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Ben Claims He Called Plays Not In The Playbook

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by truckin9999, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Lizzard, even Haley commented on it and said the signals have been put in the playbook now. Do you really think you are on to some major thing here that no one else is picking up on? Not Ben and not Haley or even the reporter? Come on man, stop.
  2. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Let's take a step back guys.

    And yes, personal attacks and name calling (outside of friendly trash talk) are not really kosher here.
  3. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    I saw what Haley said. I'm fine with his comments and he was diffusing some of the Ben critics about calling plays not in the book. I get it. The Offense (passing) is clicking I have no issue with it and I'm not saying it's an epiphany of some higher order! As long as it keeps working it's good. No need to get all personal about it.
  4. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    :blink: When did I get personal? All I said is that Haley isn't going to say they are putting them in the playbook if everyone knew what they were now. I know alot of people think Ben is as dumb as a bag of rocks but give him a little more credit then that. He didn't divulge anything.
  5. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    :blink: When did I get personal? All I said is that Haley isn't going to say they are putting them in the playbook if everyone knew what they were now. I know alot of people think Ben is as dumb as a bag of rocks but give him a little more credit then that. He didn't divulge anything.[/quote:2f29gzmr]

    The plays are fine I think there should be some of the old stuff in there. I just don't want that to things like that little head nod wink signal he gives to Wallace to go long come back to bite them at the wrong time. I know they still have to stop them though. I actually think he's changing before our eyes.
  6. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    Lizard, I get what your saying and, to a degree, I agree with you. Why give anyone more ammunition than they deserve to work with. However, I just don't believe it is an issue. That is only my opinion and I appreciate yours!
  7. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    I'm good, maybe I should have stayed short and sweet.
  8. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Even though it apparently is a non-issue (which none of us know for sure, only Ben and Haley know), I still have to wonder why in the hell Ben would say this in the first place. Why specifically state you used plays from a previous coach and previous playbook (even though that's apparently not exactly what happened)? If you did it, keep it to yourself, there's no reason to tell the entire world.

    Tomlin needs to assert some control of this team, because the players just do and say whatever they hell they want. Ben is supposed to be a leader, it's time he act like it and stop throwing fuel on the fire.
  9. lamberts lunatic

    lamberts lunatic Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Peyton calls his own plays. Don't you think he makes up a few that are not in the playbook? :herewego:
  10. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    1. No, because the rest of his team wouldn't know the play.
    2. Even if he did call plays not in the book, or from a past book, Peyton isn't dumb enough to undermine his OC by telling the media that's what he did
  11. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.
  12. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:1vn7g8kb]

    It went nowhere because Ben clarified that he didn't in fact call plays from BA's playbook, it was just a hand signal. The media definitely ran with it at first though. It is an issue though. Haley cannot allow Ben to be running plays that aren't from his playbook (which I know didn't happen). But if for some reason Ben decided to run a play not from Haley's playbook, I don't understand why he would need to tell the media that. If it worked, great, him and Haley would have to address it afterwards, but there's just no reason to tell the whole world that.
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    It went nowhere because Ben clarified that he didn't in fact call plays from BA's playbook, it was just a hand signal. The media definitely ran with it at first though. It is an issue though. Haley cannot allow Ben to be running plays that aren't from his playbook (which I know didn't happen). But if for some reason Ben decided to run a play not from Haley's playbook, I don't understand why he would need to tell the media that. If it worked, great, him and Haley would have to address it afterwards, but there's just no reason to tell the whole world that.[/quote:3qwan9rh]

    I agree with that, I said somewhere else that that was one he probably should have kept to himself but what I meant is that it didn't cause trouble.
  14. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I believe it was further clarified that the hand signals were only used on two plays. I don't see it as undermining the OC, but I do agree that talk about hand signals is best left unsaid.
  15. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I meant that calling an entire play not from the playbook and then telling the media about it would be undermining the OC. And that's what Ben said at first, so that's what we had to go on. Once he clarified it became much less of an issue, but I just don't understand why he can't keep some things to himself. He knows these things blow up, he knows the media is dying to run a story about him and Haley, so why throw fuel on the fire? These things are distractions to the team.
  16. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:17oitl4j]

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:wbt7fwsk]

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:[/quote:wbt7fwsk]

