Chargers as usual for me
I applied but you first :rolleyes:
Edelman saying what every Steelers fan already knows... :yawn:
I want Jalen Milroe...mainly because on I believe Madden 2022, I downloaded custom draft classes and drafted him in the 2nd round. Guy was an...
yep…simple way to summarize
irony at its finest…
There, fixed it for ya...:rolleyes::lolol:;)
I'm watching on a stream that's delayed. Just as I read your post I looked up and saw the play. How the f is that not called?! :facepalm:
Did somebody say indica??
fixed it for you
you guys need to find alternative resources from the comfort of your own home...
They've kept it fairly quiet so far...
Yeah in SC here....stupid @$$ panthers :rolleyes:
Is that.............................what she said? heeeyyyyyoooooo
And @Steelpens65, sorry you disagree…but after living here 37 years, I’ve seen enough to be able to coin it that. This place is NOTHING like it...
off topic…that avatar is sick
Da dirty Myrtle :rolleyes::facepalm:
hell yeah! where you at?