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James Harrison Mega Thread

Discussion in 'General NFL Talk' started by SDOT, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
  2. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
    I have heard differing opinions, but it likely would violate a rule. That said, a check would have been a very stupid way to do it as it traceable. A Primanti Brothers gift card, bought with right connections is gold.
  3. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
    Just love reporting these days. One guy makes a claim that has not been verified, then: The past potion of the article... "Still, look for the league to do nothing. Even as Harrison makes it more and more clear that the rules were broken. And if Tomlin did it as to Harrison’s $75,000 fine in 2010, it’s not unreasonable to wonder whether other players who absorbed “BS fines” for hits that Tomlin believed to be legal received similar envelopes."

    So now it is not 'unreasonable' to think MT had done this regularly.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. SDOT

    SDOT Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2016
    Some of you are delusional. All I'm going to say.
    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  5. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    You should definitely use your best weapon: the boycott. Boycott the board. That’ll teach us.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016


    Interesting. Rather, a most intriguing statement.

    This is coming from the guy who railed on Tomlin for trading up to get a Top 10 Talent instead of nabbing a one trick pony. Within that same vein, you still have yet to address how a Wide Receiver is going to help the defense. For that matter, now you are railing on him for picking a better Wide Receiver than the one that you desired one year ago.

    Who is the one not making sense again?! :hmm:
  7. SDOT

    SDOT Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2016
    Then who would be the voice of reason around here?

    The "g'est thing Tomlin ever did" to Traitorson was hand him a fine letter. Come on people. Take off your black and gold goggles for one minute. It's clear as day what happened and Tekashi 92 is snitching.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  8. SDOT

    SDOT Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2016

  9. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

    The only aspect that is clear as day here is YOUR obsession with such players.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
  11. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
    Remember when there was so much trach being thrown at Ben, some probably justified. Then some nobody players from yesteryear started joining the bandwagon. The one RB who played a third of a quarter (sarcasm) and claimed Ben fumbled on purpose. My point, it is really hard to keep conspiracies quiet. If this was something regular as the one 'journalist' suggests, then others would be coming out of the woodwork to get their 15 seconds of fame. Others who may have felt slighted because they were fined 50 cents for even putting on a Steeler uniform and did not get their envelope.

    Could it have happened, sure. Did it? One guy makes a reference to an envelope, then some what backs it down, others deny it and still it is being discussed. Please Covid just die so we can get on with real headlines.
  12. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Did this need a separate thread?
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  13. Roonatic

    Roonatic Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    What ever happened with the Tomlin to VDC to coach the Redskins? Why did it fall apart SDOT?
  14. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I'd be happier if all Pittsburgh sports teams cut all ties with Mark Madden. The guy seriously almost makes Steven A smith look tolerable.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  15. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Don't forget the TRADE FOR PATRICK PETERSON OR WE BOYCOTT thread, I mean that was just epic
    • Like Like x 2
  16. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011

    Seriously? If teams could willy-bully pay their players fines, discipline would mean nothing. Cleve pays Garrets fine and back pay, you got no problem with that?
  17. Roonatic

    Roonatic Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Steelers play to win the game...idk I got nothing.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  18. SDOT

    SDOT Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2016
    No, apparently to some fans they play to appease veterans. They promise playing time months in advance before camp and evaluating the roster. I don't agree with a lot of things Tomlin does but this I do. Apparently suppose to bench a two position all pro and screw his development up for some has been.

    Remember when we had the oldest roster paying players for past Championships? I was fine with that even though it set us years back. Where the Ravens won and let players go and closer to a Championship then us. This team didn't win anything for a decade. Maybe if Traitorson stopped leaking info to the Patriots we would have won more.
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    See if JH can catch up to the number of pages in the AB mega thread. It’s possible with SDOT :lolol:
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016

    Just about anything on the Message Board that is not supposed to be possible BECOMES possible with SDOT; scary in it of itself! :eek:
  21. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    It was a look at me thread.
  22. SDOT

    SDOT Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2016
    Yes, an article somebody else wrote was a look at me thread. I mean I was right again but that's besides the point. I've been saying it for awhile. Now Pittsburgh media finally gets it. I think the only people who don't get it are like 5-10 posters on here.
  23. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011

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