Haha! Huh? WTF?!?! Am I the only one that looks at the 'tale of the tape' and doesn't see 'Advantage Haley?!' I'll take the winning...
That's awesome. We threw the ball A FRANCHISE RECORD 574 times last year.
Great observation. Very true. I haven't started ANY of these threads. I'm just bringing another (albeit, unpoluar) viewpoint to the table....
It's okay. Apology accepted. I just think you like having DICK on the tip of your tongue. Hey-o!! Duuuuude. Did you really just say "another...
It's a "stupid play call" because it was executed poorly? The same play that went for 95yards from Ben to Wallace in Arizona? When Ben throws...
1.) I can conclude Haley was a problem. I already posted that I (along with half the media) predicted it, it was confirmed during the season, and...
Yeah, I see what you did there. You can go out of your way to call me DICK all you want because you don't like that my view on this is different....
On a roll? Ha. I thought it was weak as hell but, hey, he's doing what he can to help you save face in the Haley department so I understand your...
Do some of us even watch the games? Yeah. I attended 9 of them live last season. Since you're "too lazy to look them up" . . . no, we weren't...
What's interesting to me is that people are trying to defend a problem (Haley) that was . . . *ANTICIPATED (or maybe nobody remembers some of us...
I don't want to hear about the labor pains, just show me the baby. Excuses are for chumps. 21st in offense. 26th in rushing (which he was...
It would be poor leadership for Tomlin to micromanage Todd Haley the way Art II did with Tomlin when he forced him to get rid of the future NFL...
Yup. That was Ben BAILING HALEY OUT. BA was bad for his first few years here. I'll admit to that. But . . . he got a feel for Ben and the...
Haha. Nope. I said the TWO (I even numbered 'em to help with the comprehension) were the major contributors to our offenses' problems (as...
Yep, that was a walk-off. Game over. Oh, by the way, it's Haley's JOB to get Ben to buy into it. If Haley can't lead, he doesn't need to be in...
[/B]Damn. I would have embraced that. Parlayed that into a trifecta.
I absolutely agree with you. I have no problem with what he said. To be honest, it didn't need to be said by anyone. It was painfully obvious...
After looking at the bare-chested, chiseled, square-jawed gladiator you chose as your profile pic . . . I'm surprised you would have a problem...
Interested in buying my Steelers card collection? Cards from 1950 Bowmans to current cards. Almost all PSA 9 or higher. Nearly 700 cards. Near...
Oh, ha! Whoops. I see you UT and, crazy me, thinks Utah. Their qb was abysmal.