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Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bowl?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by JackAttack 5958, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Bradshaw end of story. Next question.
  2. defva

    defva Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Bradshaw hands down.Bradshaw was money when it came to big games and expecially the superbowl.
  3. defva

    defva Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Ben hasnt shown that he can carry the team inspite of flaws on the team.Ref:game against denver.Defenses were better and more fierce in the '70's.Now, its a patty cake game.Qb's back then were shark bait to defenses and anything went but now on a sack because the defender hand touched the qb helmet,not only do he not get the sack but get penalized,fined,and give the offense a fresh set of downs.
  4. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    And Ben played terrible in his first Super Bowl against the Seahawks and had mediocre, at best, performances in his other two Super Bowls against the Cards and the Pack save for ONE MAGICAL DRIVE AGAINST THE CARDS. I give him a lot of credit for that drive and that throw at the end but the bulk of that drive was a short catch and long run by Holmes. Bradshaw was slinging it deep to Swann and Stallworth in the Super Bowls that he played in, two of which he was named the MVP!
  5. steel_d_curtain

    steel_d_curtain Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    How the hell can you really compare a QB that played in the league 30 years ago?

    The average size of a football player from now to back then has jumped what? 20 % in total size?

    Don't bite my head off but today's worst teams could probably beat the super bowls champions from the 70's. Don't give me this BS football was more tougher back then.

    Blah. Blah, Blah. Roethlisberger didn't play well to win 2 super bowls, he only won three road games as a number 6 seed to get there. Oh now we're calling the magic drive against the Arizona the Holmes drive. Yeah yet you all praise Brady for dumping passes all the time, but when Ben does it, lets give the WR all the credit it's easy for a Qb to do...

    To many Ben haters here!!
  6. Coastal Steeler

    Coastal Steeler

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Bradshaw is a year older than me. I'll take Ben
  7. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    That Gun! No one then or today flicked that ball out, piston like from the elbow, like Terry. His throwing motion was totally unique, Montana had a similar style but he didn't throw it as far.
    Terry was the last of a generation of QBs that was what you like to think, in your mind, as the QB. When he flung that ball forward from the elbow it went 50-60 yrds almost effortlessly. He was the last of the QBs that friend and foe alike just had to see live. Bradshaw dropped back, what seemed like a quarter of the field and when he flung that thing out there the whole stadium stopped. People held their breath including opposing fans and players. He was a show! LOL

    Ben's awesome, and what we need now but TB was and is a legend. Yes, he's a hick, but people making fun of him, and underestimating him, even then, put a chip on that boys shoulder that made him devastatingly effective!

    He once threw the ball 65 yrs w/ no arch!

