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Big Ben may miss a game this year.

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by truckin9999, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. ScottChab

    ScottChab Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    From the article...

    The delivery is expected sometime this fall, perhaps even on the first Sunday of December...
  2. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
  3. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I won't judge anyone in this position, except to say it would be nice if it happened during the week. Or, if it had to happen on Sunday, in the locker room. Grab a midwife and a hot tub and you're as safe as you are in a hospital. There was a pretty convincing documentary by Ricki Lake a few years back called "The Business of Being Born" that makes a really good case for at-home birth whenever possible (when there are no forseen complications). I don't remember the numbers, but the U.S. infant mortality rate in hospitals was not something to be proud of.

    Personally, if it was me I would not be missing any game of importance. If we're 8-0 and facing the Ravens, I might skip the game. If we're 13-2 and facing the Browns, I'm definitely skipping it. If we're fighting for the playoffs or if it's early enough in the season that it could wind up being critical later on, there is no way in hell I would miss the game. It has to do with responsibility and life. Ben has a lot more people counting on him than most people, who can skip a day of work without significant damage being done to anyone. For him, missing a game could cause significant damage with serious repercussions (jobs lost, lives altered) to everyone in the organization including his own family, and mild damage to millions of people around the world. I'm talking about the most extreme circumstance, his absence costing us a playoff birth and Super Bowl win. You have responsibilities to both your family and your team. Yes, family comes first. But being present for a birth is more for yourself and your wife than it is for the kid. What does the kid care if you show up an hour late? If I missed it for a game, I would explain it to my son when he was older, and he would understand. He'd understand that if my team really needed me, I would be there for them. Just like if he ever really needed me, I'd be there for him. I don't think that's such a bad lesson, and I would certainly take strong offense to anyone that said I was shirking my duties as a father or not taking the best care of my son possible. And I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way whether I was a huge star like Ben or a good role player like Erric Pegram http://www.sfgate.com/sports/article/AFC-NOTES-Stewart-Scores-TD-Did-He-or-Didn-t-2998472.php or some scrub doing it just to make sure I keep my extremely well paying job.

    But I also wouldn't judge someone who chooses to skip the game. Vince Carter skipped a game 7 (I think) for his own graduation ceremony. That seems nuts to me, since it was purely ceremonial, he was graduating regardless, and he was the biggest star and best player on a team that needed him desperately to get to the finals (I think that's right; I'm not a basketball guy). But it was a big deal for him to have his family see him walk in the cap and gown. I totally respect that.
  4. oldschool

    oldschool Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Maybe it's just induced then... :hmmm:
  5. blitz_burgh


    Nov 15, 2011
    Good article thanks! I think overall he is a good guy. When your young you do stupid things sometimes and it seems he has learned from it. He's our QB and I wouldn't change it. Last night during the Giants game they had an ad for the Sunday night game Steelers/Denver. On the left is Ben with a scruffy beat up face and on the right is pretty boy Peyton. I looked at my wife and said "now that is a TRUE Pittsburgh Steeler on the left....gruffy, get in your face, down in the dirt kind of guy who will let it all out for the team and the fans!

  6. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    If we have a playoff berth on the line he needs to be there. He's not missing a day working at WalMart or down at the factory. This is an NFL game and he has teamates counting on him along with millions of fans. By the way don't be so quick to call others idiots just because they may have a different view than you.
  7. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Huh.....Really snack....The birth of a child is literally a once in a life time event.I do not care if my team is 10-0 or 0-10...If we are playing the Ravens or the Browns.... opening day or Super Bowl....Im at my wifes side seeing this new life into this world!!!

