Well then I can just say I'm a steelers fan then. This isn't important business just sports talk but I want to be where the fun is, not a...
What I am is a 50 year old man who is/was a sports fan in general. Originally a rams n packers fan. But I came here because I fully expect this...
You'll change your mind when they are 3-1 or 4-0 soon
You are about 40 years behind. It's always been that way
For shame sir,for shame
See? You said some didn't like it and it didn't matter. I just thought I'd mention it is all sheesh.
The State of Penn. is fine with Vick is my point. I am a Penn state fan by the way
I haven't insulted a single person at all yet ( I didn't mean yet as though it's expected either)
A human calling it rape doesn't n make it rape. A dog is not premeditating harming someone through a sex act. It is simply mating. I'm not...
I'm not nesasarily disagreeing. Just looking from a different angle
You actually said raped? Really? Come on dude
I was talking about media. But I guarantee you the Rooney's are laughing because if they want it,it's going to happen
Press good or bad is the whole point. They don't care who likes or who hates this. They want you to waste time talking about it.
It was incredibly poorly written though which says something about the author
I tend to jump in pretty early. I don't equate this with meeting people for the first time in real life. Sorry
You should have said you were one to make it more interesting. I just stated the obvious, I know
Animal rights people don't watch football. No one cares about their tree hugging opinion
Next week they'll sign Riley Cooper too! :) it's a joke people,lighten up
Like the one with Roethlisberger etc etc al