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Harrison's verdict is in

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by truckin9999, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. SteelerD

    SteelerD Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I was surprised that at least a few of the eagles fans have some sense. Almost every comment I have seen anywhere on the web that was not written by a Steelers fan has been calling for suspensions or fines or arrest or permanent ban from the NFL. This was my favorite though. The problem wasn't the hit itself, it was the type of hit. You cannot lead with your helmet into the opposing player's. It doesn't matter what side of the LOS you play on, the rule states you cannot lead with your helmet into an opposing player's helmet. It's cut and dry and Harrison is a dirty player.

    With that said, I'd love to see him in Green
  2. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Exactly ! Between the polls, all of the written articles and Ex player analysts putting their two cents in JH didn't stand a chance of getting out of this without being suspended.
  3. mstng1863

    mstng1863 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I have thought about this and really there is nothing we can do (and I have really tried to think of something!) about the suspension. This make not make complete sense but bear with me....

    However, would there be any case for Steelers fans to sue the NFL saying that when they bought their tickets to San Fran at the beginning of the season to see their favorite team play this one game they were expecting (with all of the money that they are paying going to that ONE game) to see the best players play. Therefore, since the NFL is holding out one of our best players for play during a previous game, they are not only hurting Harrison but instead the fans who have done nothing wrong by forcing us to field an inferior product? Will they refund our money? Why should we be forced to suffer? Maybe it is worth a shot?
  4. Yogi4

    Yogi4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011

    I have stood right next to James Harrison and except for him be a absolute muscular sculptured guy the has muscles in his Sh^%t he is not very tall at all. In fact it surprised me \. So that being said the he is almost underneath most NFL players from the get go so when he tackles he naturally leads with his head.Ne need sto go into the off season and get a great defensive coach from collage and re-tool his tackling on a upright man. I really don't think in the heat of the moment he thinks wow I now can clobber this guy helmet to helmet. who would. It;s easy to Monday morning QB someone /\
  5. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I know im going to get a ton of crap for this, but I just can't understand the belly aching about it for this long. This rationalizing is crazy...
  6. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Please. He didn't stand a chance the second he hit McCoy's facemask with his helmet.
  7. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    You're kidding, right? You want the NFL to refund ticket costs because 1 out of 53 players on the team you are going to watch was suspended for an illegal hit on a QB... after he was warned, flagged and fined multiple times for the same thing over the last 3 seasons???? Really????

  8. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    I understand that. I think you may have missed my point.
  9. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I am amused by some of this banter.

    James Harrison is NOT a victim of some random justice being dispensed by League High Comish.

    He is a guy who has been warned and fined time and time again that some aspects of his play will not be tolerated. And despite this he continues to lead with his head, he continues to say he "won't change the way the plays", he continues to not GET it!.
    James Harrison does NOT make the rules, he needs to understand this. Even if he doesn't like it. Heck, I don't like all the rule changes either, but they are what they are. He can adapt to the New World Order or get on with his other career. If he doesn't want to change the way he plays, fine. But don't get PO'ed when the powers that be decide they aren't going to change they way that they respond to it.
    Harrison's comment in the off-season, his interview in whatever-the-hell magainze-it-was showing his guns, calling Godell a devil, a gay slur were downright idiotic. His comments after the game were less sensenational but idoitic, too. Help yourself, James, show some contrition. Show that you get it. Show that you're trying to reform. If you don't, and you want to contine to be a hard-ass. Fine, but the other guys can be hard-asses , too. And those hard-asses now say: "Mr Harrison, sit out this next game".
  10. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    He hasn't been fined since week 10 of last season, I think he gets it. What most don't get is that this is a violent sport and to expect that players will make the exact right tackle every single time is moronic. The game moves fast at a high level of testosterone, there are going to be hits that are deemed illegal under the new sissy rules. And those new sissy rules are what most of us are upset with in the first place.
  11. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I don't like the rules either, but they are pretty clear. Jared Allen, Demarcus Ware, Julius Peppers, etc. These guys hit QB's on a regular basis yet rarely, if ever get flags for hits to the head, let alone fines/suspensions. The fact is, Harrison is a stubborn individual who needs to make more of an effort to tackle properly due to his past. The fact that he hasn't been fined since last year is irrelevant. What is relevant is that he has been fined multiple times and is therefore a repeat offender. I don't know why so many people think this is personal. Anyone with Harrison's history would have been suspended for that hit. It has nothing to do with it being Harrison or him being a Steeler.

