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Cardinals LB Daryl Washington Suspended for 2014 (for pot!)

Discussion in 'General NFL Talk' started by HugeSnack, May 30, 2014.

  1. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
  2. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    "Stupid is as stupid does"
    Forrest Gump-1986...(The book not the movie...)
  3. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Just ask Josh Gordon...
    My habits have cost me plenty, but, NEVER millions of dollars...
    At least I see now, why you have such formidable debating skills, and command of the english language.
    And focus, and, umm...
    Lost my point...
    I`ve heard something about pot, destroying your short term memory, and, umm...
    What was I saying again?
    Oh yeah... Can`t these kids just wait till they retire, to partake in the lifestyle?
    Maybe they should talk to Johnny Football...
    At least he is using legal substances!:roflmao:(Edit... This was posted, before he was caught rolling up a bill in a bathroom of a strip club...:facepalm:... There`s really only one reason to be doing that...Guess he went thru the "gateway" drugs....:shrug:)
    As to the question of how hard it could possibly be,
    It`s really easy.
    Once you`ve done it long enough, and you have no desire for it, anymore...
    Until then...
    No one can make you stop doing what you want to do.
    Don`t you remember being young enough to "know it all"?(I know yer younger than me, but don`t know by how much..)
    Here`s a little story I saw on my local homepage, where Manziel insists he is doing nothing wrong.
    Reminds me of things I would say to older people, trying to steer me from my mis-spent youth, when I was about his age...
    It is what it is.
    Took a LONG time, and a LOT of mistakes/ prices paid, before I realized those people had my best interests at heart.
    If you`ve never partaken in drugs, you`ve done yourself a favor,
    But you can`t understand how hard it can be to let go of the feeling they can give you.
    If these kids are unable to refrain, when million dollar contracts are on the line.
    If it was easy, they`d just quit.
    Just ask a cigarette smoker, how easy it is to quit.
  4. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Just had this discussion here at work. We're all military, we don't make millions, we get randomly tested, we manage to do it somehow!

    I think that since (Jerome Bettis) even said that guys know when they are going to be tested and have schedules out, it would be that much easier to manage.

    That being said, every one of us said that we'd slap that crap out of his hands if we were his friends. I've had cousins tell me I couldn't go hang with them at certain places because they didn't want to mess up my service.
  5. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Just sad.

    I've not indulged in that since my college days, and I believe it should be legal. But if your job depends on being clean, AND it pays millions(!), WTF are you thinking if you partake???

    I have no sympathy for him. Just facepalming at his poor choices.

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