    That said..... Im counting 9 months in advance and planning accordingly!!!!!! But thats just me. ;-)
  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Thats not a different view, it's ****ed up priorities. First of all, his teammates would fully understand and even encourage him to see the birth of his child. Secondly, millions of fans don't mean **** in this scenario, and I'm one of his biggest fans. And if it's not idiocy then it is without a doubt selfish on the part of anyone who would be upset with Ben for choosing to be at his wifes side while she is having their baby. Do you really think anything is more important to him then his wife and kid?
  9. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Whatever, I sit here and see all this and know that there are thousands of soildiers who'll miss it every year who would give up the money just to be there, but don't get that option. So if he wants to be there then so be it. If the team that's giving him that money wants to give hime the game check for it, so be it. If the game is important and the teams misses the play-offs I'm sure people will be upset. All the teamates will say the right things, but deep down they'll be bitter about it.
  10. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    No, just some fans.
  11. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    You miss my point. None of them will criticize the decision outright because as you say they would/should have done the same thing. There will be some on the team that won't be happy with it though. It's human nature.
  12. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    With modern medical technology don't ya think, they could monitor the
    situation and maybe induce labor at some point? I don't know, I am not
    a medical doctor, ( although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express )
    If he misses a game does that mean he will miss a paycheck for one game?
    His 1 day paycheck would probably last me the rest of my lifetime. Its out of our hands,
    its his and his wife's choice. And I doubt if he gives
    a **** what anybody thinks.
  13. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Thats not a different view, it's f**k**** up priorities. First of all, his teammates would fully understand and even encourage him to see the birth of his child. Secondly, millions of fans don't mean s**t in this scenario, and I'm one of his biggest fans. And if it's not idiocy then it is without a doubt selfish on the part of anyone who would be upset with Ben for choosing to be at his wifes side while she is having their baby. Do you really think anything is more important to him then his wife and kid?[/quote:309zl0mv] I was there when my child was born and I can't think of anything that would have made me miss it. Being a starting quarterback in the NFL. Changes things a bit. Where we are at with our season when the time comes is going to determine how hard Ben's decision will be. If we are in a do or die situation it's going to be tough to miss a game.I believe you are wrong about how the rest of the team will react.
    Also I don't need a lesson on priorities. No need to call someone an idiot just because you don't agree with them.
  14. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I'm sorry but his wife is counting on him just as much or MORE than his teammates or fans - and it doesn't matter if there are BILLIONS of them - his wife trumps them all. I'm sorry that you don't give the same importance to being presence at the birth of one's child as most other fans do. I'm NOT sorry for thinking that it's IDIOTIC to feel that way. If you take offense to that, oh well.
  15. bignasty92

    bignasty92 Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011

    WOW Really!!!! :facepalm: IMO there is nothing more important than being there for the birth of your child. Not a mid season game, playoffs or even the Super Bowl!!! Family comes before everything and i for one am proud of Ben for realizing that!
  16. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Wow - comparing a sport - a GAME to a war? Comparing a PLAYER of that game to a SOLDIER? First, the soldier does not have a choice. Second, the stakes are a LITTLE higher when it comes to the soldier than the athlete. There's no comparison here. Finally - there's no way that players would be bitter toward any teammate who takes his responsibility as a husband and father seriously because they know that they could be or have been in the same circumstances. While they may be disappointed - certainly there isn't widespread bitterness.
  17. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    Good for Ben. Regardless of how important a game would be, Ben will never have a chance to see his first child being born again. I know I didn't and wouldn't have missed either of mine for anything.
  18. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I understood the point, I just disagree with it, I don't think they would be, especially the teammates who have kids.
  19. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Do you not accept that it's a personal decision for the family, and that each family might be different? What about players who have already missed their children's birth for football? Are they idiots?
  20. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    You're putting words in my mouth. I never said I didn't think it was important, as I said for myself I can't think of any reason I would miss my childs birth. Some jobs come with some personal sacrafice and that's more true depending on the job and certain situations. I remember a few years back when Favre's father passed away and Favre still played the game. Doesn't mean that if another player chose to sit out that he is right or wrong. As far as the name calling, you might be wise to knock it off.
  21. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Do you not accept that it's a personal decision for the family, and that each family might be different? What about players who have already missed their children's birth for football? Are they idiots?[/quote:3diojenr]

    I do accept it as a personal decision for the family - so if someone values a GAME over the birth of one's child - that's fine with me. Let them do it. I think that person's priorities are whacked, but a priority is a priority.

