Are we the only team that keeps there best WR on bench for so many snaps!
Why do we continue to put Scotty Miller on the field and put Pickens on bench. Stupid coaching. Must be a Tomlin thing.
How do we come out and that is our plan on offense to start the game. We need new flavor
The Steelers are not working. Need to change something?
I don’t care about no losing seasons. I want to win a playoff game. Playoffs are too big for Tomlin.
Can’t use a timeout down 2 scores. Just poorly coached.
Really call that in this game at this time?
How about we use our big TEs and Pickens by goal line
Why will we never throw to Pickens
You got to go now. Only 1 timeout left
You’re not that guy to slide there. Go get a first
Tomlin. Hey throw him the ball
Tomlin is so soft with this team. Soft coach soft players. Not Steeler guys anymore. At least with Cowher we played hard.
Pickens going to ask for his release after this game. What a waste of a talent. We are the only team in NFL that does not figure out how to...
Wasted 7 minutes for that. Still no throws to Pickens. Just stupid football
If I was Pickens. I say trade me. Don’t want to use me trade me
Tomlin needs to be fired. This is how u get ready after getting your ass kicked
Are we guarding anyone
Could we beat a high school team ?
Getting out coached again. Tomlin has to go!!! Run on first down does not work