Was thinking maybe sometime this spring(on a Saturday about 1pm)we should all get together at a designated primantis brothers restaurant and drink...
now he will be too expensive to sign. Lol
just read a story about him leaving Texans next year. Story said Steelers might be interested because of marketing all three brothers would be...
He doesn't have the skill to lead this debacle of a team to the playoffs
Hope this gets better but my goodness bad play calling in key drives. D did ok with only 26 poin
Word down here in Miami is that he will be released March 14 according to Miami Herald.
Yea baby. I get to see the game
Ok so we fire Tomlin and hire Chip Kelly. He in turn trades Ben to the Ravens for the 12 day wonder Mallett. Then all is well. LOL I AM...
Is Ben throwing down field way too much or not? He seems not to get the Brady calls. Just my opinion
I am thinking he has turned the corner and likes the steelers more than we think
I think Ben is purposely throwing games to get Haley fired. LOL it seems like Ben has settled into marriage and fatherhood and has no drive like...
Or is it too early for comparisons :herewego:
Ed Reed has a torn labrum. Just heard it down here on Miami sports talk :herewego:
I think I would have kicked the field goal on 3rd down just in case. 14 seconds and 2 chances in the rain kind of made sense. We won anyway so it...
Of course we are. We lost. If Manning would have lost probably not. I am just surprised we are the second replay and not the first. Oh well :herewego:
I was thinking about naming the new offense. Came up with HALEYS COMETS. LOL !!!!!! (Sorry I am bored today stuck in Miami airport). :herewego:
:herewego!: :herewego!: :herewego!: Just a little too small for your head.LOL. Just having some fun, Too many people upset today. Wait until...
Ben did not practice, had a noticable limp, and didn't address reporters Wed. Got this from The Tribune Review
Or was Kemo trying to single handedly lose this game for us. Maybe he was trying to protect Ben too much. We were lucky all his penalties didn't...
fofr those that are bored