I am a fan of Tomlin and he deserves credit. The only complaint I have of him is his clock management is terrible and I really wish he would do...
I doubt it would have got overturned. Those types of plays never get overturned
I can't believe the Steelers came within a missed 40 yard FG from the playoffs! I gave up like 3 weeks ago only to get hope again & then heart...
I hope Reid doesn't settle for a tie FG lol
They need another first down
This is nerve racking!
Come on Chiefs.. one final drive to get the Steelers in!!
Those runs on first downs were a killer. They needed to try a PA deep pass once
Not looking good.. the offense needs to do something on this drive
Yeah they really need to hold them to 3 on this drive
I agree!!
Chiefs INT!!!
I think the Chiefs offense can do ok but that defense doesn't look so good
Come on Jets, hold on!
Well Chiefs will most likely lose but at least there is some excitement in the 4pm games!
Bengals are trying to lose. 2 personal fouls on the same play just gave them 30 yards
FIrst and goal at the 1 & Dalton throws a pick. Geez!
I like Tomlin alot but he is bad at one important aspect of the game.. Clock management! It is not just this game, it is every game. I want him...
I think everything could happen except KC beating San Diego. KC is going to lay down