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Harrison's verdict is in

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by truckin9999, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    I knew this would happen. I still feel the Steelers will play with more fire because of it. I wonder how this will affect the linebacker core. Maybe they move Timmons back over with Foote and Farrior in the middle and woodley back on the outside, or myabe Worilds gets Harrison's spot, Harrison can appeal all he wants, they never change their mind and do anything different with fines or suspensions.
  2. 7+83=7

    7+83=7 Active Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Exactly....great fact...It's easier to get away with guns and drugs than to be named James Harrison .....with Goodell
  3. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I think if JH wins his appeal he should be able to tackle Goodell!
  4. bignasty92

    bignasty92 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Tomlin quotes

    "We're disappointed," Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin said of Harrison's suspension. "We're disappointed for James because we know how hard he's worked to play within the rules."

    But "he has to be accountable for that so we accept the judgment rendered by the league office."

    Tomlin continued: "He can't participate in any football activities with us this week. He'll be allowed in the building next Tuesday. There is an appeals process ... If he's going to do it I imagine it will transpire pretty quickly."

    Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11347...#ixzz1gREElmAU

    :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
    So much for thinking that Tomlin or the organization would stand up for #92 :banghead: :banghead: :evil: :evil:
    Sad Sad day. Never tought they would just stand by and do nothing :evil:
  5. truckin9999

    truckin9999 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    The Steelers or the coaching staff can't do anything. They cant even say critical things about the NFL . Its against the rules. If Harrison wants to appeal, he has to do it himself.
  6. bignasty92

    bignasty92 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I understand that, but he didnt have to act like he completely agrees with everything RG does to his players. He could have worded things differently without getting into trouble, and still shown Steeler Nation they didnt agree and were behind #92 100%
  7. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    What do we know about these guys? Any reasonable person would overturn the suspension. Will they decide for themselves or arethey in Goodell's pocket?
  8. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Listening to his press conference, it sounded to me like he hinted that he didn't agree without coming out and saying it. He said that the team is in the process of responding to the league. One thing about Tomlin and the Steelers is that they rarely tip their hand ahead of time. He is saying what he has to say in public and allowing the process to work itself out behind the scenes.
  9. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think sometimes we have to step back, forget were a Steelers fan for a minute and ask the question why.

    Why does Harrison continue to go for the head despite being warned and fined repeatedly from the league? That type of hitting isn't tolerated anymore, and that's been made very clear. Colt McCoy didn't duck down at all, Harrison smacked him right in the helmet. Harrison could have and should have driven hard into McCoy's midsection and knocked the air right out of him. McCoy didn't brace himself at all, Harrison could have perhaps even broken his ribs. That would have been legal. Instead, Harrison went for the head...again.

    I don't like the suspension, but at the same time JH needs to smarten up on the field. Do not hit the head of the QB, ever. Also, do not hit the head of a WR that is vulnerable from just catching the ball. If he stops doing those things, he'll be fine. Until then, he's just hurting the team.

    We can talk about selective enforcement all we want, but the fact is, JH hit McCoy in the head. What happens to other players should have no bearing on how we conduct ourselves on the field. Farrior and Woodley avoid the head, why can't JH?
  10. bignasty92

    bignasty92 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    After listening to his presser again i can see what your saying. I'm just so pissed and fired up right now my mind is all over the place! :frustrated:
  11. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
  12. mstng1863

    mstng1863 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    At the next home game I would love for the fans to chat continuously during the game "Goodell sucks!" or somethng to the effect that he is a hypocrit!

    Is that wrong?
  13. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Couldn't have said it better.
  14. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Can't kick that SOB in the boys, he doesn't have any. F ing pussy is what he is. I would pay $$$$$ to see him and Harrison meet in a dark alley.
  15. MikeFanForLife

    MikeFanForLife Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Disagree, McCoy ducked a bit, James' helmet didn't move. McCoy's hit james. Anyway, the call was roughing the passer nothing about a hit to the head. If he had hit him hard to the ribs they still would have called roughing. He was going to lose either way.
  16. Cbus Steelers

    Cbus Steelers Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    If Silverback goes all the way down to hit him in the midsection, he sets himself up for a neck injury because the angle his head would be at when making the contact. But the NFL doesn't care about that even though they pretend to care about player safety.
  17. Cbus Steelers

    Cbus Steelers Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Exactly....great fact...It's easier to get away with guns and drugs than to be named James Harrison .....with Goodell[/quote:3uod22f4]

    Yeah, or Richard Seymour can punch Ben in the head AFTER the whistle and get a fine, but no suspension. I guess James should have done that to Colt instead of tackle him in between the whistles. Goodell is a freaking joke.
  18. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Don't know about their past records in this position.

    Both I would see as more pro-defense than offense in their coaching careers... but doubt that counts for much now.
  19. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    Exactly....great fact...It's easier to get away with guns and drugs than to be named James Harrison .....with Goodell[/quote:2vo8qzp2]

    Yeah, or Richard Seymour can punch Ben in the head AFTER the whistle and get a fine, but no suspension. I guess James should have done that to Colt instead of tackle him in between the whistles. Goodell is a freaking joke.[/quote:2vo8qzp2]

    Seymour's a different case - that was utter bs - but the point about Harrison is not what he did - it's that he keeps doing it. That's why he's got the suspension rather than a fine. Not saying I agree, of course - I think either you have suspensions, or you have fines, but not both together without any concrete standard to go off.
  20. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I tend to agree with most of this. Honestly, it is hard for me to believe that Harrison did not expect this to happen, even right after he made the hit. Maybe he saw the fresh meat coming at him like a RB and decided to lay him out, but after it was over, he had to know, based on his past, that he would get some kind of sanction. S'alright with me, because there are 31 other teams that would love to have JH at linebacker.
  21. cory_86

    cory_86 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Yeah, or Richard Seymour can punch Ben in the head AFTER the whistle and get a fine, but no suspension. I guess James should have done that to Colt instead of tackle him in between the whistles. Goodell is a freaking joke.[/quote:3t5af245]

    Seymour's a different case - that was utter bs - but the point about Harrison is not what he did - it's that he keeps doing it. That's why he's got the suspension rather than a fine. Not saying I agree, of course - I think either you have suspensions, or you have fines, but not both together without any concrete standard to go off.[/quote:3t5af245]
    Good thing that Seymour wasn't ejected again from a game for hitting a player ... oh wait ...
  22. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    The thing that gets me is no one was talking suspension until ESPN started polling fans and planting seeds in people's minds.
  23. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Harrison's helmet didn't move? Looks like he dropped his head to me.

    While I agree that some of the calls against Harrison could have gone either way, they haven't and he is now the poster child for how to draw a flag, fine or suspension.
  24. HawkeyeJames

    HawkeyeJames Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    As soon as the flag came out that night against the Browns I said to my buddy, that is going to be a big fine and probably suspension, based on Goodell's track record with the Steelers. That is good he can appeal it but I would be shocked if it is overturned. I hope Woodley is 100% for Monday night, we win, Baltimore loses and the Steelers are sitting as the one seed at the end of Monday night.
  25. bignasty92

    bignasty92 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    :this!: This is a media driven society were a large percentage of people are too stupid to think for themselves and let the media form an opinion for them!!!

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