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Harrison's verdict is in

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by truckin9999, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    How can he adjust his technique? Look at the other 80% (not sure of the number but I know it's high) other LBs playing today and NOT getting flags and fines. If he starts blowing out knees, ribs, backs and ankles but he hits people legally, so be it. Then everyone can blame short careers on Goodell.
  2. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    Excellent TT. Thanks. Works for ME haha

  3. shadowmaker

    shadowmaker Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I dont understand this at all. 1 game suspension but why cant he practice? They should move practice to another location and let him practice there. :godell:
  4. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Nicely done! :D


  5. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Aren't all suspended players barred from contact with the team?
  6. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    This is exactly what he is trying (and succeeding) to do. :thumbsdown: :bscow: :godell:
  7. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Should Harrison be fined?..Maybe..Suspended?..NO

    The part of this that has me so preplexed is what is God doing about the Browns coaching and medical staff that allowed McCoy back in the game after what 3 plays off ?

    Should not the coaching and medical staff be held to a even higher standard than players when it comes to player safety? Is there not a series of test that must be administered on the sideline after a head injury? Im guessing the sideline exchange went something like this..
    Staff:"Colt how many fingers I have up?"(holding up 2)
    McCoy:"4 coach."
    Staff:"Close enough.Get your ass back in there."

    Browns staff needs to be held accountable for player safety even more so then the players on the field!!!
  8. Boomer

    Boomer Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    This info was posted on another board. Let them all know what you think:
    Here is the email address for Roger Goodell:
    Commisioner’s e-mail:

    NFLPA: (202) 463-2200

    The National Football League is located in NYC.
    National Football League
    280 Park Avenue
    New York, NY 10017
    Their phone number is: 1-212-450-2000

    The Steelers shouldn't get off scott free on this either. They need to hear from us:
    Administrative offices
    Pittsburgh Steelers
    3400 South Water Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15203-2349
    Phone: (412) 432-7800
    Fax: (412) 432-7878
  9. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Is this legit??? I'm a bit nervous at the idea of having this :bscow:'s email address!

  10. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    You mean like Ray Ray knocking Hines outta the last game?
    Or Jaball Sheard throwing an old school "forearm shiver" to Ben`s head last Thurs., and not even getting a flag...
    N`Gata breaking Ben`s nose, and the ref telling Ben... "He was just trying to tackle you"... ??? :scratch:
    Orrrr. a million other examples I could list that were way worse than what they suspended Harrisson for?
    I am all for him "hurting" the opponents...as opposed to "injuring" them,(His definition... "if they can play next week, I just "hurt" them, if they can`t play the rest of the year, or ever again, I "injured" them)...
    Yeah, I am paraphrasing, but that is basically what he said last year, actually I think he said "if they can come back into the game"..., but, whatever...
    A middle linebacker in the NFL, SHOULD have a "mean streak"!!!
    How are you supposed to make recievers be scared to catch the ball across the middle of the field if they aren`t afraid of getting "Jacked Up?!?"...
    I have always been a huge fan of our defense, because of the way they intimidated the other team...
    Even when our team s u c k e d... No other team wanted to play us, `cause they knew they were gonna be beat up on Monday...
    That is an integral part of the game, to me, and should NEVER be "ruled" out of it!!!
    If you ain`t man enough to play the game, then leave the millions of dollars, to others who will do it in a heartbeat, and go be a doctor, or something!!! :evil: :flag:
  11. takenoprisoners1

    takenoprisoners1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    It's pretty clear to me why this happened. I think Goodell is probably still harboring some resentment over the whole "If Goodell was on fire, I wouldn't even piss on him to put him out" comment that Harrison made way back when. I think Steeler Nation needs to right that wrong and then maybe this whole thing would blow over.

    So, maybe we could make up some T-shirts expressing the sentiment that would be so fitting in the situation..... "Goodell, I'd piss on ya!" Hopefully, then he would see the error of his ways.

    With or without Harrison, hopefully this lights a fire under our boys come Monday.... GO STEELERS!
  12. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Boomer... Thank you. (now, there is a phrase, I never thought I would hear myself say...Still hate Esiason)..
    But I will be sure to put my two cents in Goodell`s e-mail box, futile as it is...
  13. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    They already have them, I bought one a year ago!

    Apologies for posting a link, but these things are too awesome not to post!

  14. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Caution, radical at work here.....

    If you ask me, the only way the league will get the message is for the Steelers as a whole to forfeit the game on Monday night.

    Seriously. You wanna make the commish stand up and take notice? Forfeit the game.

    There is only power in numbers and right now, the commish has all the cards. The teams are mere pawns.

    Sure it would bring down a rash of crap on the Steelers as a whole, along with fines and possible losses of draft picks, but the question is do you want to make a statement about the injustice that is being doled out or not? Drastic times call for drastic measures.

    Grow a pair. Forfeit the game which would cause a major stink not only with the league but also with TV. Let the chips fall.

