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End of An Era

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by jimmyallen45, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. jimmyallen45

    jimmyallen45 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    I am sure plenty of people will be pointing fingers at all sorts of people, and all of them will have merit. So, I won't add to that.

    As an almost 40 year Steeler watcher, this is one of the particular lows of that experience. It is going to take a while for me to get over this one. But I will, and so will all of you.

    I am thinking now though that we are seeing an era in Steelers history pass- a run of excellence that began in 2004.

    My reasons for saying that is not a belief that the Steelers will slide into mediocrity, not at all. But I sense that with this loss, we will see a number of people depart the scene, and perhaps some coaches as well. And, the 2012 Steelers will likely look a lot different and perhaps play different as well.

    Major props to Ike Redman, for playing with heart and hustle and passion. May it rub off in many places.

    So be it. Perhaps God is on Tebow's side after all...

    Still would not trade being a Steelers fan for anything at all.

    I had tickets to next week's game in Foxboro, but put them on sale on Stubhub shortly after the game ended. Sold in 6 minutes.
  2. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I disagree.

    This era is not over. Its going strong and will continue to do so for at least a number of years.

    And this era didn't start in 2004. It's been going strong since 1972.
  3. Tdot Steeler Fan

    Tdot Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Redman 100 plus yards. Where did he go after?
  4. jimmyallen45

    jimmyallen45 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    Hi bobby- hey, hope you are right- but

    What I meant is a change in personnel, as I am sure you will see some retirements and cap cuts and other departures. I don't know if you were around in 1980 but right now this feels pretty similar, at least to me. The offense was still good then, but old age and injuries hit the defense like a ton of bricks.
  5. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I think you're right with an era coming to a close. I just hope that we don't squander the time we have left with our franchise QB. We haven't exactly hit home runs with our QB selection in the past...
  6. FeedTheMachineFTM

    FeedTheMachineFTM Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    I definitely think the rebuilding years are in the near future..
  7. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Not this teams style, they don't do wholesale changes. We've seen the end from some older players but that's about it. I know you can't hide behind injuries but this team really was decimated by them.
  8. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I know. It seems like they just want to score. I was saying after the Broncos three and out that they should just run their offense. But low and behold they pass the ball. They just have a mentality of scoring quick all the time. If they just run their offense and move down the field it would have work.
  9. Bgunn

    Bgunn Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2011
    Unfortunately, we were a very good team this year that didn't end well. The Rooney's are people that overreact so I don't expect any major changes. Unfortunately I feel like this team is in danger of going from being very good to very bad as quickly as the Colts if we don't do some serious updating.
  10. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    This organization doesn't rebuild, it reloads. And quickly. For the past 40 years.

    And until I see otherwise, I have confidence that this team will be right back in the mix next year
  11. njsteelersfan

    njsteelersfan New Member

    Jan 4, 2012
    The Steelers will be fine, if anything with all the injuries that happened this year and the next man that stepped in we still went 12-4, if anything it proves to me we have depth and future still looks promising.
  12. dominilate

    dominilate Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011

    I made this point in another post Redman was killing it today and yet...... Our pass happy offense was hurt by injuries to the line sure but also a lack of commitment to the run, which sets up the pass (duh). Ironically it's how the Broncos scored on us and ultimately beat us
  13. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    The Era is NOT over. There will be new faces - but the Steelers will compete for the whole thing again next year. 40 years of excellence - 40 years. The Steelers have had MORE playoff births, more playoff wins, more Super Bowl wins and more winning seasons than any team in the last 40 years. They do not and WILL not re-build. Re-loading yes - and on to bigger and better things.
  14. FeedTheMachineFTM

    FeedTheMachineFTM Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    But like the OP said,the 80's were bad,,no reloading there..it took a few years
  15. edog55

    edog55 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    End of an Era meaning some players will not be around any more. They need to do it right now. Here is a list for you:

    Ward - Bring on as wr coach
    Hampton - time is up, need a replacement
    Aaron Smith - old and injury prone
    Chris Hoke - just old, time is up
    James Farrior - old and slow
    Bryant McFadden - you know he's done
    Will Allen - Need to draft a young safty to learn from Troy
    Arnez Battle - can only play special teams
    LarryFoote old and done
    Chris Kemo - his time is up, need to draft a starting guard
    Jason Kapinos - Better get someone better
    Shawn Suisham - Better get someone in free agency or draft to replace him, weak leg
    Anthony Madison - Just not good enough as a position player
    Mewelde Moore - Baron Batch is his replacement - Good bye already
    Willie Colon - To injury prone
    Byron Leftwich - Just worthless and Injry prone
    Daniel Sepulveda - To Injury prone

    Time to move on and get good young replacements. Steelers need to go outside the box and rebuild through free agency and the draft.
  16. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    agree on this list basically we already have replacements but of line an ilb has to be found high on the draft or free gency ,late round dline and cb to add in rotation
  17. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    What gave you the impression that this was a good team? I felt that they were "on their way" with the victory over the Patriots. But allowing Flacco to march down the field in the closing seconds squashed that idea. Since that ravens loss, the Steelers looked bad almost every week, and the injuries just piled up.

    But I do agree with your second point. This team is old on defense. Hampton, keisel, and farrior are likely gone. Same with Foote. I like our replacements at DE, but who's going to play NT? And Is Sylvester ready to start at ILB? And the secondary is a mess.
  18. Badboy212

    Badboy212 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I was thinking this after the game. The window since 1995 is def closing. This organization has been rolling for the better part of 20 years minus a few off seasons, but never a 1-15 or 2-14 year. we def have some issues with age and the previous list shows what most believe are the players who wont be back. Im still not sold on Hood as a DE but I like Cam, and Im thinking we better get another anchor soon for this 3-4. Hampton is gone but who replaces him? Draft or FA. CB's played better this year but we still only have Taylor and Gay (played well this year) . Our LB's are gonna be thinned out and Im not sure the backups are what we need? Lots of questions
  19. Ronak

    Ronak Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Keep in mind, if BA doesn't call 2 pass plays in the final 2 minutes 35 seconds (both incompletions), the Ravens have roughly 50 seconds less at the end of the game, and that catch with 12 seconds left never happens.

    There were several times this year when one decision ultimately resulted in a loss.

    We really are a great team. We just have major injury issues this season, and a couple of people on our coaching staff who shouldn't even be working at the college level.

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