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Ben suffers setback with ankle

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Cbus Steelers, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. VA_Black&Gold

    VA_Black&Gold Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Honestly? I don't think Ben has to even say anything that formal. And any coach's relationship with their franchise QB is going to be different than any other player on the team. I've thought about this for a long time, pretty much since Tomlin's second year or so, and I still think Ben pretty much calls his own shots regardless of how it should go down. I do not, however, think that this is the same relationship Tomlin maintains with the other players. Do I have proof? Only in that I think Ben has been allowed to play injured and poorly enough times over the years to indicate that either Tomlin doesn't make the decision if he plays or not, or he makes outrageously bad decisions to let him do so. But as I said before, that's just my take on things.
  2. DSteelerCT

    DSteelerCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    The dude is hurting and it's affecting the team. We haven't sniffed 20 points with him under center since getting hurt. We may squeek by this weekend, although I'm not as confident as most. Denver D can keep us in the teens with a gimpy Ben.

    Ben and MT f'd this one up and will probably throw the season down the drain. Didn't need Ben in the 2nd half vs. Clev (game 1) and vs SF, instead the saga continues...
  3. Jim90

    Jim90 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    This could be good for the running game. ( if BA brings his brain) God is making this happen (he's a Steelers fan not a Teblow) first the Mendy injury so now we get a more physical back in there, now Ben's ankle which could mean more running plays, if he can't hit any targets . God has givin up on BA too, so he's trying his best to force a better game plan. :amen: :shots:
  4. DDinAZsteel1

    DDinAZsteel1 Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Ben should never have played more than a half against Cleveland. Never. And it's not hindsight if you say and think it the moment the Rams game was over. Tomlin's fault for keeping him in. He HAS to start against Denver. He played like crap against san fran and cleveland cuz he can't move. But Batch would be broken in half against Denver in the first qtr likely. Ben's going to need to take a shot tho so he can scramble. He gave up 3-4 plays against cleveland where he had clear running lanes for first downs. The D no longer has to worry he will scramble so all they gotta do is come up the middle and he is done. We should still beat Denver but Baltimore will hammer us if we go there rd 2. First things first tho. Contain teebow/mcgay-hee and win.
  5. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Ben should never have played a second against Cleveland or San Fran. Batch proved last year that he can do enough to win games. Batch gives us a better chance to win than a gimpy Ben. Fact is, Ben isn't a good pocket passer, so if he can't scramble or roll out, then he's a very sub par QB. There's simply no reason to have him in the game if his ankle can't take the abuse. Batch should start against Denver.
  6. SteelerJJ

    SteelerJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Tomlin screwed up in regards to Ben playing the last few weeks. Had he sat we'd be looking at a much healther Q.B. Now I fear 3-4 INT's this Sunday.
  7. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    I can`t believe I am saying this, but I actually agree we should start Batch against the Broncos.
    Their offense may suck, but Dumervil and Co. are gonna tee off, BIG TIME, against Ben, if we start him...
    Batch actually made a couple good, "Ben-like" escapes under pressure in the game he played...
    If we are struggling, and being more non-productive than normal, without Ben,
    Then we could always put him in there 2nd quarter/ second half.
    I believe we can beat Denver without Ben, especially since his ankle has regressed.
    I don`t think we have a chance in hell the second round, without him, regardless who we play...
    And also don`t have a chance, if he is too much further injured, by the Bronco`s D.
    Actually, I was screaming at the tv, when Tomlin didn`t pull him after about the third series against the Clowns... It was painfully obvious that he was ineffective.
    I would NEVER want them to pull him out when he is struggling, but HEALTHY...
    This, however is completely different.
    Keeping my fingers crossed that we get by the Broncos, with or without him, and he is healthy enough to be effective the rest of the way to the Bowl!!! Feels like loooong odds at this point, though.
  8. mdbates2

    mdbates2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    I say start Batch. Denver is the easiest team to beat in the tournament this year, and we need a more mobile Ben to face either the Patsies or the Ratbirds (or both). I think Batch can beat the Broncos - and Ben could use the week off. Let Batch come in and be the hero!
  9. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    Im putting this all on T! I was in the start 7 camp for the 9ers game. Hugh game,win and we control the AFC. If hes cleared by medical and is willing to play, start him.....WHY??? leave him in when we go down 3 possesions with about 2:30 to go??? Get him out!! We are not getting the ball back 3 times.

