Good luck against Buffalo. They're actually, like, a football team!
I took an over under on Najee at 24 yards. Not even close!!!!
In fairness it feels more like 10....
Remind me again why you're well compensated, coach.....
I'm just excited they didn't throw a 5 yard out on 4th and 15...
Geez Najee, that penalty is more yards than you have rushing
Great play by Pickens!
Nice return. Need some urgency now!!!!!
That's it. Bend that bastard backwards
Imagine the Steelers not being prepared for a 4th down
That was a dog sh*t spot
We don't blitz but the zone is so deep on 3rd and 3.
9 yards straight up the middle. Almost more rushing yards than Najee has all night. Wish we could do one of those
A slant! Amazing!
Good effort bybNajee
There was no reason to touch the kicker....
A STOP!!!!
Unfortunately that means the Ravens will be playing offense again. Someone on defense needs to make a play (thanks captain obvious)