I saw a quote somewhere that I liked - “If you torture data long enough, it will confess to anything”. Said another way, data can be manipulated...
Earlier this week I think Tomlin said Fields would start this game, but declined to say who QB1 was moving forward, noting that he wouldn’t make...
We live toward the center part of the State and have a few good cheese steak places. At least one of them brings in fresh hoagie buns from Philly....
My brother lives down there and said ChurchKey. They have a lot of craft beer evidently. Disclaimer - you can’t blame me if you don’t like it!
I can appreciate your point about analytics and agree that those are part of the game. My point was more about all of these new “stats”...
As you chart your course, I’m not sure if you are heading there or their.
Agreed - it will be interesting to see how he plays coming off the bench.
You keep posting - play stupid games, win stupid prizes. People will keep pointing out your shortcomings.
You know ownership won’t do this, so why post about it in incessantly. They literally just gave Tomlin a new contract.
Heavy dose of Watt and Herbig. I agree that Leal will be given an opportunity, as he will need to sub in for the others.
I was actually going to suggest a reincarnated Goldburgh. He’s got that same kind of tenacity and firey responses.
I do think we should have won another one or two, including the one we lost to Green Bay. Andy Reid was run out of Philadelphia and is now...
Being top 10 on both sides of the ball obviously didn’t translate to a successful season or post-season. Your response is that it was Ben’s fault,...
I liked Cowher a lot, but your stats don’t tell the whole story. If they were top 10 in both offense and defense in 2006, which I’ll take your...
I think there is a lot of “outside noise” that is created by the sports media, much of which is largely ignored by the teams themselves.
I understand defending your players, but I also think it takes away from your own credibility when you defend something that you are wrong about....
I see your point about the Super Bowl run, but if the run itself is evidence of great coaching, then why has Harbaugh done nothing since. In the...
I agree with this - I think there are some who would plug rookies into a starting role at the beginning of camp, just because they looked good in...
Just to play devils advocate - I wonder what would have happened if we drafted Shawn Andrews instead of Ben (which was widely reported as...
I’ve never done this, but have wondered, if you go to Pittsburgh and buy tickets on one of the ticket platforms, does it get cheaper as the game...