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Are we being blackballed....

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by defva, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. SDOT

    SDOT Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2016
    We have been for years. I study this stuff. They do little things like call holding on kickoffs to back us up. Holdings and stuff like that, stuff they could call on any play if they wanted and majority of those calls go against us. James Harrison gets held 3 out of every 5 pass rushes and never gets a call. Officiating was blatantly bad last weekend and I think it was because they wanted this game on Christmas to matter. But we will find out this weekend.
  2. Blitz

    Blitz Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2016

    ****in unions
  3. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I really don't buy the whole fast action excuse....many ,many times we sitting a home see blatant missed calls as they happen,even without the best view or camera angle . Most times it's literally right in front of their faces...
  4. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    It isn't just the Steelers. I think Cam Newton has a legitimate gripe about non-calls.

    The NFL is a multi- billion dollar industry and it can't hire its officials full time???
  5. Steelers '08

    Steelers '08 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2016
    I will agree with the Brady treatment. That man gets looked at wrong and the refs throw a flag. It's ridiculous to me. Plus if he doesn't get the call he loses his mind.

    Sometimes we get calls go are way and sometimes we don't. It seems to be where we're playing.

    The team that gets away with anything is Seattle especially at home. Sherman can basically mug someone and there's no flag. If anything the receiver gets called for offensive pass interference. It's hard for me to watch that team play and their on tv a lot.
  6. SteelerJJ

    SteelerJJ Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Is it me or are the college refs a heck of a lot faster with reviews?
  7. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    This thread is ridiculous. The league has it in for the Steelers and directs officials to blow calls against them... Yeah right. Hey maybe the russians are behind it....:hmm:
    • Like Like x 1
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  8. RockyBleier

    RockyBleier Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    No. We are not Ravens fans. We are not Bungles fans. We don't buy into that kind of whiney baloney.
  9. Spock

    Spock Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    I agree that we as Steelers fans do not whine about bad calls. Bad calls happen and good teams overcome them. However, to not notice that James Harrison gets held more often than not and seldom has a flag thrown is simply to be in denial of reality. My personal opinion is that I can understand an official not seeing something that occurred (ie blatant holding, but maybe he was looking at something else). However, what I absolutely cannot understand is when a call is made about something which really did not occur. (ie making **** up like twelve men on the field when actually there were eleven players on the field).
  10. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    So JH is the only edge pass rusher in the NFL who gets held by the tackles? Man it happens on darned near every passing down in every game every week. The refs blow calls - true. And every team in the league has a legitimate gripe about crappy calls. If a blown call by a ref pisses you off then you must stay pissed off. Its part of the game, get over it.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Spock

    Spock Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    Dude, did you even read the post? I don't recall stating anything about being pissed off.
  12. Coastal Steeler

    Coastal Steeler

    Oct 16, 2011
    I am more peed off because there is no coverage of the Steelers after we win a game. It took 2 days after the bungles game before I saw a highlight. That highlight was of 32 trying to tear the TT in half. The towel kicked his ass btw
  13. KnoxVegasSteel

    KnoxVegasSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Then why are you beeyotching about JH getting held. Guess what? Every O lineman holds. The good ones just don't get caught and flagged for it.
  14. Coastal Steeler

    Coastal Steeler

    Oct 16, 2011
    EF'in Russians!
  15. dobbler-33

    dobbler-33 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2011
    These random piss tests tho are funny/not funny. Bos got a notice after his stellar performance. He had an awesome response too... Along the lines of "if I'm juicing, I got the wrong stuff" HAHAHAHAHHAHA

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