    Terry the legend!
  8. Aerosteel

    Aerosteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    I think your last sentence helps my case - slinging it to Swann and Stallworth. Look at the players assembled around TB versus the players assembled around BB. The only position that you could argue is better now is TE, the other 9 were significantly better back then. I know he is a legend and I grew up idolizing Bradshaw, but I will ask it again - If TB and BB changed places, how many Superbowls would each of them have won?
  9. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    DObre... thank you for that link...
    Even tho I grew up watching the tail end of Bradshaw`s career... (born in 72)...
    I had forgotten just how good(amazing, actually), he really was on the field...
    It`s easy to look at him as the goofball, on camera that he is now, and forget the results he actually produced on the field.
    At the beginning of that video, I was thinking about the difference, in how he threw the ball to where the receiver was GOING to be, compared to ben scrambling around, and waiting for a reciever to get open.
    Then I was struck, by how he could run, and fight for yards when he had to, and how hard he was to bring down, even when the defense got their hands on him.
    (A trait I think Ben had early in his career, that he either has forgotten how to do, or his body just wont let him do, after the injuries have taken their toll)...
    I also saw some plays, where his recievers made amazing plays when he gave them the chance, but those seemed to be a lot less of the overall plays, than Ben looks for.
    This is hard for me to admit, because I couldn`t have been happier when we drafted Ben, I just knew, we had finally gotten a qb, who could be as good as Terry, but so far, he hasn`t lived up to my expectations...
    (unrealistic as they may be)...
    Sure, he is the best we`ve had, since Terry, but , I can`t help feeling that he could be better...
    I have to wonder if his early success, and the bike wreck, and some off-field issues, coupled with a "yes man", in Bruce Arians, haven`t limited his potential to be better than Bradshaw...
    I forgot exactly what I was comparing him to, till I watched that video...
    Then I remembered how God-like, Ben looked when he first started( even if a lot of that had to do with him "mananging" a team that could run the ball at will)...
    15-1 as a starter, and winning two superbowls within his first few (5, 6 ? i forget how many years), in the league, is no fluke...
    The kid is/was good...
    I would just like to see him commit to learning the game, and maybe re-kindling the desire to win, that led him to scramble and convert on third downs when nobody was open, but he knew he could move the chains...
    At the moment... He has a way to go, to compare to Bradshaw, in my eyes.
    Maybe it`s just because of the confidence thing, that a previous poster mentioned...
    Back then, we just KNEW we would keep the drive alive, and score what we had to...
    Even in Ben`s first few years, I had that feeling...
    Now.... I get nervous...
    And HOPE he can come up with the magic he has in the past... He seems to be RE gressing, instead of PRO gressing...
    Hope he turns that around this year, and proves me wrong!!!
  10. pastorbob

    pastorbob Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Jack,yes iam a real ordained Minister and no not all my sermons are so short.Only the good ones.
  11. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Your welcome and keep in mind Terry and Ben have one striking thing in common. Both were and are underestimated as QBs, w/ the end result a chip on the shoulder that made both very dangerous. An "I'll show you" type attitude.
    They booed Terry in the burgh and it wasn't until the Holmes catch in the SB that many would even call Ben a QB, nevermind elite! They do now LMAO!

    Let me also add this, terry is goofy because he suffers from mental illness. He always had problems with that from the time Art the great drafted him. "Where's the blonde bomber" he said when searching Terry's locker room to bring him to the burgh. Those voices in Terry's head, LOL, told him everyone was against him. Add raw talent, athleticism, and good size to that kind of neurosis and you have a Terry Bradshaw, a very dangerous opponent.
  12. punkneater

    punkneater Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    The Great one Terry Bradshaw WITHOUT A DOUBT!!
    Big Ben chokes in the big game...while the "Blonde Bomber" shined.
  13. SteelerJJ

    SteelerJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Definitely Bradshaw. He had a howitzer for an arm. Even when he had a bad game (The Super Bowl against the Rams when Bud Carson lulled him into 3 int's) he would still break the game open with a big play.
  14. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    As of now, Ben is the horse we're riding. When his career is done, let's revisit the discussion. But right now, I'm hoping Ben wins the next 3 superbowls! We'll see what his total is when he is done. I hope everyone out there is rooting for the same thing.
  15. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    Sorry, but I crack up every time I see your avatar punkneater! :lolol:
  16. BK99

    BK99 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    I'm a long long long time Steeler fan, and I think if Ben had the oline Terry had it would be close. Now if Terry had to run for his life every other play then, no the Steelers would not have won a SB. SB XIII the Steelers lose if Jackie Smith doesn't drop a ball that hit im square in the numbers, so to say Terry won 4 super bowls is wrong, he won 2 and had luck in 2. You may get mad at me but I'm being honest.
  17. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    Re: Bradshaw vs. Ben-Who would you rather have in a Super Bo

    There is an element of luck in every win, not just Terry's 70's run. H*ll, there was major luck with Roger the dodger, and BTW, Terry ran for his life many a play. There was a ton of luck for the Rams and Houston to even make the playoffs then.

    You can't play that card, because to be honest, every winner needs the lady luck. We have it and have had it and God Bless it for coming our way. Keep it coming fine lady!

    "I'd rather be lucky than good" but make no mistake about it, Terry was both!

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