And Buffalo.
Dont be that way. We are not Baltimore!
Stand strong, go in wearing a jersey. Not a fair weather fan.
Come on stop messing with me
Teo scores down, dont need to be stupid.
I'm going to keep drinking it seems to be helping
What in the hell is happening here!
No you're not. You're like the rest of us you're going to suffer through
The defense is awful. Where the hell were these guys all year?
Come on Browns be the team we know in love
I didn't say start drinking I said drink already started a while ago
Here comes the on side
It's not a shutout! Everybody drink!
Is Dobbs available?
Doesnt want another int.
Is that for Pittsburgh or Cleveland I can't tell
Get him the hell out of the game!
At least we're going to see who's got
They're trying to slow down the Cleveland scoring barrage