RAVENS ENJOY YOUR HAT AND T SHIRT!!Was there a Banana peel on the field!! AHAHA:facepalm::lolol:
Who has it better than Ravens fans!! AWW Bills fans!! :dancing:
Question here: MT stated that, the monday following the end of the regular season is a Trash Bag day! Empty out your lockers and all! However the...
Watching the Broncos and Bills game makes me long for the days when the Steelers use to dominate teams! Not so much lately!
RATBIRDS enjoy your wildcard win over the Steelers because against the Bills you will loose! You won't run Lamar and Henry wild up the middle they...
STEELERS = Straugjt up Azz! Ravens enjoy your win because the buck stops here!
One down one to go! Go Steelers!!:dancing::beathorse::herewego!:
Ravens Superbowl is the Divisional crown! Steelers win this game in a close one! May go to OT a field go to win it!:herewego!::herewego!::boorats:
No doubt this game could go either way! However if the Steelers would have played inspiring Football and won against the Bengals it would erased...
Steelers are the BITCHES of the playoffs! Every playoff Team has getting better and the Steelers have **** the sheets in every game in December!...
By him requesting Mahome and Kelce to come get him all while his Team was getting raped by the chiefs is very telling where is head is at this...
Kils me how Wilson can be so optimistic about the playoffs! When you have lost 4 games straight!! 4 damn games bro! At this time you are suppose...
Same results next week only worst! No pride, No heart, No desire! Spells losers!
Not a very smart team!
Once upon a time this time of year Steelers use be able to say WE RUN THE NORTH! These days WE RUN FROM THE NORTH! Sad!!:puking 4:
Garbage, just Garbage!:facepalm:
Listening to the post game comments from MT WE'LL STAY DOWN! and players Keep our HEADS DOWN! and get to work and get better that's all we can do...
Headlines read Steelers got dribbled on Chistmas! And the 2 future HOF Coaches show mutual respect when they shook hands at the end of the game!...
Must be nice to go into opponents stadiums and rip their hearts out!:beathorse:
Get the LUBE ready!!:facepalm::poopy: