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I did something yesterday that I've always wanted to do...

Discussion in 'College Football Talk' started by BobbyBiz, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Because of the storms that delayed the WVU/Penn State game, we watched the second half at a local Morgantown restaurant.

    At the bar were two obnoxious Penn State Cult members being loud and disrespectful, and screaming the cult calling card "WE ARE!!!" every time PS did something good.

    As soon as the game ended, on our way out the door, I casually stopped for a moment between the two and simply said "Joe Paterno knew" and then kept walking. I never gave them the satisfaction of stopping to discuss, or even acknowledging their screams of "F**K YOU!!!!" on the way out the door.

    I simply laid the truth bomb that their Deity is probably the biggest POS ever in college football and his soul is currently spinning on a rotisserie over the open flames of hell, while the devil anally rapes it with each passing spin.

    If you ever want to trigger a PS Cultist, dropping this simple fact will send them off of the deep end. ;)
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  2. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    Yeah. I'm glad there are no obnoxious WVU fans. That would be just unthinkable I find your screed disgusting. But I'll get over it

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