    The question is not whether or not a player who chooses to disregard the birth of his child for football is an idiot. The question is whether or not those who hold it AGAINST a player who chooses to witness a miracle over playing a game. Someone who holds it against that player, in my opinion, is an idiot.
  22. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Do you not accept that it's a personal decision for the family, and that each family might be different? What about players who have already missed their children's birth for football? Are they idiots?[/quote:3qr6qzs5]

    I do accept it as a personal decision for the family - so if someone values a GAME over the birth of one's child - that's fine with me. Let them do it. I think that person's priorities are whacked, but a priority is a priority.

    The question is not whether or not a player who chooses to disregard the birth of his child for football is an idiot. The question is whether or not those who hold it AGAINST a player who chooses to witness a miracle over playing a game. Someone who holds it against that player, in my opinion, is an idiot.[/quote:3qr6qzs5]
    I guess I can almost agree with that. Like I said I wouldn't hold it against Ben, it's just not the decision I would make (maybe -- it depends on the circumstances of the game). And I definitely wouldn't be sharing the same priorities of most of the people here, but I think the notion that choosing to play the game instead of being present for the birth means you somehow don't care about your kid as much as someone who would to the opposite is full on retarded and completely one dimensional.
  23. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Do you not accept that it's a personal decision for the family, and that each family might be different? What about players who have already missed their children's birth for football? Are they idiots?[/quote:1r20g9z2]

    I do accept it as a personal decision for the family - so if someone values a GAME over the birth of one's child - that's fine with me. Let them do it. I think that person's priorities are whacked, but a priority is a priority.

    The question is not whether or not a player who chooses to disregard the birth of his child for football is an idiot. The question is whether or not those who hold it AGAINST a player who chooses to witness a miracle over playing a game. Someone who holds it against that player, in my opinion, is an idiot.[/quote:1r20g9z2]

    That's it exactly, I saw this point start to get twisted around, thanks for setting the record straight. Sorry guys, but it's Bens decision and if you or anyone else get mad at that, it's ridiculous.
  24. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Do you not accept that it's a personal decision for the family, and that each family might be different? What about players who have already missed their children's birth for football? Are they idiots?[/quote:giznn22w]

    I do accept it as a personal decision for the family - so if someone values a GAME over the birth of one's child - that's fine with me. Let them do it. I think that person's priorities are whacked, but a priority is a priority.

    The question is not whether or not a player who chooses to disregard the birth of his child for football is an idiot. The question is whether or not those who hold it AGAINST a player who chooses to witness a miracle over playing a game. Someone who holds it against that player, in my opinion, is an idiot.[/quote:giznn22w]
    I guess I can almost agree with that. Like I said I wouldn't hold it against Ben, it's just not the decision I would make (maybe -- it depends on the circumstances of the game). And I definitely wouldn't be sharing the same priorities of most of the people here, but I think the notion that choosing to play the game instead of being present for the birth means you somehow don't care about your kid as much as someone who would to the opposite is full on retarded and completely one dimensional.[/quote:giznn22w]

    I'm not saying I wouldn't be DISAPPOINTED if Baby Ben chooses to enter the world on the day when the Steelers play the Ratbirds. Of course I would be disappointed. I want to see Ben play all 16 games. I also would not presume to judge how much one cares for a child based on a choice to miss the birth. What I would question is priorities - and I would certainly differ with that person on the uniqueness of the miracle of life. I also would question that person's priorities regarding the mother - because she is the one who truly needs his presence. The baby will never remember it, but the mother also has unique needs at that moment, and while someone may be able to step in, they can never replace the support and presence of the father.

    All that being said, I do not hold it against a couple who would make the choice for the husband to choose his job over his child. I would just respect the one who puts his family first more.
  25. fanfav

    fanfav Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012

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