    If Suh doesn't smarten up, he'll also find himself being suspended for stuff that happens during the play. It's not just Harrison, it's the NFL trying to prevent head injuries.
  12. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Pul-leeze. I've been hearing about the sissification of the game for over 30yrs. Lambert wanted to put skirts on QBs in the '70s. DBs have been complaining about rules changes for about the same time. What's happened to the NFL in that time? IT'S GOTTEN EVEN MORE POPULAR!!!! You don't like the new wimpy NFL, fine. Give it up. Follow MMA or something. If there are enough out there like you, you might get your way. But I doubt it.

    It's still a violent game, and ya know what? Other players seem to have adapted to despite their high level of testosterone.

    James is no victim. He just doesn't seem to realize that he doesn't get to make the rules or that he has to follow them. FInes ain't done it. Maybe a suspension might.
  13. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    After reading all these replies about people who think Harrison should have been fined suspended I'm starting to wonder what the point is anymore. I watch football because it's a violent team sport, the same flipping reason I played it. But obviously all these new rules are crystal clear and are being dished out with equal fairness to all the teams so what are we complaining about... :frustrated:

  14. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Piss off Afan, I'll watch what I want and complain about what I want. If you don't want to admit that the game has taken a turn for the worse that's up to you but you are in the minority. And open your eye's, players every week are being fined.
  15. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Totally disagree, I think it's very relevant, it shows that he is trying to play within the new rules.
  16. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Trying and doing are 2 different things. If I try to stop speeding but keep getting caught, eventually they are going to take my license.
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I know, I just think given the violent nature of the game and the speed it's played at that you are not always going to make the "correct" tackle. Had JH carried on illegal hit after illegal hit every week or couple weeks then yeah, suspend him but I thought he had maybe warranted avoiding a suspension going basically a whole season without getting into trouble with his tackling.
  18. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Piss off Afan, I'll watch what I want and complain about what I want. If you don't want to admit that the game has taken a turn for the worse that's up to you but you are in the minority. And open your eye's, players every week are being fined.[/quote:2tua4879]

    I believe I told you that you could watch what you want. Sorry to offend. And of course, you are free to complain.
    As far as players getting fined every week. I care not a whit. It ain't my money. Is it unfair? Maybe. But, new managment can come into my place of work tomorrow and change the rules. And I can choose to abide by them or do something else, and so can James Harrison.

    Has the game taken a turn for the worse? Well, I've been watching for nearly 50 yrs. I got no very little problem with the rule changes related to hitting. But what does hack me off, is that there seems to be a yellow flag on virtual every play, every punt, every KO. A DB brushes a guy, it's a flag. That bothers me a thousand times more than the enforcement on personal fouls. But you know what I watch a ton of NFL. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I doubt it.
  19. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I know, I just think given the violent nature of the game and the speed it's played at that you are not always going to make the "correct" tackle. Had JH carried on illegal hit after illegal hit every week or couple weeks then yeah, suspend him but I thought he had maybe warranted avoiding a suspension going basically a whole season without getting into trouble with his tackling.[/quote:qlagz5h3]

    I understand what you're saying but how many other players have gotten multiple flags/fines over the last few years for illegal hits on the QB (Goodell's favorite players) and still said that they weren't going to change their style of play? (Not to mention calling Goodell the devil and greedy and said they wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire?)

    It's really sad to say but if he doesn't change, he is going to be out of the NFL before he knows it.
  20. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I believe I told you that you could watch what you want. Sorry to offend. And of course, you are free to complain.
    As far as players getting fined every week. I care not a whit. It ain't my money. Is it unfair? Maybe. But, new managment can come into my place of work tomorrow and change the rules. And I can choose to abide by them or do something else, and so can James Harrison.

