he is bad. I am not a fan of him either.

    Harris was second guessing. doesn't mean poor vision. He used to have better holes and stayed open longer. The line "should improve as the season goes with getting them to stay open longer. So I expect Harris to get to playing faster and just hitting whatever he sees or what is designed.
  12. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    finished editing. red is stuff that I thought was bad. and I noticed green would end up being hard to see, so I stopped. mitch had good plays. but bad plays out weighed him. bad decisions and throws. basically a mix of problems I do not want to deal with for a starting QB. The QB coach is probably still hitting his head at how many things he has to correct Mitch on.
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  13. METALMAN_68

    METALMAN_68 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
    I was literally just going to make a post about how the all 22 would get to the root of what the core problems are with this offense. Most of what we base our opinion on as fans is what we see during the game and the results of the play. Then we are left to analysis done by the professionals.
    This is really well done, Mash, and is exactly what I was hoping someone would do. At the very least, it's well thought-out instead of just screaming from the mountain tops for someone to get fired when we really have no clue.
    Also, it gives me a small glimmer of hope that the offensive line isn't as bad as we had thought.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Thank you! I probably won't do patriots game because it won't be released until tomorrow. and we have a game Thursday. so it'll get over shadowed. So the browns I will do.

    it brought lights to my eyes Canada is not as bad as I thought.
    shown me we had plays down the field.
    our line is not as bad... and that is impressive starting out.
    what was going on with harris.

    if Mitch does not improve half of his stuff from this game, I will be pulling for pickett.
    if pickett has problems in canada scheme, I'll be saying at the end of the season canada needs to go because that will be 3 QB not working in his scheme.
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  15. KMM

    KMM Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2018
    Is the TLDR, we need improved QB play more than anything?
  16. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    I made highlights in red if that works better for you. or you can just go take a poop break and read it. LOL
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    Thanks for putting in this work @Mashburn ! It’s greatly appreciated and gives us a lot to discuss. I haven’t gotten through it all yet, but there’s a ton of good information for debate.
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  18. OH Steeler Fan

    OH Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2019
    Najee look like he didn't have that pop, like he was thinking to much.
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  19. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    You're welcome. Also for the future of there is a play you want to see, i can do a YouTube.

    And I might just do bad plays in the future instead of having a to long off a thread
  20. OH Steeler Fan

    OH Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2019
    Can u look at Bush, the game is made for MLB to have a ton of tackles, yet he does hardly anything.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  21. Hanratty#5

    Hanratty#5 Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    Thanks for all of your hard work and time to do all of this. Greatly appreciated.
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  22. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Great work @Mashburn, Canada may not have had a bad scheme, but is he explaining and coaching the "how to execute" part? That to me is the question.
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  23. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    You're welcome. Took me a few hours. By I think we all needed it to know what is going on and not.

    I'll look at the patriots to see if there is glaring stuff, but won't do a full break down like this.
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  24. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Agreed it's not a great scheme. But it works with a QB that is slightly above average and slightly mobile. And sadly mitch doesn't work in it from this game.
  25. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    I will. And then I'll need a break because I know I'll get mad. Lol

    I actually got mad at watching trunisky for a good bit of plays. I found myself screaming at them.
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