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Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by blountforcetrauma, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    It seems like on this board there is some who don't consider this Mike Adams drug issue a big deal and there are some who really feel let down that we took this guy. Well this has just got me to thinking about character. To me I think character is a HUGE issue. We cut a Super Bowl MVP for character issues. We cut a great kicker for character issue. We cut Joey Porter and then not long after it he started getting in trouble which has always made me wonder if the team knew he had some problems as well. With all that being said I'm just wondering what guy on this team do you guys consider to the be THE character guy. For me it is WITHOUT A DOUBT Heath Miller. To me he seems like a guy that shows up, shuts up, and mans up. If my young son were to ask me what is a true Steeler in this day and age I would say Heath. So that's my pick. What say the rest of you? BTW I'm not begrudging or judging anyone who doesn't see Adams's issues as a big deal. I just would like to get all of your opinions because honestly I value each one.
  2. bedwyr

    bedwyr Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    For me, he's still a young man, just out of college. I know I made mistakes when I was at college. He has made commitments, face to face with the Steelers coaching staff and Colbert. He has to live up to them as I have in my 20 years at work. Time, I suppose, will tell but if they believe he is sincere then I understand them giving a talented young man a chance. If he doesn't then he will have let them, himself and all us fans down and as an aside it will have been a wasted pick.
  3. niterider

    niterider Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    It's not the pot that's an issue. I don't even consider that a drug. It's his judgment, not character that's in question.
  4. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Well I kinda got to grandstanding in the original post. My main question that I was really trying to get at is WHICH CURRENT STEELER DOES STEELER NATION VIEW AS "THE" CHARACTER GUY? I was hoping for everyone to actually name a guy.
  5. bedwyr

    bedwyr Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Troy seems to have good "character", bit pious for my tastes though.

    Always thought Hines was too, then again didn't he drink drive? I detest that, a good friend of mine nearly killed himself and probbly many others, doing that. I forgave hime thoug as I do Hines.
  6. Tantum Dic Verbo

    Tantum Dic Verbo Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Well, it's an hallucinogen that's been linked to increased odds of psychotic episodes, so I think it's earned the title of "drug". That said, I agree with you that his judgment is much more in question than character. I love his level of ability in the second round, but I have reservations about his decision making. When someone is willing to risk so much for his pot high, I start questioning his priorities. Hopefully, he'll decide that pursuing the career for which he's worked so hard ranks above a particular altered state of consciousness.
  7. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Yeah Hines did do that and I also despise drinking and driving.
  8. steel1031

    steel1031 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    For me it's Brett kesiel
  9. bedwyr

    bedwyr Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    I'd go with that.

    Pouncey seems a good kid too.

    Decastro could be one?
  10. bedwyr

    bedwyr Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Aaron Smith by the way, that's character.
  11. Somathus

    Somathus Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011

    Show me one example of a "psychotic episode" involving pot and I guarantee you that there are other mitigating factors that actually caused the "whatever". Anyone who thinks pot can make someone act violent/psychotic in and of itself is just ignorant. I honestly don't mean that to sound personally insulting. Ignorance can be easily fixed
  12. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Lawrence Timmons and lamar Woodley.
  13. steel1031

    steel1031 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I can honestly tell you that some pot is strong. I watched the world series on the moon. The twins beat the braves. Only problem was it was june
  14. 4EvrH8O'donnel

    4EvrH8O'donnel Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    Redman seems like a good character guy to me but Charlie Batch to me beats everyone else listed so far.
  15. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Yeah I think Charlie Batch seems like a really good guy too. Honestly he would probably be my number 2 right after Heath.
  16. Tantum Dic Verbo

    Tantum Dic Verbo Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    No, no. I'm not talking about acute episodes. I'm talking about onset of schizophrenia. A number of studies have shown that marijuana smokers are about twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as non-smokers. There's also indication that pot-smoking hastens the onset of schizophrenia. I read a study summary just recently echoing the same results a few weeks ago. There are literally dozens of studies leading to these conclusions. You may want to check them out.

    Oh, and anecdotally, I've had two very spirited fights with guys spinning pretty hard on pot (incident to arresting them, mind you). I would point out, though, that they had both been smoking stuff with exceptionally high THC content. They certainly weren't presenting the garden variety stoner mellow. Their perceptions were obviously knocked into a cocked hat, though, based on their driving.

    In any event, I'm sorry if psychiatrists are taking the fun out of your favorite high. Perhaps you can convince the publishers of the Archives of General Psychiatry of their ignorance. It's easily fixed, after all.
  17. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I smoke pot maybe once a month.

    I graduated from high school ranked 3rd in my class, I got my degree in 4 years with a 3.4 GPA. I've never been in trouble with the law. I got a solid job right out of college working for a well established global company. I work out and stay in decent shape too.

    I don't think I'm dumb, or any less qualified to do my job, or a bad person. So I think reaming Mike Adam's for it would make me a hypocrite.
  18. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
  19. GB_Steel

    GB_Steel Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
  20. benwallace17

    benwallace17 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    What do you know, the steelers are finally going all in and building a potentially great offensive line, and we respond with complaining what else is new? Just look on the bright side for once, we got decastro and a tackle in the second that alot of people thought would go in the 1st.....ah, but he has character issues so it isn't the perfect scenario but there is plenty to be positive about......if you know how to do that. Be positive I mean lol

    I apologize to other posters if this post causes mindless toaster jokes from the village idiots.
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Village idiots are afraid of flying monkeys smoking doobies.
  22. DTX180

    DTX180 Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    considering that pot is less harmful in my eyes than alcohol abuse, the pot stuff doesnt bother me at all. However, i do think he needs to learn that most people think pot is some horrible drug, and its commonly associated with "lazy, dumb, slacker" types, and he should be a little smarter about it.

    But ya, pot was made illegal back in the early 1900s because congress thought it would make black men rape white women....and its still illegal today because of pharmaceuticals and for profit prisons that still want it illegal so they make $$$$. Its not the pot thats the issue, its how stupid he is to actually use it knowing he'd have to be tested for the draft.
  23. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Spinning hard on pot ? LOL! I'll guarantee ya those boys were hopped up on more than pot, probably whiskey. As for making you schizo from what I've read it's risk for those who have used regularly for years ie. everyday stoners. Any substance used in excess harms the mind and body. Look At the damage alcohol abuse causes and alcohol's legal.
  24. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    If I talk to myself, does that make me schizophrenic?!?!
    Funny, but my local radio station`s disc jockey, was trumpeting a study from somewhere, that concluded that young kids, (kindegardners thru 4th graders), seemed to sharpen their reasoning skills, by talking to themselves, while trying to solve a problem...
    And, I`m pretty sure they weren`t dancing with Mary Jane, prior to the study...;)
    Since the only Steeler who`s name wasn`t mentioned, that I think deserves to be on the list..
    I will give my shout out to Isaac Redmann..
    May not count, because he hasn`t been a full time starter yet... but he seems to have the chops to knock ppl on their ass, and be humble about it!
    We`ll see, if he gets his turn, behind our re-vamped O-line this year, with a coach, who might actually use him!!!
    (And if I remember an article, I read several months ago, about his upbringing, correctly... He is a VERY "High Character" kinda guy.) No pun intended.
    If their names werent already mentioned, I would have said Heath, and Charlie...
  25. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    After Pouncey's twitter tirades against fans I'd have to disagree with you. And saying it's immaturity seems like a bit of a cop out. Not saying he has bad character, but he's certainly not the poster child in my eyes. I like Keisel, Batch, & Polamalu

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