    Has the game taken a turn for the worse? Well, I've been watching for nearly 50 yrs. I got no very little problem with the rule changes related to hitting. But what does hack me off, is that there seems to be a yellow flag on virtual every play, every punt, every KO. A DB brushes a guy, it's a flag. That bothers me a thousand times more than the enforcement on personal fouls. But you know what I watch a ton of NFL. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I doubt it.[/quote:2e26txn2]

    Apologies Afan, bad day and a short fuse, took your comment as a passive aggressive attack. And yes, in regards to the flags we are in agreement.
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I understand what you're saying but how many other players have gotten multiple flags/fines over the last few years for illegal hits on the QB (Goodell's favorite players) and still said that they weren't going to change their style of play? (Not to mention calling Goodell the devil and greedy and said they wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire?)

    It's really sad to say but if he doesn't change, he is going to be out of the NFL before he knows it.[/quote:1pt17b6b]

    Certainly seems to be heading that way unfortunately.
  22. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I understand what you're saying but how many other players have gotten multiple flags/fines over the last few years for illegal hits on the QB (Goodell's favorite players) and still said that they weren't going to change their style of play? (Not to mention calling Goodell the devil and greedy and said they wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire?)

    It's really sad to say but if he doesn't change, he is going to be out of the NFL before he knows it.[/quote:3uzbyeem]

    Agreed. The Steelers will eventually get tired of him and release him. I think this will be a huge wakeup call for him though. He needs to watch tape of other pass rushers and take note of how they hit the QB and he needs to mimic what they do. Continuing to do what he has always done will get him longer and longer suspensions, to the point where the team will get rid of him.
  23. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I like the radical at work. But I don't like the idea.

    Why? Nothing to do with us dropping games or picks. It's rather the precedent. As soon as one game protests, suddenly the teams with the biggest TV markets have an option to threaten to walk on any decision they don't like. Where does that leave us? Pats running the league. And the circle continues...[/quote]

    Look, I did say it was radical...

    My only point was to stir things up a bit with some different thinking. We can whine all we want, but it will do absolutely nothing. The only thing the NFL brass cares about is its precisous image and TV revenue.

    Until someone challenges the "king", Knottingham will remain out of control. There is no voting by the fans, only owners on the king. Until someone stands up to this thug, he will rule in the Stalinist figure he adores.

    Harrison should have been fined, but no suspension. It is that simple. If I were Harrison, I'd knock the next guys block off when he comes back. Force the league to do something drastic and then take them to court for all kinds of money. He could easily win once his attorneys put together a tape of all the dicrepancies and no fined hits thoughout the league. Let him then defend his communist leanings in front of a judge.

    But, if all the Steelers do is whistle dixie, then rome deserves to burn.

    And as far as giving away the division, so what. Principles are more important than winning the division or for that matter making the playoffs.


    PSYCHOSTEELER Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2011
    Bunch of bullcrap, I think he should start taking out the knee's.
  25. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I believe I told you that you could watch what you want. Sorry to offend. And of course, you are free to complain.
    As far as players getting fined every week. I care not a whit. It ain't my money. Is it unfair? Maybe. But, new managment can come into my place of work tomorrow and change the rules. And I can choose to abide by them or do something else, and so can James Harrison.

    Has the game taken a turn for the worse? Well, I've been watching for nearly 50 yrs. I got no very little problem with the rule changes related to hitting. But what does hack me off, is that there seems to be a yellow flag on virtual every play, every punt, every KO. A DB brushes a guy, it's a flag. That bothers me a thousand times more than the enforcement on personal fouls. But you know what I watch a ton of NFL. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I doubt it.[/quote:wcjdynqi]

    Apologies Afan, bad day and a short fuse, took your comment as a passive aggressive attack. And yes, in regards to the flags we are in agreement.[/quote:wcjdynqi]

    No Problem. No Apology required. But i can assure you I am not in the least passive aggressive. Passive at times, Agressive at times, but always what you see is what you get.

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