    I would love to see the Steelers thumb their collective noses at the league and tell them to screw. But alas, we have already seen how weak kneed the Steelers are as an organization.

    Week in and week out, we get hammered with fines, ref's blow calls over the years and even teams cheat against us, and all the Steelers do is turn the other cheek and move on.

    If they "really" feel the suspension is hogwash, then they should do something about it instead of towing the company line. But we all know they will not. Secretly, they are probably wishing Harrison would retire so they do not have to deal with this any longer. This is classic behavior of those that do not want to deal with the root of problems.

  15. 322 Steeler Fan

    322 Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I do think that the steelers and fans need to do something.

    I agree with forfeiting the game. Ben and Woodley are banged up, no Harrison...

    The game is primetime and will cause a huge financial splash. The hit was legal, Colt was a runner.

    I think that the Rooneys agree with the treatment of Harrison. Harrison's actions such as not visiting the white house after the last super bowl win make them look bad.

    Let's do something.
  16. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    WHAT????....You want us to GIVE the divison to the Rats?...Perhaps you have had a extra Coors or two tonight.MAYBE if we were at 4-9 I could see your point.Lets go out and beat SF with or with out 92 and show this leauge what STEELER FOOTBALL is all about!!!!!!! :dfense: :dfense: :dfense:
  17. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    With the division on the line, it would make an even bigger impact. If we're 4-9 it wouldn't be as big a deal... the response would be, they weren't going to make the playoffs anyways so who cares.

    I hate the hairballs and want to win Monday night, but I would be elated if they did something drastic like forfeit to prove a point. Besides, a first round bye doesn't sound too appealing this season the way bye weeks have treated teams so far.

  18. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward. I would absolutely LOVE a Pittsburgh Steeler no-show on Monday night. No possible way it happens, but a few of us can dream.

    James is getting singled out here. Essentially what the NFL is doing is akin to a school principal telling an English teacher that he can use all the textbooks, computers, TV's, multi-media, pens, pencils and other random tools to do his job, but the math teacher can't use any of that stuff. "Sorry math teacher, it's the chalk and blackboard for you." RB's, QB's, WR's, TE's, OL, KR's, and PR's (among others) can dip their heads and lead with the helmet, but LB's, DB's and DL can't? Adrian Peterson is a repeat offender of this rule 10x each game, and yet he isn't getting suspended.

    I'm upset that James received a suspension for this. The bigger issue here, though (and this is something the team should come to James' defense for), is that he's the only guy getting suspended for something that 99% of football players do on a daily basis. And that's what really ticks me off.
  19. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Ever hear the quote"Cutting off your nose to spite your face"...Thats what it would be....NO WAY NO HOW...Lets go into SF and KICK ASS WITH who ever we have!!!!!
  20. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    That email seems to be legit..
    I dunno if Rodge will read it, or his secretary, or whatever, but...
    It felt good to get a few things off my chest, and make him think about what a large fanbase he is pissin off, and how many fans will quit watching the game, if he keeps watering it down the way he has been.
    (Not just Our fans..;)... and I brought up a few examples of players that should have been suspended for off-field actions, along with some for on-field transgressions.
    Doubt if he will ever read it personally, but it felt good to imagine it, and the e-mail came up "sent", not "rejected", or "problem with address", or anything like that...
    If he really gave a care about us fans, he wouldn`t have changed things the way he has,
    But at least I tried to get my/our point across...
    Felt better than just doing nothing/ beeyatchin... hahaha...
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    :this!: Forfeiting would only hurt us, it wouldn't accomplish anything positive for the Steelers. The majority of the owners must be ok with how Goodell is handling things or they would fire his ass. :godell:
  22. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Why is EVERYBODY out to hang 92 for this and letting ALL of the Browns medical and coaching staff off the hook for allowing this kid to reenter the game with obviously severe concussion symptoms!!!....Come on God you preach" player safety" lets make the staff accountable as well!!!!

    That kid should NOT have reentered the game!!!....DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!
  23. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    I like the radical at work. But I don't like the idea.

    Why? Nothing to do with us dropping games or picks. It's rather the precedent. As soon as one game protests, suddenly the teams with the biggest TV markets have an option to threaten to walk on any decision they don't like. Where does that leave us? Pats running the league. And the circle continues...
  24. Boomer

    Boomer Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    The only way to hurt the NFL is to hit them in the wallet. Stop spending your hard earned money on their product. Stop watching or going to the games. Unfortunately, no one will do this so we are stuck. But in the end, money talks, BS walks.

    It also wouldn't hurt to contact NFL sponsors and let them know they won't be getting any sales from you until things change. It probably won't help but it can't hurt.
  25. Wreck

    Wreck Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I say we set up a support James Harrison webpage hosted here on the forum. We sign it, we included Roger's email: roger.goodell@nfl.com

    I just emailed that address myself. Weather he reads it or not, we need to take action and push this. Is anyone with me or are we just going to chat about this
    and not take some real steps.

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