I can't remember a worse year to need a QB. Free agency and the draft are super weak.
Players like Watt don't sign for incentives. They can get guaranteed money.
I wanted a rebuild. It looks like we're going the exact opposite route. I can't stand the guy, but unless Giants overpay he's coming here
Other than age I love it. He was a leader on Eagles
Too bad and I don't care. I hope they give Metcalf #14 too. Suck it up or go cry somewhere else.
Leaping over the line is less than useless to stop this play. Every guy that does it just goes for a body surfing ride on the O linemen/QB. You...
Not sure why you'd be surprised the Eagles are the highest. They've been kicking the can down-the-road for the last 5 years. If they weren't one...
Last time they won the Superbowl fans booed them off the field at halftime of the FIRST GAME. They came back and won the game. They are the...
I hope he brings enough ayahuasca for the whole class, because the only way we see a championship is if we mass hallucinate it.
I was so pissed when the Eagles got DeJean. I had hoped against hope that we could get him somehow, and I despise the Eagles almost as much as...
Never. It would be my set-in-stone rule if I were a GM.
Interesting. I didn't realize Sharp's numbers were that low. Maybe there's hope yet.
The fact that neither Smith Sr. nor Tory Holt made it in tells me that Hines Ward is never getting in the HOF unfortunately. I would have gone to...
They treat 1st ballot entry as an elite honor. He'll get in at some point, along with the rest of the other 15 finalists. The fact that it took...
Lamar would have won if he hadn't already had 2. As much as I hate the Ravens, this was objectively the same thing as when Garrett won DPOY over...
Same here. I've never even across the pond, but Ireland is one place I've considered going. If golf and Guiness weren't enough, this might just...
Absurd call, but not at all game changing. It would have been a Chiefs 1st down anyway after they enforce the holding call. A difference of 10 to...
Not just very talented. I'd argue this is the best rookie season for an NFL QB ever Ben's was comparable, but he had way more talent around him
Nit picking a bit, but they were a dropped 2 point conversion from having to stop Josh Allen from getting a fg with about 1:20 left and 2...
Mark Androps. Lol!!!