    What you call drama queen, I call answering questions. You guys all act like Ben seeks out the media and talks about this stuff, he's answering questions, the only thing Ben seems to be guilty of is being too forthcoming with his answers. I don't feel that way personally but others do. And then on the other side of the fence is Tomlin, people bitching that he doesn't say anything. So you got Ben that talks to much, "Ben, stfu, word your answers so you aren't saying anything" and then Tomlin, "the guy doesn't tell you anything!" :doh: I mean really, wtf is wrong with you guys, who sweats **** like this anyway??? Theres more important things to focus on.
  18. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:2t9fxvwp]

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:[/quote:2t9fxvwp]

    What you call drama queen, I call answering questions. You guys all act like Ben seeks out the media and talks about this stuff, he's answering questions, the only thing Ben seems to be guilty of is being too forthcoming with his answers. I don't feel that way personally but others do. And then on the other side of the fence is Tomlin, people bitching that he doesn't say anything. So you got Ben that talks to much, "Ben, stfu, word your answers so you aren't saying anything" and then Tomlin, "the guy doesn't tell you anything!" :doh: I mean really, wtf is wrong with you guys, who sweats s**t like this anyway??? Theres more important things to focus on.[/quote:2t9fxvwp]

    I'm not sweating it. I'm just saying that Ben has a flair for the dramatic on AND off the field.
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:3k47iziv]

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:[/quote:3k47iziv]

    What you call drama queen, I call answering questions. You guys all act like Ben seeks out the media and talks about this stuff, he's answering questions, the only thing Ben seems to be guilty of is being too forthcoming with his answers. I don't feel that way personally but others do. And then on the other side of the fence is Tomlin, people bitching that he doesn't say anything. So you got Ben that talks to much, "Ben, stfu, word your answers so you aren't saying anything" and then Tomlin, "the guy doesn't tell you anything!" :doh: I mean really, wtf is wrong with you guys, who sweats s**t like this anyway??? Theres more important things to focus on.[/quote:3k47iziv]

    I'm not sweating it. I'm just saying that Ben has a flair for the dramatic on AND off the field.[/quote:3k47iziv]

    Don't you see the irony though of the threads around here? He talks to much he doesn't say anything? Classic.
  20. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:1v6u49wf]

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:[/quote:1v6u49wf]

    What you call drama queen, I call answering questions. You guys all act like Ben seeks out the media and talks about this stuff, he's answering questions, the only thing Ben seems to be guilty of is being too forthcoming with his answers. I don't feel that way personally but others do. And then on the other side of the fence is Tomlin, people bitching that he doesn't say anything. So you got Ben that talks to much, "Ben, stfu, word your answers so you aren't saying anything" and then Tomlin, "the guy doesn't tell you anything!" :doh: I mean really, wtf is wrong with you guys, who sweats s**t like this anyway??? Theres more important things to focus on.[/quote:1v6u49wf]

    I'm not sweating it. I'm just saying that Ben has a flair for the dramatic on AND off the field.[/quote:1v6u49wf]

    Don't you see the irony though of the threads around here? He talks to much he doesn't say anything? Classic.[/quote:1v6u49wf]

    It's not ironic if it's not the same people. I have never once complained about Tomlin not saying enough to the media. If people are complaining about that, perhaps they're not the same people saying Ben talks too much. Or even if they are, what is said is more important than how much is said. Ben can talk until he's blue in the face provided he's not stirring up controversy. Big difference
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:[/quote:gcmzjhye]

    What you call drama queen, I call answering questions. You guys all act like Ben seeks out the media and talks about this stuff, he's answering questions, the only thing Ben seems to be guilty of is being too forthcoming with his answers. I don't feel that way personally but others do. And then on the other side of the fence is Tomlin, people bitching that he doesn't say anything. So you got Ben that talks to much, "Ben, stfu, word your answers so you aren't saying anything" and then Tomlin, "the guy doesn't tell you anything!" :doh: I mean really, wtf is wrong with you guys, who sweats s**t like this anyway??? Theres more important things to focus on.[/quote:gcmzjhye]

    I'm not sweating it. I'm just saying that Ben has a flair for the dramatic on AND off the field.[/quote:gcmzjhye]

    Don't you see the irony though of the threads around here? He talks to much he doesn't say anything? Classic.[/quote:gcmzjhye]

    It's not ironic if it's not the same people. I have never once complained about Tomlin not saying enough to the media. If people are complaining about that, perhaps they're not the same people saying Ben talks too much. Or even if they are, what is said is more important than how much is said. Ben can talk until he's blue in the face provided he's not stirring up controversy. Big difference[/quote:gcmzjhye]