    As for the Browns game,Im sure most, if not all of you saw my thoughts on him even playing in that game.(I have a LONG crawl ahead of me!) Could 16 beat the Broncos? Sure! Could he have beaten the Browns? Sure!.....If T gave him the chance, perhaps we would not find ourselfs in this situation.
  10. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Make sure you are welll innoculated!!!
    Just kidding....
    Don`t crawl,
    I would have to shoot you in the head, to prevent your misery, and spare myself the gut-wrenching indignation of the mental image of ANY Steeler fan kissing Ray-Ray`s behind!! And I don`t wanna go to jail!!
    Nice to know you`re a man of your word, though...;)
  11. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    If it comes to that,just shoot me in the shoulder. I wont press charges!!
  12. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Honestly? I don't think Ben has to even say anything that formal. And any coach's relationship with their franchise QB is going to be different than any other player on the team. I've thought about this for a long time, pretty much since Tomlin's second year or so, and I still think Ben pretty much calls his own shots regardless of how it should go down. I do not, however, think that this is the same relationship Tomlin maintains with the other players. Do I have proof? Only in that I think Ben has been allowed to play injured and poorly enough times over the years to indicate that either Tomlin doesn't make the decision if he plays or not, or he makes outrageously bad decisions to let him do so. But as I said before, that's just my take on things.[/quote:280ky38a]

    I don't see that from Tomlin, He doesn't seem like a coach that would allow any player, even a franchise QB to have control over him. I think with Tomlin it just boils down to a caveman mentality, tough it out, man up, all those cliches. Only explanation I can see for leaving Ben in the 49ers game with it out of reach. Docs probably told him he won't damage it worse then it already is so he left him in there. I don't agree with it, but I believe that's his thinking. I'm sure Ben wanted to play the Rams game too but Tomlin told him to sit.
  13. steel_d_curtain

    steel_d_curtain Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    START BATCH!!!!!!.......What team in their right mind would make a stupid decision like that? I don't care if Roethlisberger's foot is dislocated right now. 100% he'll start this game. Are you all that naive and gulible to even make that type of suggestion. Batch beats a weak team like St.Louis and you all think he's a star.... Like I said before a 60% Roethlisberger is better than a 100% Batch....

    Start Charlie Batch- Joke of the year.

    Take it one game at a time and stop worrying about Baltimore and New England until the time comes. We still have to beat a tough Denver team, it's not an automatic win...
  14. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011

    Should have made that decision for the Browns game!!

    If that is true why keep 16 on the roster?..Yeah we looked REALLY good against the Browns with 7 at about 75%(IF THAT)!!!.. I like 16 at 100% over 7 at 75%!!!

    Agreed..Lets beat Denver!!....Im thinking 16 gives us that best chance!!!
  15. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    If Ben started and played the whole game against the Browns, then there is no way in he&^# that he won't start and play against the Broncos. You guys are dreaming if you think that Tomlin and company should consider starting Batch!
  16. steel_d_curtain

    steel_d_curtain Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
    I am glad Ben started against the Browns, I couldn't imagine having our franchise QB start a playoff game missing a month of action. He shook off some rust, didn't turn the ball over in a windy wet game and threw for over 200 yds against a pretty good defense in their home field. I honestly don't think Batch would have faired any better.

    You could have #16 and I'll take my chances with #7 in Denver... and if you would honestly start #16 over #7 you' obviously have it in for #7 for a # of reasons...
  17. Boomer

    Boomer Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2011
    Let Redzone Redman carry the rock a bunch to open the game. Let them think Ben is worse off than he is. Then air it out to Mike and AB and torch them when the least expect it. Or something like that. Hopefully BA can come up with a good game plan. But I wouldn't bet my house on it :roll:

    :yeehaw: :towel: :yeehaw: :towel: :yeehaw: :towel:
  18. Myronwemissyinz


    Oct 17, 2011
    I am glad Ben started against the Browns, I couldn't imagine having our franchise QB start a playoff game missing a month of action. He shook off some rust, didn't turn the ball over in a windy wet game and threw for over 200 yds against a pretty good defense in their home field. I honestly don't think Batch would have faired any better.

    You could have #16 and I'll take my chances with #7 in Denver... and if you would honestly start #16 over #7 you' obviously have it in for #7 for a # of reasons...[/quote:1ptag6iu]

    You are right..16 would have won that game by 4 as well!!

    Just like to see 7 at 100% against Broncos...I think that would be what he would be near if did not play Browns game. Ts to blame.
  19. Jim90

    Jim90 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I think it was Sharpe on the NFL network that might have brought up a good point. They put Ben in the Browns game to see what he is capable of doing,( and the rust factor) then build a plan around in what he can do. So it looks like the plan will be INT's and fumbles. :bscow:
  20. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Honestly? I don't think Ben has to even say anything that formal. And any coach's relationship with their franchise QB is going to be different than any other player on the team. I've thought about this for a long time, pretty much since Tomlin's second year or so, and I still think Ben pretty much calls his own shots regardless of how it should go down. I do not, however, think that this is the same relationship Tomlin maintains with the other players. Do I have proof? Only in that I think Ben has been allowed to play injured and poorly enough times over the years to indicate that either Tomlin doesn't make the decision if he plays or not, or he makes outrageously bad decisions to let him do so. But as I said before, that's just my take on things.[/quote:2fczolic]

