Very sad news indeed. RIP, Craig. Will miss your enthusiasm on the radio broadcasts.
He was as much responsible for my love of the game as the game itself. The Pens were rarely on TV back in the 70's, so dad and I would listen on...
Well, 3 am comes at me really fast. Good night, all.
I changed the channel. Absolutely no interest in it whatsoever.
I remember thinking the Chiefs have never seen a defense this fast, this big, this talented and this well coached. I will give KC's offense their...
Wow..........KC is really rattled.
My only advice to people that have never been there is; "Lucky you."
Yep.......wife is a Depeche Mode fan. That's what she said.
To be fair, that likely happens no matter what. Place is a cesspool.
It's the whole fairy tale love affair this country has with Swift and Kelce. Sickens me.
Excellent. Nice throw, Kermit. Now, put it in the end zone.
The Eagles absolutely punked the Steelers. That whole last third of the season was an embarrassment to the organization. And yet, not a damn thing...
"When Harry Met Sally", lol.
That's a really weak call.
Lucky he didn't fumble there.
I feel for you, having to deal with obnoxious Philly fans. But KC needs to choke down a huge plate of humble pie. Their brand is even more...
They are taking old man Kelce, Kermit's woobie, out of the game.
The Eagles are knocking the swagger right out of KC's offense.
They are everything the Steelers THINk they have the personnel to be. :rolleyes:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!