    I have no idea, but I'd be surprised if there weren't some from both camps.
  22. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Just people here think he undermined his OC, media didn't run with it, this story didn't go anywhere , what does that tell you? If Bens a drama queen, this place must be the school he attended, I swear the crap that gets blown out of proportion around here is unreal.[/quote:3oge6s7s]

    Ben IS somewhat of a drama queen, TE, and I submit to you the following:
    -"I broke my toes."
    -"My rotator cuff is torn."
    -"Coach Haley and I had "an incident" and I walked away"
    Not to mention the "incidents" in NV and GA that we'd all like to forget. Man, that's enough drama to do me for a lifetime. :facepalm:

    Ben needs to start creating more drama on the field like he used to do with all the fourth quarter comebacks which included one of the great TD passes in Super Bowl history. That kind of drama I can handle! :yeehaw:[/quote:3oge6s7s]

    What you call drama queen, I call answering questions. You guys all act like Ben seeks out the media and talks about this stuff, he's answering questions, the only thing Ben seems to be guilty of is being too forthcoming with his answers. I don't feel that way personally but others do. And then on the other side of the fence is Tomlin, people bitching that he doesn't say anything. So you got Ben that talks to much, "Ben, stfu, word your answers so you aren't saying anything" and then Tomlin, "the guy doesn't tell you anything!" :doh: I mean really, wtf is wrong with you guys, who sweats s**t like this anyway??? Theres more important things to focus on.[/quote:3oge6s7s]

    I'm not sweating it. I'm just saying that Ben has a flair for the dramatic on AND off the field.[/quote:3oge6s7s]

    Don't you see the irony though of the threads around here? He talks to much he doesn't say anything? Classic.[/quote:3oge6s7s]

    I understand the perceived irony. Shoot, if we fans had our way we'd want absolute transparency and the press would be in heaven if every question received a thorough and totally honest answer. The issue that I have and others have with Ben is that he seems to volunteer unnecessary information at times. We all understand that some information needs to be kept in house. Player-player and payer-coach disagreements don't need to be shared with the press. Injury information is generally something that the coaching staff does not want players sharing with the press. And we all know how volatile Todd Haley can be and up to this point he's behaved himself in Pittsburgh, but I think Ben's act could potentially wear thin on Haley. I said this before but if I'm the new boss and my key employee talks about how he still runs the business the way the old boss taught him to do it AND he makes it a point to tell everyone about it then the new boss who has a history of volatility could get a little peeved at his key employee especially if the employee says that he has lunch with the old boss at least once a week. Human beings are insecure about these things so it could be an issue if Ben continues to talk freely about things that should be kept inside the organization. And then Ben remarks that he and Haley had an "incident" in Denver and that he just turned around and walked away implying that he's the bigger man in this scenario. As someone who not only majored in Management but has managed people for 25 years, I can tell you that these kinds of things can fester and grow worse with time, especially if things aren't going well. Human being can be insecure and if you perceive in any way that someone is trying to undermine what you're trying to accomplish to be successful things can go south in a hurry. It's not that Ben's talking, it's just that there are some things that just don't need to be shared for the good of organizational unity.
  23. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I see both sides of this argument and understand them both. However, I don't think people are giving Haley enough credit throughout this transition. I would have to believe that, as long as Haley has been around football, he has a pretty good understanding of how football players operate. If you think Ben is the first football player to act the way he is(not matter what side of the fence you are on) I think you are sorely mistaken. I guess my point is this, give Haley credit for knowing how to handle any type of personality he is working with until he proves otherwise. From what I have seen Haley seems to be handling things just fine in that respect. Will he be a great OC? Only time will tell!
  24. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    You don't hear too much from him right now. I think he's really just getting the feel of calling for these players. I think the run game will open up and the playbook might change a bit through the season.
  25. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    No doubt the running game will get better , and when it does even more PA passes will be called....With the new rules the running game is at least twice as hard to get going,couple that with a below average blocking OL and there is no wonder we have failed in the run game....One thing I will point out that even in that failure we have got Miller open off of PA a bunch....

    So when we get it going you will see even more PA......The type of Offense I predicted when I thought Adams would be ready and Decastro would be healthy...Anyway Haley has adapted and is still scoring the ball,,,this week will be a good measure as to his adaptability...

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