    I don't see that from Tomlin, He doesn't seem like a coach that would allow any player, even a franchise QB to have control over him. I think with Tomlin it just boils down to a caveman mentality, tough it out, man up, all those cliches. Only explanation I can see for leaving Ben in the 49ers game with it out of reach. Docs probably told him he won't damage it worse then it already is so he left him in there. I don't agree with it, but I believe that's his thinking. I'm sure Ben wanted to play the Rams game too but Tomlin told him to sit.[/quote:2fczolic]

    You should watch some of the miked up sideline stuff on Tomlin from last year. During the Carolina game Tomlin tells Ben he is going to leave him in for one maybe two more series and Ben asks him directly why not more. At that point Tomlin tells him directly to keep his jersey clean and he will consider leaving him in longer, if he doesn't he will pull him. Ben looks at him and says I only know one way to play coach. Tomlin says keep the jersey clean and you will make it real easy on me. Before that exchange he is screaming on the sideline for Ben to get rid of the ball to avoid a sack but you don't see him sa a word to Ben after the series about throwing it away or hurting the offense by taking unnecessary sacks. It was really eye opening in how these two communicate on the sideline which leads me to believe that even at 60% Ben is going to say I can go and Tomlin is going to let him try just because he feels Ben is such a competitor that he will overcome his injuries to find a way to win, in which case they are both stupid and should take ego out of the equation and remember there are 52 other guys on the roster that want that win and chance for a title as well.
  21. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Heck if BA is in that crazy Bombs away mood we should send him to the locker room and play DD......Just run the same plays that the Broncs run....DD is faster than Tebow and I am sure he is running the Zone Read in practice to give our guys a look....

    On the 4 real if I was the Coach I would start DD and try the Zone Read he showed he can be explosive because the Rats really couldn't contain him....Then I would have a solid PA game for Batch just in case DD can't get in the open field or he gets hurt.....Then I would turn to Ben if we failed to score the ball with the other 2......I truley believe Ben should be the last option if he is not at least 90%.....

    Heck 14 points will probably win this game......
  22. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    PWP did you happen to catch any of the Vikings game on Sunday? While I was watching it to see if Gerhart made the most of his opportunities again I was really liking the ways they tried to get Harvin involved in more than just a line up and run down field capacity. The had him line up in the backfield with Gerhart and then they faked ithe handoff and Harvin chipped at the LOS and was let run free into the second level. I would love to see the Steelers start getting creative with Wallace and Brown in such a way.
  23. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Yes I did see that and a lot more great play calling from them and other Teams around the league.......Is to bad we only have 1 approach and it really isn't to maximize the skills of our Talent,,which is why I can't stand our Game plans most of the time.....

    You are exactly correct though we have a lot of stuff we could do ,,if we so desired....The reason that play works is the scheme forces a LB or a blitzer on the blitz PU guy so you can negate pressure by getting that guy in the pattern in a hurry....WE can't do that because Ben nor BA want the short stuff they would rather wait for a big play......The point is those types of plays work because of design and being willing to force the D into a position to take what you know they will be giving you,,,,,after their hand is forced...

    Another prime example was the Pats game I watched the D of the Bills slant right about every look that the Pats had been passing from....I told my friend watch the Pats are going to go to a set that forces that same slant blitz and use it against them......Sure enough a series or so later they showed the look the Bills took the Bate and Bam a huge Screen play to BJGE......Thats what Great OC'S do and most good ones.....They find ways to maximize strenghts while minimizing weaknesses and they set Teams up with 1 play building into the next........

    You run a Offensive play for 1 of 3 reasons as far as I know.....
    #1 To dominate the other Team and Impose your will......
    #2 To get your guys in the best possible position to execute said play...
    #3 To set up bigger and better plays later in the game......

    Those are my TOP 3 and if you do any of those you have a great chance of winning o a good OC may only be working on just 1 at a time ,but IMO to become great and reach a level of dominance you need to be working all 3 every single play.......Drop back and scramble around is not the way I can Guarentee that.....
  24. Still Exiled

    Still Exiled Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Is it inconsistent for me to say that Ben is both a tough guy and a drama queen?

    I respect the fact that the guy has played hurt his whole career. He suffered a serious ankle injury in Cleveland -- we all saw it. There are few other QBs in the league that would try and play through something like that.

    But why in the world would you publicly admit that you suffered a setback -- whether its true or not -- in the days leading up to a playoff game? Shut up already. It isn't about you all the time. You don't want to acknowledge any weakness to your opponent.

    I thought Trent Dilfer had a great line before the 49ers game. He said something to the effect of "It isn't heroic to play hurt. It's heroic to play well while hurt." In the 2 1/2 games since the injury Ben has not played well IMO. If he is not capable because of injury of playing well on Sunday then Tomlin needs to have the stones to sit him down. The Steelers can beat the Bronco's with Charlie Batch, good defense and a conservative offensive game plan. What they can't overcome is Ben putting up a lunkheaded four turnover game like he did against the 49ers or the Ravens (while healthy) in the opener.
  25. BLACKnGOLDsince72

    BLACKnGOLDsince72 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Then you better hope god is also sitting on the shoulders of our OL or that running game you're wishing for isn't going to go very far ;)

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